# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import division
import sys
import json
import math
import fiona
import rasterio
import warnings
from affine import Affine
import numpy as np
from shapely.geos import ReadingError
from shapely import wkt, wkb
from collections import Iterable, Mapping
geom_types = ["Point", "LineString", "Polygon",
"MultiPoint", "MultiLineString", "MultiPolygon"]
PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3
if PY3:
string_types = str,
string_types = basestring,
[docs]def wrap_geom(geom):
""" Wraps a geometry dict in an GeoJSON Feature
return {'type': 'Feature',
'properties': {},
'geometry': geom}
[docs]def parse_feature(obj):
""" Given a python object
attemp to a GeoJSON-like Feature from it
# object implementing geo_interface
if hasattr(obj, '__geo_interface__'):
gi = obj.__geo_interface__
if gi['type'] in geom_types:
return wrap_geom(gi)
elif gi['type'] == 'Feature':
return gi
# wkt
shape = wkt.loads(obj)
return wrap_geom(shape.__geo_interface__)
except (ReadingError, TypeError, AttributeError):
# wkb
shape = wkb.loads(obj)
return wrap_geom(shape.__geo_interface__)
except (ReadingError, TypeError):
# geojson-like python mapping
if obj['type'] in geom_types:
return wrap_geom(obj)
elif obj['type'] == 'Feature':
return obj
except (AssertionError, TypeError):
raise ValueError("Can't parse %s as a geojson Feature object" % obj)
[docs]def read_features(obj, layer=0):
features_iter = None
if isinstance(obj, string_types):
# test it as fiona data source
with fiona.open(obj, 'r', layer=layer) as src:
assert len(src) > 0
def fiona_generator(obj):
with fiona.open(obj, 'r', layer=layer) as src:
for feature in src:
yield feature
features_iter = fiona_generator(obj)
except (AssertionError, TypeError, IOError, OSError):
mapping = json.loads(obj)
if 'type' in mapping and mapping['type'] == 'FeatureCollection':
features_iter = mapping['features']
elif mapping['type'] in geom_types + ['Feature']:
features_iter = [parse_feature(mapping)]
except ValueError:
# Single feature-like string
features_iter = [parse_feature(obj)]
elif isinstance(obj, Mapping):
if 'type' in obj and obj['type'] == 'FeatureCollection':
features_iter = obj['features']
features_iter = [parse_feature(obj)]
elif isinstance(obj, bytes):
# Single binary object, probably a wkb
features_iter = [parse_feature(obj)]
elif hasattr(obj, '__geo_interface__'):
mapping = obj.__geo_interface__
if mapping['type'] == 'FeatureCollection':
features_iter = mapping['features']
features_iter = [parse_feature(mapping)]
elif isinstance(obj, Iterable):
# Iterable of feature-like objects
features_iter = (parse_feature(x) for x in obj)
if not features_iter:
raise ValueError("Object is not a recognized source of Features")
return features_iter
[docs]def read_featurecollection(obj, layer=0):
features = read_features(obj, layer=layer)
fc = {'type': 'FeatureCollection', 'features': []}
fc['features'] = [f for f in features]
return fc
[docs]def rowcol(x, y, affine, op=math.floor):
""" Get row/col for a x/y
r = int(op((y - affine.f) / affine.e))
c = int(op((x - affine.c) / affine.a))
return r, c
[docs]def bounds_window(bounds, affine):
"""Create a full cover rasterio-style window
w, s, e, n = bounds
row_start, col_start = rowcol(w, n, affine)
row_stop, col_stop = rowcol(e, s, affine, op=math.ceil)
return (row_start, row_stop), (col_start, col_stop)
[docs]def window_bounds(window, affine):
(row_start, row_stop), (col_start, col_stop) = window
w, s = (col_start, row_stop) * affine
e, n = (col_stop, row_start) * affine
return w, s, e, n
[docs]def boundless_array(arr, window, nodata, masked=False):
dim3 = False
if len(arr.shape) == 3:
dim3 = True
elif len(arr.shape) != 2:
raise ValueError("Must be a 2D or 3D array")
# unpack for readability
(wr_start, wr_stop), (wc_start, wc_stop) = window
# Calculate overlap
olr_start = max(min(window[0][0], arr.shape[-2:][0]), 0)
olr_stop = max(min(window[0][1], arr.shape[-2:][0]), 0)
olc_start = max(min(window[1][0], arr.shape[-2:][1]), 0)
olc_stop = max(min(window[1][1], arr.shape[-2:][1]), 0)
# Calc dimensions
overlap_shape = (olr_stop - olr_start, olc_stop - olc_start)
if dim3:
window_shape = (arr.shape[0], wr_stop - wr_start, wc_stop - wc_start)
window_shape = (wr_stop - wr_start, wc_stop - wc_start)
# create an array of nodata values
out = np.ones(shape=window_shape) * nodata
# Fill with data where overlapping
nr_start = olr_start - wr_start
nr_stop = nr_start + overlap_shape[0]
nc_start = olc_start - wc_start
nc_stop = nc_start + overlap_shape[1]
if dim3:
out[:, nr_start:nr_stop, nc_start:nc_stop] = arr[:, olr_start:olr_stop, olc_start:olc_stop]
out[nr_start:nr_stop, nc_start:nc_stop] = arr[olr_start:olr_stop, olc_start:olc_stop]
if masked:
out = np.ma.MaskedArray(out, mask=(out == nodata))
return out
[docs]class Raster(object):
""" Raster abstraction for data access to 2/3D array-like things
Use as a context manager to ensure dataset gets closed properly::
>>> with Raster(path) as rast:
raster: 2/3D array-like data source, required
Currently supports paths to rasterio-supported rasters and
numpy arrays with Affine transforms.
affine: Affine object
Maps row/col to coordinate reference system
required if raster is ndarray
nodata: nodata value, optional
Overrides the datasource's internal nodata if specified
band: integer
raster band number, optional (default: 1)
def __init__(self, raster, affine=None, nodata=None, band=1):
self.drivers = None
self.array = None
self.src = None
if isinstance(raster, np.ndarray):
if affine is None:
raise ValueError("Must specify affine for numpy arrays")
self.array = raster
self.affine = affine
self.shape = raster.shape
self.nodata = nodata
self.drivers = rasterio.drivers()
self.src = rasterio.open(raster, 'r')
self.affine = self.src.affine
self.shape = (self.src.height, self.src.width)
self.band = band
if nodata is not None:
# override with specified nodata
self.nodata = float(nodata)
self.nodata = self.src.nodata
[docs] def index(self, x, y):
"""Given x,y in crs, return the (column, row) on the raster
col, row = [math.floor(a) for a in (~self.affine * (x, y))]
return row, col
[docs] def read(self, bounds=None, window=None, masked=False, nan_as_nodata=False):
""" Performs a boundless read against the underlying array source
bounds: bounding box
in w, s, e, n order, iterable, optional
window: rasterio-style window, optional
bounds OR window are required,
specifying both or neither will raise exception
masked: boolean
return a masked numpy array, default: False
bounds OR window are required, specifying both or neither will raise exception
nan_as_nodata: boolean
Treat NaN values as nodata, default: False
Raster object with update affine and array info
# Calculate the window
if bounds and window:
raise ValueError("Specify either bounds or window")
if bounds:
win = bounds_window(bounds, self.affine)
elif window:
win = window
raise ValueError("Specify either bounds or window")
c, _, _, f = window_bounds(win, self.affine) # c ~ west, f ~ north
a, b, _, d, e, _, _, _, _ = tuple(self.affine)
new_affine = Affine(a, b, c, d, e, f)
nodata = self.nodata
if nodata is None:
nodata = -999
warnings.warn("Setting nodata to -999; specify nodata explicitly")
if self.array is not None:
# It's an ndarray already
new_array = boundless_array(self.array, window=win, nodata=nodata, masked=masked)
elif self.src:
# It's an open rasterio dataset
new_array = self.src.read(self.band, window=win, boundless=True, masked=masked)
if nan_as_nodata:
nans = np.isnan(new_array)
if nans.any():
if masked:
# TODO would need to set nan = nodata and remask
raise NotImplementedError("specify nan_as_nodata OR masked")
new_array[nans] = nodata
return Raster(new_array, new_affine, nodata)
def __enter__(self):
return self
def __exit__(self, *args):
if self.src is not None:
# close the rasterio reader