Creating a project

Railroadtracks is a toolkit designed to help the handling of computational tasks when:

  • the tasks have a relatively high rate of failure because running the underlying software is brittle (resources such as RAM or time not known beforehand, spurious crash)
  • the tasks can be iteratively added (the results of tasks can decide what is next)
  • the programmatic construction of pipelines can be desirable

This ipython notebook is a self-contained tutorial to show some its features.

With railroadtracks, projects are typically contained in a directory on the file system: this will contain a database describing the dependency graph as well as the results for all tasks.

We will use the following directory for this tutorial (it can be changed to a different location if needed):

In [1]:
tmpdir = '/tmp/rrt_tutorial' # this directory will be erased !

The "!" will run a shell command. With this we make sure that we can start cleanly.

In [2]:
! rm -rf $tmpdir

In addition to the directory, a project will require a model module. This is a python module in which classes to represent the tasks are declared or imported from other module. Here we use the model for RNA-Seq included with railroadtracks.

In [3]:
# import the model for RNA-Seq
from railroadtracks import rnaseq

The package is designed with interactive (REPL) programming in mind. Error messages should be relatively explicit, and lead the user to a quick resolution of problems.

For example, trying to create a project now will end with an error.

In [4]:
import os
from railroadtracks import easy

model = rnaseq
# try/except to allow a fully automated evaluation of the notebook
    project = easy.Project(model, 
                           wd = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'project'))
except Exception as e:
    print('Error: %s' % str(e))
Error: The working directory '/tmp/rrt_tutorial/project' should be a directory

The issue can be fixed by creating the project directory.

In [5]:
! mkdir -p $tmpdir/project

This time the creation of a project is working.

In [6]:
project = easy.Project(model,
                       wd = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'project'))

Displaying a project

Railroadtracks objects often have a custom string representation. For example, we can print our project:

In [7]:
Status: New "railroadtracks" project
Working directory: /tmp/rrt_tutorial/project
  Available: 31.00 GB
  Total:     39.00 GB
  Total:     0
Activity    Progress
Result Type    Progress

HTML display is also available for some of the objects, and this can be used in the IPython notebook.

In [8]:
from IPython.display import display
import railroadtracks.ipython as rsip

Our project can now be "displayed" in the notebook.

In [9]:
New "railroadtracks" project
Working directory
Disk space  4.00GB (total: 39.00GB)
Activity Progress
Result Type Progress

Working with model environments

A model environment is a convenience class that exposes the content of a model (see the creation of a project above) in a form convenient for writing recipes (that is sequence of steps), with a special attention to interactive use (for example with ipython).

Creating a working environment from a model is meant to be as easy as creating a project.

Note The attentive reader will note that an other model could be written and used (either as a module like `rnaseq` currently is, or as an object)
In [10]:
env = easy.Environment(rnaseq)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/railroadtracks/model/ UserWarning: Model SailfishQuant is deprecated. Please use SalmonAlignQuant.
  warnings.warn('Model SailfishQuant is deprecated. Please use SalmonAlignQuant.')
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/railroadtracks/model/ UserWarning: Model SailfishIndex is deprecated. Please use SalmonIndex.
  warnings.warn('Model SailfishIndex is deprecated. Please use SalmonIndex.')

In this example, we will build

  • a bowtie index for a reference genome
  • align reads in FASTQ files using that index

The package is shipping with the public sequence of a phage, and will use this as a conveniently small toy genome.

In [11]:
import railroadtracks.model.simulate
reference_fn = railroadtracks.model.simulate.PHAGEFASTA

We also need an indexer (indexing part of an aligner).

The working environment we created contains an attribute activities that acts a namespace of activiyies declared in the model. Writing env.activities and hitting <tab> on ipython would list the options available.

Here we select bowtie2.

In [12]:
bowtie2index = env.activities.INDEX.bowtie2build

Aligning reads using bowtie2

The object bowtie2index is a "step" that can perform the indexing of reference genome. The embodiment of that step into a task, that is the application of the step to a specific set of input file requires the definition of the associated assets.

The assets are basically the input files (source assets) and the output files (target assets).

Each step contains a nested class Assets, itself with a nested class Source and a nested class Target. These should be used to construct our assets.

In [13]:
    source = bowtie2index.Assets.Source(reference_fn)
except Exception as e:
    print('Error: %s' % str(e))
Error: The object "'/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/railroadtracks/EF204940.fa'" was expected to be of type <class 'railroadtracks.model.files.FASTAFile'> (but is a <type 'str'>)

Again, error messages are meant to be rather explicit. Here the model is typing the input assets (which allows early consistency checks). The error disappears when the required class is used.

In [14]:
reference_fasta = rnaseq.FASTAFile(reference_fn)
source = bowtie2index.Assets.Source(reference_fasta)
Name Class
reference <class 'railroadtracks.model.files.FASTAFile'> ("defined")

When thinking about a task, we let one focus on the input for the task while deferring the definition of the output (where the files will be stored) to a later stage (and even have it handled for you).

Target assets can be created as "undefined".

In [15]:
target = bowtie2index.Assets.Target.createundefined()

Name Class
indexfilepattern <class 'railroadtracks.model.aligners.SavedBowtie2Index'> ("undefined")

Building the complete set of assets is done by combining the source and target assets.

In [16]:
assets_index = bowtie2index.Assets(source, target)

Whenever the target assets are undefined, one can implicitly mean it by using Python's None or omitting the target altogether:

In [17]:
assets_index = bowtie2index.Assets(source, target=None)
# or
assets_index = bowtie2index.Assets(source)

With both a step and assets, we can now create a task:

Note that the task is labelled as "To do"...

In [18]:
task = project.add_task(bowtie2index, assets_index)
Info(1, u'To do', 1434847392.997949)
Name Class
reference <class 'railroadtracks.model.files.FASTAFile'> ("defined")
Name Class
indexfilepattern <class 'railroadtracks.model.aligners.SavedBowtie2Index'> ("defined")
In [19]:
(1, u'To do', 1434847392.997949)
In [20]:

Note that the target is now fully defined. This was performed automatically by the framework.

In [21]:
<railroadtracks.model.aligners.Assets at 0x7f31e411be50>

Thanks to the persistent layer, adding tasks can be done without having to explicitly keep track of the operations already performed. Identical tasks will be identified as such and a unique ID is assigned to them.

To demonstrate this, we add the same task again (with an undefined target). The result is the same ID (1), and the attribute new tells that this ID is not new.

In [22]:
assets_again = bowtie2index.Assets(bowtie2index.Assets.Source(rnaseq.FASTAFile(reference_fn)))
task = project.add_task(bowtie2index, assets_again)
Info(1, u'To do', 1434847392.997949)
Name Class
reference <class 'railroadtracks.model.files.FASTAFile'> ("defined")
Name Class
indexfilepattern <class 'railroadtracks.model.aligners.SavedBowtie2Index'> ("defined")

Since our model provides a relatively unified interface for steps, building the indexes for several tools can be done easily in a loop:

In [23]:
listofindexers = (env.activities.INDEX.bwaindex, 
# list of tasks
listoftasks = list()
for indexer in listofindexers:
    # create assets for the indexer
    assets_index = indexer.Assets(indexer.Assets.Source(reference_fasta))
    # add to the list of tasks
    listoftasks.append(project.add_task(indexer, assets_index))

Note that our little project is now growing:

In [24]:
New "railroadtracks" project
Working directory
Disk space  4.00GB (total: 39.00GB)
To do  2/2
Activity Progress
Index  0/2
Result Type Progress
SavedBowtie2Index  0/1
BWAIndexFiles  0/1

Task execution

Executing tasks can be done manually with:

In [25]:
for task in listoftasks:
        # set the status to "done"
        task.status = easy._TASK_DONE
        # set the status to "failed"
        task.status = easy._TASK_FAILED
New "railroadtracks" project
Working directory
Disk space  4.00GB (total: 39.00GB)
Done  2/2
Activity Progress
Index  2/2
Result Type Progress
SavedBowtie2Index  1/1
BWAIndexFiles  1/1
In [26]:
for task in listoftasks:
New "railroadtracks" project
Working directory
Disk space  4.00GB (total: 39.00GB)
To do  2/2
Activity Progress
Index  0/2
Result Type Progress
SavedBowtie2Index  0/1
BWAIndexFiles  0/1
In [27]:
ts_index = easy.TaskSet()
for task in listoftasks:

However, railroadtracks is also providing a level of abstraction to execute sets of tasks, separating the declaration of tasks from where they will be running.

Task mappers are objects that implement a method map that can take a TaskSet and run all the tasks it contains.

One such mapper provided with railroadtracks is a naive mapper that executes tasks iteratively and in the current process.

In [28]:
engine = easy.IterativeExecution()
Counter({'Done': 2})

An other mapper provided is using multiple processes:

In [29]:
for task in ts_index:
# multiprocessing with 2 parallel processes
engine = easy.MultiprocessingExecution(NPROCS)
Counter({'Done': 2})

We are also providing a mapper for SGE's qsub and have implemented an in-house one for an Hadoop cluster. The key point is that the description of the workflow is independent of the type of infrastructure the tasks will be executed on.

The graph in the dependency graph

Our dependency graph can be turned into a networkx DiGraph object.

In [30]:
from railroadtracks.easy.taskgraph import TaskGraph

taskgraph = TaskGraph(project)

We are also providing a utility to display the dependency graph.

In [31]:
%3 t:1 - .fa t:1 - .fa a:2 - bwa-index a:2 - bwa-index t:1 - .fa->a:2 - bwa-index a:1 - bowtie2-build a:1 - bowtie2-build t:1 - .fa->a:1 - bowtie2-build t:3 - BWAIndexFiles t:3 - BWAIndexFiles a:2 - bwa-index->t:3 - BWAIndexFiles t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index a:1 - bowtie2-build->t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index

Now let's add more tasks: the aligment of FASTQ files and the counts for the annotated features.

We assume that the file names for the sequencing data are contained in a table:

In [32]:
import pandas

dataf_fq = pandas.DataFrame({'sample_n': tuple('sample_%i' % i for i in range(1, 4)),
                             'read1_fn': tuple('sample_%i_1.fq' % i for i in range(1, 4)),
                             'read2_fn': tuple('sample_%i_2.fq' % i for i in range(1, 4))})
In [33]:
import os, tempfile
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
with open(reference_fn) as fasta_fh:
    reference = next(railroadtracks.model.simulate.readfasta_iter(fasta_fh))
for idx, row in dataf_fq.iterrows():
    with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, row['read1_fn']), 'w') as read1_fh, \
        open(os.path.join(tmpdir, row['read2_fn']), 'w') as read2_fh:
        railroadtracks.model.simulate.randomPEreads(read1_fh, read2_fh, reference)

Adding aligment tasks is then as simple as looping through them:

In [34]:
task_index = project.add_task(bowtie2index,
bowtie2 = env.activities.ALIGN.bowtie2
Assets = bowtie2.Assets
FASTQ = rnaseq.FASTQPossiblyGzipCompressed
ts_align = easy.TaskSet()
for idx, row in dataf_fq.iterrows():
    assets_align = Assets(Assets.Source(,
                                        FASTQ(os.path.join(tmpdir, row['read1_fn'])),
                                        FASTQ(os.path.join(tmpdir, row['read2_fn']))))
    task = project.add_task(bowtie2, assets_align)

Adding the quantification tasks is equally easy:

In [35]:
htseqcount = env.activities.QUANTIFY.htseqcount
Assets = htseqcount.Assets
ts_quantify = easy.TaskSet()
for task_align in ts_align:
    assets_quantify = Assets(Assets.Source(,
    task_quantify = project.add_task(htseqcount, assets_quantify,
                                     parameters = tuple(['--will-fail']))
In [36]:
columnmerger = env.activities.UTILITY.columnmerger
Assets = columnmerger.Assets
filestomerge = tuple(rnaseq.CSVFile( for x in ts_quantify)
assets = Assets(Assets.Source(rnaseq.CSVFileSequence(filestomerge)))
task_merge_into_table = project.add_task(columnmerger, assets, parameters=(0,1))
In [37]:
taskgraph = TaskGraph(project)
from IPython.display import SVG
display(SVG(rsip.svg_digraph(taskgraph.digraph, graph_size="8,6")))
%3 t:7 - .fq t:7 - .fq a:4 - bowtie2 a:4 - bowtie2 t:7 - .fq->a:4 - bowtie2 t:9 - .bam t:9 - .bam a:4 - bowtie2->t:9 - .bam a:7 - htseqcount a:7 - htseqcount t:9 - .bam->a:7 - htseqcount t:15 - .csv t:15 - .csv a:7 - htseqcount->t:15 - .csv s:1 - CSVFileSequence s:1 - CSVFileSequence t:15 - .csv->s:1 - CSVFileSequence t:10 - .fq t:10 - .fq a:5 - bowtie2 a:5 - bowtie2 t:10 - .fq->a:5 - bowtie2 t:12 - .bam t:12 - .bam a:5 - bowtie2->t:12 - .bam a:8 - htseqcount a:8 - htseqcount t:12 - .bam->a:8 - htseqcount t:16 - .csv t:16 - .csv a:8 - htseqcount->t:16 - .csv t:16 - .csv->s:1 - CSVFileSequence t:11 - .fq t:11 - .fq t:11 - .fq->a:5 - bowtie2 t:4 - .fq t:4 - .fq a:3 - bowtie2 a:3 - bowtie2 t:4 - .fq->a:3 - bowtie2 t:6 - .bam t:6 - .bam a:3 - bowtie2->t:6 - .bam a:6 - htseqcount a:6 - htseqcount t:6 - .bam->a:6 - htseqcount t:14 - .csv t:14 - .csv a:6 - htseqcount->t:14 - .csv t:14 - .csv->s:1 - CSVFileSequence t:5 - .fq t:5 - .fq t:5 - .fq->a:3 - bowtie2 t:8 - .fq t:8 - .fq t:8 - .fq->a:4 - bowtie2 t:1 - .fa t:1 - .fa a:2 - bwa-index a:2 - bwa-index t:1 - .fa->a:2 - bwa-index a:1 - bowtie2-build a:1 - bowtie2-build t:1 - .fa->a:1 - bowtie2-build t:3 - BWAIndexFiles t:3 - BWAIndexFiles a:2 - bwa-index->t:3 - BWAIndexFiles t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index a:1 - bowtie2-build->t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index->a:4 - bowtie2 t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index->a:5 - bowtie2 t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index->a:3 - bowtie2 t:13 - .gff t:13 - .gff t:13 - .gff->a:7 - htseqcount t:13 - .gff->a:8 - htseqcount t:13 - .gff->a:6 - htseqcount a:9 - column-merge a:9 - column-merge s:1 - CSVFileSequence->a:9 - column-merge t:17 - .csv t:17 - .csv a:9 - column-merge->t:17 - .csv

Having declared tasks and grouped them in sets of tasks that can be parallelized is all that is needed:

In [38]:
from railroadtracks.easy.tasksetgraph import TaskSetGraph
engine = easy.IterativeExecution()
tsg = TaskSetGraph(project=project, defaultmapper=engine)
# add them in reverse order to show that the execution plan
# does not depend on the order they are entered.
# individual tasks can also be added

# execute all tasks, parallelized with task sets and using
# the default mapper (execution engine)
/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/railroadtracks/model/ UserWarning: The source asset 'alignedreads' should ideally be sorted by read IDs. We are sorting the file; use explicitly a 'BAMFileSortedByID' rather than a 'BAMFile' for better performances, as well as for reproducibility issues (the sorting will use whatever 'samtools` is first found in the PATH)
  % ("alignedreads", BAMFileSortedByID.__name__, BAMFile.__name__))
ERROR:railroadtracks.model.quantify:samtools view /tmp/rrt_tutorial/project/step_8/tmpfGPiNi.bam | htseq-count --will-fail - /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/railroadtracks/ef204940.gff
ERROR:railroadtracks.model.quantify:samtools view /tmp/rrt_tutorial/project/step_6/tmpLiO51b.bam | htseq-count --will-fail - /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/railroadtracks/ef204940.gff
ERROR:railroadtracks.model.quantify:samtools view /tmp/rrt_tutorial/project/step_7/tmpxgWvY_.bam | htseq-count --will-fail - /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/railroadtracks/ef204940.gff

Unfortunately, while the alignment tasks were successful the quantification tasks were not:

In [39]:
New "railroadtracks" project
Working directory
Disk space  4.00GB (total: 39.00GB)
Failed  3/9
Done  5/9
To do  1/9
Activity Progress
Index  2/2
Align  3/3
Quantify  0/3
Utility  0/1
Result Type Progress
BWAIndexFiles  1/1
CSVFile  0/4

We can visualize this on a graph:

In [40]:
taskgraph = TaskGraph(project)
%3 t:7 - .fq t:7 - .fq a:4 - bowtie2 a:4 - bowtie2 t:7 - .fq->a:4 - bowtie2 t:9 - .bam t:9 - .bam a:4 - bowtie2->t:9 - .bam a:7 - htseqcount a:7 - htseqcount t:9 - .bam->a:7 - htseqcount t:15 - .csv t:15 - .csv a:7 - htseqcount->t:15 - .csv s:1 - CSVFileSequence s:1 - CSVFileSequence t:15 - .csv->s:1 - CSVFileSequence t:10 - .fq t:10 - .fq a:5 - bowtie2 a:5 - bowtie2 t:10 - .fq->a:5 - bowtie2 t:12 - .bam t:12 - .bam a:5 - bowtie2->t:12 - .bam a:8 - htseqcount a:8 - htseqcount t:12 - .bam->a:8 - htseqcount t:16 - .csv t:16 - .csv a:8 - htseqcount->t:16 - .csv t:16 - .csv->s:1 - CSVFileSequence t:11 - .fq t:11 - .fq t:11 - .fq->a:5 - bowtie2 t:4 - .fq t:4 - .fq a:3 - bowtie2 a:3 - bowtie2 t:4 - .fq->a:3 - bowtie2 t:6 - .bam t:6 - .bam a:3 - bowtie2->t:6 - .bam a:6 - htseqcount a:6 - htseqcount t:6 - .bam->a:6 - htseqcount t:14 - .csv t:14 - .csv a:6 - htseqcount->t:14 - .csv t:14 - .csv->s:1 - CSVFileSequence t:5 - .fq t:5 - .fq t:5 - .fq->a:3 - bowtie2 t:8 - .fq t:8 - .fq t:8 - .fq->a:4 - bowtie2 t:1 - .fa t:1 - .fa a:2 - bwa-index a:2 - bwa-index t:1 - .fa->a:2 - bwa-index a:1 - bowtie2-build a:1 - bowtie2-build t:1 - .fa->a:1 - bowtie2-build t:3 - BWAIndexFiles t:3 - BWAIndexFiles a:2 - bwa-index->t:3 - BWAIndexFiles t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index a:1 - bowtie2-build->t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index->a:4 - bowtie2 t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index->a:5 - bowtie2 t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index->a:3 - bowtie2 t:13 - .gff t:13 - .gff t:13 - .gff->a:7 - htseqcount t:13 - .gff->a:8 - htseqcount t:13 - .gff->a:6 - htseqcount a:9 - column-merge a:9 - column-merge s:1 - CSVFileSequence->a:9 - column-merge t:17 - .csv t:17 - .csv a:9 - column-merge->t:17 - .csv

Investigating the source of error is straightforward. Here the all quantification have failed, so we just pick one in the set and try to execute it.

In [41]:
task = next(iter(ts_quantify))
# we could also look at the task number (ID) on the graph and do:
# taskid = 10
# task = project.get_task(task_id)

except Exception as e:
ERROR:railroadtracks.model.quantify:samtools view /tmp/rrt_tutorial/project/step_6/tmprIM9MK.bam | htseq-count --will-fail - /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/railroadtracks/ef204940.gff
Command '['samtools', 'view', '/tmp/rrt_tutorial/project/step_6/tmprIM9MK.bam', '|', 'htseq-count', '--will-fail', '-', '/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/railroadtracks/ef204940.gff']' returned non-zero exit status 2

The cause of the failure is an invalid parameter, which we correct in a new task set.

In [42]:
htseqcount = env.activities.QUANTIFY.htseqcount
Assets = htseqcount.Assets
ts_quantify = easy.TaskSet()
for task_align in ts_align:
    assets_quantify = Assets(Assets.Source(,
    task_quantify = project.add_task(htseqcount, assets_quantify,
                                     parameters = htseqcount._noexons_parameters)
Assets = columnmerger.Assets
filestomerge = tuple(rnaseq.CSVFile( for x in ts_quantify)
assets = Assets(Assets.Source(rnaseq.CSVFileSequence(filestomerge)))
task_merge_into_table = project.add_task(columnmerger, assets, parameters=(0,1))

The task set is then added to our task set graph.

In [43]:
ERROR:railroadtracks.model.quantify:samtools view /tmp/rrt_tutorial/project/step_8/tmpHIGed3.bam | htseq-count --will-fail - /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/railroadtracks/ef204940.gff
ERROR:railroadtracks.model.quantify:samtools view /tmp/rrt_tutorial/project/step_6/tmpkj1guf.bam | htseq-count --will-fail - /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/railroadtracks/ef204940.gff
ERROR:railroadtracks.model.quantify:samtools view /tmp/rrt_tutorial/project/step_7/tmpY4aGoE.bam | htseq-count --will-fail - /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/railroadtracks/ef204940.gff

The new parameters allow us to succesfully run all tasks and obtain a table of counts.

This time we are using the additional grouping of tasks in the TaskSetGraph tsg when displaying the dependency graph:

In [44]:
taskgraph = TaskGraph(project)
display(SVG(rsip.svg_tasksetgraph_view(tsg, taskgraph, graph_size="8,6")))
%3 cluster_Align Align cluster_Quantify Quantify cluster_Quantify - 2 Quantify - 2 a:4 - bowtie2 a:4 - bowtie2 t:9 - .bam t:9 - .bam a:4 - bowtie2->t:9 - .bam a:5 - bowtie2 a:5 - bowtie2 t:12 - .bam t:12 - .bam a:5 - bowtie2->t:12 - .bam a:3 - bowtie2 a:3 - bowtie2 t:6 - .bam t:6 - .bam a:3 - bowtie2->t:6 - .bam a:11 - htseqcount a:11 - htseqcount t:19 - .csv t:19 - .csv a:11 - htseqcount->t:19 - .csv a:12 - htseqcount a:12 - htseqcount t:20 - .csv t:20 - .csv a:12 - htseqcount->t:20 - .csv a:10 - htseqcount a:10 - htseqcount t:18 - .csv t:18 - .csv a:10 - htseqcount->t:18 - .csv a:7 - htseqcount a:7 - htseqcount t:15 - .csv t:15 - .csv a:7 - htseqcount->t:15 - .csv a:8 - htseqcount a:8 - htseqcount t:16 - .csv t:16 - .csv a:8 - htseqcount->t:16 - .csv a:6 - htseqcount a:6 - htseqcount t:14 - .csv t:14 - .csv a:6 - htseqcount->t:14 - .csv t:9 - .bam->a:11 - htseqcount t:9 - .bam->a:7 - htseqcount t:12 - .bam->a:12 - htseqcount t:12 - .bam->a:8 - htseqcount t:6 - .bam->a:10 - htseqcount t:6 - .bam->a:6 - htseqcount s:2 - CSVFileSequence s:2 - CSVFileSequence t:19 - .csv->s:2 - CSVFileSequence t:20 - .csv->s:2 - CSVFileSequence t:18 - .csv->s:2 - CSVFileSequence s:1 - CSVFileSequence s:1 - CSVFileSequence t:15 - .csv->s:1 - CSVFileSequence t:16 - .csv->s:1 - CSVFileSequence t:14 - .csv->s:1 - CSVFileSequence a:13 - column-merge a:13 - column-merge s:2 - CSVFileSequence->a:13 - column-merge a:9 - column-merge a:9 - column-merge s:1 - CSVFileSequence->a:9 - column-merge t:7 - .fq t:7 - .fq t:7 - .fq->a:4 - bowtie2 t:21 - .csv t:21 - .csv a:13 - column-merge->t:21 - .csv t:17 - .csv t:17 - .csv a:9 - column-merge->t:17 - .csv t:10 - .fq t:10 - .fq t:10 - .fq->a:5 - bowtie2 t:11 - .fq t:11 - .fq t:11 - .fq->a:5 - bowtie2 t:4 - .fq t:4 - .fq t:4 - .fq->a:3 - bowtie2 t:5 - .fq t:5 - .fq t:5 - .fq->a:3 - bowtie2 t:8 - .fq t:8 - .fq t:8 - .fq->a:4 - bowtie2 t:1 - .fa t:1 - .fa a:2 - bwa-index a:2 - bwa-index t:1 - .fa->a:2 - bwa-index a:1 - bowtie2-build a:1 - bowtie2-build t:1 - .fa->a:1 - bowtie2-build t:3 - BWAIndexFiles t:3 - BWAIndexFiles a:2 - bwa-index->t:3 - BWAIndexFiles t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index a:1 - bowtie2-build->t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index->a:4 - bowtie2 t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index->a:5 - bowtie2 t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index->a:3 - bowtie2 t:13 - .gff t:13 - .gff t:13 - .gff->a:11 - htseqcount t:13 - .gff->a:12 - htseqcount t:13 - .gff->a:10 - htseqcount t:13 - .gff->a:7 - htseqcount t:13 - .gff->a:8 - htseqcount t:13 - .gff->a:6 - htseqcount

More task can be added, such as for example extracting unaligned reads from the BAM files and producing FASTQ files containing them.

In [45]:
SamtoolsExtractUnaligned = railroadtracks.model.aligners.SamtoolsExtractUnaligned
taskset_unaligned = easy.TaskSet()

bamtofastq = railroadtracks.model.files.BedtoolsBamToFastqPE()

taskset_backtofq = easy.TaskSet()

for task_align in ts_align:
    # extract unaligned reads
    Assets = SamtoolsExtractUnaligned.Assets
    assets = Assets(Assets.Source(
    task_extract = project.add_task(SamtoolsExtractUnaligned(), assets)

    # convert to FASTQ
    Assets = bamtofastq.Assets
    assets = Assets(Assets.Source(
    taskset_backtofq.add(project.add_task(bamtofastq, assets))

taskgraph = TaskGraph(project)
display(SVG(rsip.svg_tasksetgraph_view(tsg, taskgraph, graph_size="8,6")))
%3 cluster_Utility Utility cluster_Align Align cluster_Convert file formats Convert file formats cluster_Quantify Quantify cluster_Quantify - 2 Quantify - 2 a:16 - samtools-extractunaligned a:16 - samtools-extractunaligned t:25 - .bam t:25 - .bam a:16 - samtools-extractunaligned->t:25 - .bam a:18 - samtools-extractunaligned a:18 - samtools-extractunaligned t:28 - .bam t:28 - .bam a:18 - samtools-extractunaligned->t:28 - .bam a:14 - samtools-extractunaligned a:14 - samtools-extractunaligned t:22 - .bam t:22 - .bam a:14 - samtools-extractunaligned->t:22 - .bam a:4 - bowtie2 a:4 - bowtie2 t:9 - .bam t:9 - .bam a:4 - bowtie2->t:9 - .bam a:5 - bowtie2 a:5 - bowtie2 t:12 - .bam t:12 - .bam a:5 - bowtie2->t:12 - .bam a:3 - bowtie2 a:3 - bowtie2 t:6 - .bam t:6 - .bam a:3 - bowtie2->t:6 - .bam a:17 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE a:17 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE t:26 - .fq t:26 - .fq a:17 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE->t:26 - .fq t:27 - .fq t:27 - .fq a:17 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE->t:27 - .fq a:15 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE a:15 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE t:23 - .fq t:23 - .fq a:15 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE->t:23 - .fq t:24 - .fq t:24 - .fq a:15 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE->t:24 - .fq a:19 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE a:19 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE t:30 - .fq t:30 - .fq a:19 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE->t:30 - .fq t:29 - .fq t:29 - .fq a:19 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE->t:29 - .fq a:11 - htseqcount a:11 - htseqcount t:19 - .csv t:19 - .csv a:11 - htseqcount->t:19 - .csv a:12 - htseqcount a:12 - htseqcount t:20 - .csv t:20 - .csv a:12 - htseqcount->t:20 - .csv a:10 - htseqcount a:10 - htseqcount t:18 - .csv t:18 - .csv a:10 - htseqcount->t:18 - .csv a:7 - htseqcount a:7 - htseqcount t:15 - .csv t:15 - .csv a:7 - htseqcount->t:15 - .csv a:8 - htseqcount a:8 - htseqcount t:16 - .csv t:16 - .csv a:8 - htseqcount->t:16 - .csv a:6 - htseqcount a:6 - htseqcount t:14 - .csv t:14 - .csv a:6 - htseqcount->t:14 - .csv t:25 - .bam->a:17 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE t:28 - .bam->a:19 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE t:22 - .bam->a:15 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE t:9 - .bam->a:16 - samtools-extractunaligned t:9 - .bam->a:11 - htseqcount t:9 - .bam->a:7 - htseqcount t:12 - .bam->a:18 - samtools-extractunaligned t:12 - .bam->a:12 - htseqcount t:12 - .bam->a:8 - htseqcount t:6 - .bam->a:14 - samtools-extractunaligned t:6 - .bam->a:10 - htseqcount t:6 - .bam->a:6 - htseqcount s:2 - CSVFileSequence s:2 - CSVFileSequence t:19 - .csv->s:2 - CSVFileSequence t:20 - .csv->s:2 - CSVFileSequence t:18 - .csv->s:2 - CSVFileSequence s:1 - CSVFileSequence s:1 - CSVFileSequence t:15 - .csv->s:1 - CSVFileSequence t:16 - .csv->s:1 - CSVFileSequence t:14 - .csv->s:1 - CSVFileSequence a:13 - column-merge a:13 - column-merge s:2 - CSVFileSequence->a:13 - column-merge a:9 - column-merge a:9 - column-merge s:1 - CSVFileSequence->a:9 - column-merge t:7 - .fq t:7 - .fq t:7 - .fq->a:4 - bowtie2 t:21 - .csv t:21 - .csv a:13 - column-merge->t:21 - .csv t:17 - .csv t:17 - .csv a:9 - column-merge->t:17 - .csv t:10 - .fq t:10 - .fq t:10 - .fq->a:5 - bowtie2 t:11 - .fq t:11 - .fq t:11 - .fq->a:5 - bowtie2 t:4 - .fq t:4 - .fq t:4 - .fq->a:3 - bowtie2 t:5 - .fq t:5 - .fq t:5 - .fq->a:3 - bowtie2 t:8 - .fq t:8 - .fq t:8 - .fq->a:4 - bowtie2 t:1 - .fa t:1 - .fa a:2 - bwa-index a:2 - bwa-index t:1 - .fa->a:2 - bwa-index a:1 - bowtie2-build a:1 - bowtie2-build t:1 - .fa->a:1 - bowtie2-build t:3 - BWAIndexFiles t:3 - BWAIndexFiles a:2 - bwa-index->t:3 - BWAIndexFiles t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index a:1 - bowtie2-build->t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index->a:4 - bowtie2 t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index->a:5 - bowtie2 t:2 - SavedBowtie2Index->a:3 - bowtie2 t:13 - .gff t:13 - .gff t:13 - .gff->a:11 - htseqcount t:13 - .gff->a:12 - htseqcount t:13 - .gff->a:10 - htseqcount t:13 - .gff->a:7 - htseqcount t:13 - .gff->a:8 - htseqcount t:13 - .gff->a:6 - htseqcount

Building a full pipeline

Adding additional alternative processing is then only a matter of nesting loops. If we want to expand on our initial consideration to use BWA, say for comparison purposes, and build the same tasks for it is done in very few additional lines of code.

Building blocks for the pipeline

Four functions can be written.

1/4: Align the reads

In [46]:
def align_reads(task_index, aligner, dataf_fq, project):
    # align the reads
    taskset_align = easy.TaskSet()
    Assets = aligner.Assets
    FASTQ = rnaseq.FASTQPossiblyGzipCompressed
    for idx, row in dataf_fq.iterrows():
        assets_align = Assets(Assets.Source(,
                                            FASTQ(os.path.join(tmpdir, row['read1_fn'])),
                                            FASTQ(os.path.join(tmpdir, row['read2_fn']))))
        task = project.add_task(aligner, assets_align)
    return taskset_align

2/4: Quantify the alignments

In [47]:
def quantify_reads(taskset_align, project, additional_parameters = ()):
    # quantify the alignments
    htseqcount = env.activities.QUANTIFY.htseqcount
    parameters = list(htseqcount._noexons_parameters)
    Assets = htseqcount.Assets
    taskset_quantify = easy.TaskSet()
    for task_align in taskset_align:
        assets_quantify = Assets(Assets.Source(,
        task_quantify = project.add_task(htseqcount, assets_quantify,
                                         parameters = parameters)
    return taskset_quantify

3/4: Build a table of counts

In [48]:
def build_table_of_counts(taskset_quantify, project):
    # merge the alignments into a table of counts
    Assets = columnmerger.Assets
    filestomerge = tuple(rnaseq.CSVFile( for x in taskset_quantify)
    assets = Assets(Assets.Source(rnaseq.CSVFileSequence(filestomerge)))
    task_merge = project.add_task(columnmerger, assets, parameters=(0,1))
    return task_merge

4/4: Save unaligned reads into FASTQ files

In [49]:
def unaligned_to_FASTQ(taskset_align, project):
    SamtoolsExtractUnaligned = railroadtracks.model.aligners.SamtoolsExtractUnaligned
    bamtofastq = railroadtracks.model.files.BedtoolsBamToFastqPE()
    taskset_unaligned = easy.TaskSet()
    taskset_backtofq = easy.TaskSet()
    for task_align in taskset_align:
        # extract unaligned reads
        Assets = SamtoolsExtractUnaligned.Assets
        assets = Assets(Assets.Source(
        task_extract = project.add_task(SamtoolsExtractUnaligned(), assets)

        # convert to FASTQ
        Assets = bamtofastq.Assets
        assets = Assets(Assets.Source(
        taskset_backtofq.add(project.add_task(bamtofastq, assets))
    return (taskset_unaligned, taskset_backtofq)

Assembly of the pipeline

With the four short functions defined above, a workflow that aligns reads with either bowtie2 or BWA and for each aligner saves the unaligned reads into FASTQ files and quantifies the aligments can be written in very few lines of code.

One can note that the workflow is also quite generic. It is only depending on reference_fasta, the FASTA file with the reference genome, and on dataf_fq, a pandas DataFrame that contains the file names for the FASTQ files.

In [50]:
os.mkdir(os.path.join(tmpdir, 'project2'))
project2 = easy.Project(rnaseq,
                        wd = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'project2'))

# pairs of indexer/aligner
listofindexers = ((env.activities.INDEX.bwaindex, env.activities.ALIGN.bwa),
                   (env.activities.INDEX.bowtie2build, env.activities.ALIGN.bowtie2))

# additional parameters for the quantifier
quant_params = (('-m', 'union'),
                ('-m', 'intersection-strict'),
                ('-m', 'intersection-nonempty'))

tsg2 = TaskSetGraph(defaultmapper=engine)

taskset_index = easy.TaskSet()
# loop through the indexers
for indexer, aligner in listofindexers:

    # create assets for the indexer
    assets_index = indexer.Assets(indexer.Assets.Source(reference_fasta))
    # add to the list of tasks
    task_index = project2.add_task(indexer, assets_index)

    # align the reads
    taskset_align = align_reads(task_index, aligner, dataf_fq, project2)

    for additional_parameters in quant_params:
        # quantify the alignments
        taskset_quantify = quantify_reads(taskset_align, project2,
        # merge the counts into a table
        task_merge = build_table_of_counts(taskset_quantify, project2)

    # extract the unaligned read into FASTQ files
    taskset_unaligned, taskset_backtofq = unaligned_to_FASTQ(taskset_align, project2)	

# add the set of indexing tasks
# (order of addition to the TaskSetGraph does not matter)

Running the pipeline is done as simply as before:

In [51]:

Visualizing the pipeline, together with the grouping of tasks for parallel execution is also done as for simpler pipelines:

In [52]:
taskgraph = TaskGraph(project2)
display(SVG(rsip.svg_tasksetgraph_view(tsg2, taskgraph, graph_size="10,8")))
%3 cluster_Quantify - 2 Quantify - 2 cluster_Utility - 2 Utility - 2 cluster_Convert file formats - 2 Convert file formats - 2 cluster_Quantify - 4 Quantify - 4 cluster_Align Align cluster_Quantify Quantify cluster_Convert file formats Convert file formats cluster_Quantify - 3 Quantify - 3 cluster_Quantify - 5 Quantify - 5 cluster_Align - 2 Align - 2 cluster_Quantify - 6 Quantify - 6 cluster_Utility Utility cluster_Index Index a:5 - htseqcount a:5 - htseqcount t:13 - .csv t:13 - .csv a:5 - htseqcount->t:13 - .csv a:6 - htseqcount a:6 - htseqcount t:14 - .csv t:14 - .csv a:6 - htseqcount->t:14 - .csv a:7 - htseqcount a:7 - htseqcount t:15 - .csv t:15 - .csv a:7 - htseqcount->t:15 - .csv a:39 - samtools-extractunaligned a:39 - samtools-extractunaligned t:50 - .bam t:50 - .bam a:39 - samtools-extractunaligned->t:50 - .bam a:41 - samtools-extractunaligned a:41 - samtools-extractunaligned t:53 - .bam t:53 - .bam a:41 - samtools-extractunaligned->t:53 - .bam a:43 - samtools-extractunaligned a:43 - samtools-extractunaligned t:56 - .bam t:56 - .bam a:43 - samtools-extractunaligned->t:56 - .bam a:18 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE a:18 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE t:26 - .fq t:26 - .fq a:18 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE->t:26 - .fq t:27 - .fq t:27 - .fq a:18 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE->t:27 - .fq a:20 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE a:20 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE t:30 - .fq t:30 - .fq a:20 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE->t:30 - .fq t:29 - .fq t:29 - .fq a:20 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE->t:29 - .fq a:22 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE a:22 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE t:33 - .fq t:33 - .fq a:22 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE->t:33 - .fq t:32 - .fq t:32 - .fq a:22 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE->t:32 - .fq a:31 - htseqcount a:31 - htseqcount t:42 - .csv t:42 - .csv a:31 - htseqcount->t:42 - .csv a:32 - htseqcount a:32 - htseqcount t:43 - .csv t:43 - .csv a:32 - htseqcount->t:43 - .csv a:33 - htseqcount a:33 - htseqcount t:44 - .csv t:44 - .csv a:33 - htseqcount->t:44 - .csv a:2 - bwa-align a:2 - bwa-align t:5 - .bam t:5 - .bam a:2 - bwa-align->t:5 - .bam a:3 - bwa-align a:3 - bwa-align t:8 - .bam t:8 - .bam a:3 - bwa-align->t:8 - .bam a:4 - bwa-align a:4 - bwa-align t:11 - .bam t:11 - .bam a:4 - bwa-align->t:11 - .bam a:13 - htseqcount a:13 - htseqcount t:21 - .csv t:21 - .csv a:13 - htseqcount->t:21 - .csv a:14 - htseqcount a:14 - htseqcount t:22 - .csv t:22 - .csv a:14 - htseqcount->t:22 - .csv a:15 - htseqcount a:15 - htseqcount t:23 - .csv t:23 - .csv a:15 - htseqcount->t:23 - .csv a:40 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE a:40 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE t:52 - .fq t:52 - .fq a:40 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE->t:52 - .fq t:51 - .fq t:51 - .fq a:40 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE->t:51 - .fq a:42 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE a:42 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE t:54 - .fq t:54 - .fq a:42 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE->t:54 - .fq t:55 - .fq t:55 - .fq a:42 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE->t:55 - .fq a:44 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE a:44 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE t:57 - .fq t:57 - .fq a:44 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE->t:57 - .fq t:58 - .fq t:58 - .fq a:44 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE->t:58 - .fq a:9 - htseqcount a:9 - htseqcount t:17 - .csv t:17 - .csv a:9 - htseqcount->t:17 - .csv a:10 - htseqcount a:10 - htseqcount t:18 - .csv t:18 - .csv a:10 - htseqcount->t:18 - .csv a:11 - htseqcount a:11 - htseqcount t:19 - .csv t:19 - .csv a:11 - htseqcount->t:19 - .csv a:35 - htseqcount a:35 - htseqcount t:46 - .csv t:46 - .csv a:35 - htseqcount->t:46 - .csv a:36 - htseqcount a:36 - htseqcount t:47 - .csv t:47 - .csv a:36 - htseqcount->t:47 - .csv a:37 - htseqcount a:37 - htseqcount t:48 - .csv t:48 - .csv a:37 - htseqcount->t:48 - .csv a:24 - bowtie2 a:24 - bowtie2 t:35 - .bam t:35 - .bam a:24 - bowtie2->t:35 - .bam a:25 - bowtie2 a:25 - bowtie2 t:36 - .bam t:36 - .bam a:25 - bowtie2->t:36 - .bam a:26 - bowtie2 a:26 - bowtie2 t:37 - .bam t:37 - .bam a:26 - bowtie2->t:37 - .bam a:27 - htseqcount a:27 - htseqcount t:38 - .csv t:38 - .csv a:27 - htseqcount->t:38 - .csv a:28 - htseqcount a:28 - htseqcount t:39 - .csv t:39 - .csv a:28 - htseqcount->t:39 - .csv a:29 - htseqcount a:29 - htseqcount t:40 - .csv t:40 - .csv a:29 - htseqcount->t:40 - .csv a:17 - samtools-extractunaligned a:17 - samtools-extractunaligned t:25 - .bam t:25 - .bam a:17 - samtools-extractunaligned->t:25 - .bam a:19 - samtools-extractunaligned a:19 - samtools-extractunaligned t:28 - .bam t:28 - .bam a:19 - samtools-extractunaligned->t:28 - .bam a:21 - samtools-extractunaligned a:21 - samtools-extractunaligned t:31 - .bam t:31 - .bam a:21 - samtools-extractunaligned->t:31 - .bam a:23 - bowtie2-build a:23 - bowtie2-build t:34 - SavedBowtie2Index t:34 - SavedBowtie2Index a:23 - bowtie2-build->t:34 - SavedBowtie2Index a:1 - bwa-index a:1 - bwa-index t:2 - BWAIndexFiles t:2 - BWAIndexFiles a:1 - bwa-index->t:2 - BWAIndexFiles s:5 - CSVFileSequence s:5 - CSVFileSequence t:42 - .csv->s:5 - CSVFileSequence t:43 - .csv->s:5 - CSVFileSequence t:44 - .csv->s:5 - CSVFileSequence t:50 - .bam->a:40 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE t:53 - .bam->a:42 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE t:56 - .bam->a:44 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE s:6 - CSVFileSequence s:6 - CSVFileSequence t:46 - .csv->s:6 - CSVFileSequence t:47 - .csv->s:6 - CSVFileSequence t:48 - .csv->s:6 - CSVFileSequence s:4 - CSVFileSequence s:4 - CSVFileSequence t:38 - .csv->s:4 - CSVFileSequence t:39 - .csv->s:4 - CSVFileSequence t:40 - .csv->s:4 - CSVFileSequence t:35 - .bam->a:39 - samtools-extractunaligned t:35 - .bam->a:31 - htseqcount t:35 - .bam->a:35 - htseqcount t:35 - .bam->a:27 - htseqcount t:36 - .bam->a:41 - samtools-extractunaligned t:36 - .bam->a:32 - htseqcount t:36 - .bam->a:36 - htseqcount t:36 - .bam->a:28 - htseqcount t:37 - .bam->a:43 - samtools-extractunaligned t:37 - .bam->a:33 - htseqcount t:37 - .bam->a:37 - htseqcount t:37 - .bam->a:29 - htseqcount s:2 - CSVFileSequence s:2 - CSVFileSequence t:17 - .csv->s:2 - CSVFileSequence t:18 - .csv->s:2 - CSVFileSequence t:19 - .csv->s:2 - CSVFileSequence t:34 - SavedBowtie2Index->a:24 - bowtie2 t:34 - SavedBowtie2Index->a:25 - bowtie2 t:34 - SavedBowtie2Index->a:26 - bowtie2 t:2 - BWAIndexFiles->a:2 - bwa-align t:2 - BWAIndexFiles->a:3 - bwa-align t:2 - BWAIndexFiles->a:4 - bwa-align t:5 - .bam->a:5 - htseqcount t:5 - .bam->a:13 - htseqcount t:5 - .bam->a:9 - htseqcount t:5 - .bam->a:17 - samtools-extractunaligned t:8 - .bam->a:6 - htseqcount t:8 - .bam->a:14 - htseqcount t:8 - .bam->a:10 - htseqcount t:8 - .bam->a:19 - samtools-extractunaligned t:11 - .bam->a:7 - htseqcount t:11 - .bam->a:15 - htseqcount t:11 - .bam->a:11 - htseqcount t:11 - .bam->a:21 - samtools-extractunaligned s:3 - CSVFileSequence s:3 - CSVFileSequence t:21 - .csv->s:3 - CSVFileSequence t:22 - .csv->s:3 - CSVFileSequence t:23 - .csv->s:3 - CSVFileSequence s:1 - CSVFileSequence s:1 - CSVFileSequence t:13 - .csv->s:1 - CSVFileSequence t:14 - .csv->s:1 - CSVFileSequence t:15 - .csv->s:1 - CSVFileSequence t:25 - .bam->a:18 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE t:28 - .bam->a:20 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE t:31 - .bam->a:22 - BAM-to-FASTQ-PE a:34 - column-merge a:34 - column-merge s:5 - CSVFileSequence->a:34 - column-merge a:38 - column-merge a:38 - column-merge s:6 - CSVFileSequence->a:38 - column-merge a:30 - column-merge a:30 - column-merge s:4 - CSVFileSequence->a:30 - column-merge a:12 - column-merge a:12 - column-merge s:2 - CSVFileSequence->a:12 - column-merge a:16 - column-merge a:16 - column-merge s:3 - CSVFileSequence->a:16 - column-merge a:8 - column-merge a:8 - column-merge s:1 - CSVFileSequence->a:8 - column-merge t:3 - .fq t:3 - .fq t:3 - .fq->a:2 - bwa-align t:3 - .fq->a:24 - bowtie2 t:49 - .csv t:49 - .csv a:38 - column-merge->t:49 - .csv t:45 - .csv t:45 - .csv a:34 - column-merge->t:45 - .csv t:41 - .csv t:41 - .csv a:30 - column-merge->t:41 - .csv t:24 - .csv t:24 - .csv a:16 - column-merge->t:24 - .csv t:20 - .csv t:20 - .csv a:12 - column-merge->t:20 - .csv t:16 - .csv t:16 - .csv a:8 - column-merge->t:16 - .csv t:7 - .fq t:7 - .fq t:7 - .fq->a:3 - bwa-align t:7 - .fq->a:25 - bowtie2 t:10 - .fq t:10 - .fq t:10 - .fq->a:4 - bwa-align t:10 - .fq->a:26 - bowtie2 t:4 - .fq t:4 - .fq t:4 - .fq->a:2 - bwa-align t:4 - .fq->a:24 - bowtie2 t:1 - .fa t:1 - .fa t:1 - .fa->a:23 - bowtie2-build t:1 - .fa->a:1 - bwa-index t:12 - .gff t:12 - .gff t:12 - .gff->a:5 - htseqcount t:12 - .gff->a:6 - htseqcount t:12 - .gff->a:7 - htseqcount t:12 - .gff->a:31 - htseqcount t:12 - .gff->a:32 - htseqcount t:12 - .gff->a:33 - htseqcount t:12 - .gff->a:13 - htseqcount t:12 - .gff->a:14 - htseqcount t:12 - .gff->a:15 - htseqcount t:12 - .gff->a:9 - htseqcount t:12 - .gff->a:10 - htseqcount t:12 - .gff->a:11 - htseqcount t:12 - .gff->a:35 - htseqcount t:12 - .gff->a:36 - htseqcount t:12 - .gff->a:37 - htseqcount t:12 - .gff->a:27 - htseqcount t:12 - .gff->a:28 - htseqcount t:12 - .gff->a:29 - htseqcount t:6 - .fq t:6 - .fq t:6 - .fq->a:3 - bwa-align t:6 - .fq->a:25 - bowtie2 t:9 - .fq t:9 - .fq t:9 - .fq->a:4 - bwa-align t:9 - .fq->a:26 - bowtie2

Handling results (target assets)

Results from one task

Let's assume that the table of count is our primary interest.

The Task "task_merge_into_table" we created earlier for our first project is all we need.

In [53]:
dataf_counts = pandas.read_csv(, engine="python")
ID count count.1 count.2
0 GI:146150139 99 110 91
1 GI:146150140 25 30 21
2 GI:146150141 0 0 0
3 GI:146150142 142 123 139
4 __no_feature 2 2 4
5 __ambiguous 32 35 45
6 __too_low_aQual 0 0 0
7 __not_aligned 0 0 0
8 __alignment_not_unique 0 0 0

It is also possible to look for tasks with the help of helping functions

In [54]:
all_merge = project.get_tasksoftype(rnaseq.ColumnMerger)
all_success_merge = all_merge.filter_on_status(easy.TASK_DONE)
# one task left. That's our task_merge
for task in all_success_merge:
Info(5, u'Done', 1434847399.199475)
Name Class
counts <class 'railroadtracks.model.files.CSVFileSequence'> ("defined")
Name Class
counts <class 'railroadtracks.model.files.CSVFile'> ("defined")
Parameters[0, 1]

Pre-analysis settings such as fixing sample name is, again, straightforward (the order of is the one in the data frame)

In [55]:
new_names = dict(zip(dataf_counts.columns.values[1:],
dataf_counts.rename(columns = new_names)
dataf_counts.columns.values[1:] = dataf_fq['sample_n']
ID sample_1 sample_2 sample_3
0 GI:146150139 99 110 91
1 GI:146150140 25 30 21
2 GI:146150141 0 0 0
3 GI:146150142 142 123 139
4 __no_feature 2 2 4
5 __ambiguous 32 35 45
6 __too_low_aQual 0 0 0
7 __not_aligned 0 0 0
8 __alignment_not_unique 0 0 0

Flattening the provenance is relatively easy with this example. This can be helpful for building a table with information about how any given result was obtained.

In [56]:
# starting with the result of merging the result of quantification into a table of counts
result = tuple(task_merge_into_table.iter_targetassets())[0]
tg = TaskGraph(project)
tasklist = tg.digraph.predecessors(easy.taskgraph.Node('Asset',
taskset = easy.TaskSet()
while len(tasklist) > 0:
    t = tasklist.pop()
    tasklist.extend(tt for tt in tg.predecessor_tasks(t))

set( for task in taskset)
{'bowtie2', 'bowtie2-build', 'column-merge', 'htseqcount'}

If individual information about the intermediate files is wanted, flattening the graph into a table could be done with the following function:

In [57]:
def provenance_table(taskgraph, task_merge):
    result = tuple(task_merge.iter_sourceassets())[0]
    node = taskgraph.digraph.node[easy.taskgraph.Node('AssetSequence',]
    assetsequence_ids = tuple(node['instance'])
    ld = list()
    for idx, asset_id in enumerate(assetsequence_ids):
        tasklist = taskgraph.digraph.predecessors(easy.taskgraph.Node('Asset', asset_id))
        taskset = easy.TaskSet()
        d = dict()
        d['idx'] = idx
        while len(tasklist) > 0:
            t = tasklist.pop()
            tasklist.extend(tt for tt in taskgraph.predecessor_tasks(t))
            this_task = taskgraph.digraph.node[t]['instance']
        for task in taskset:
            label = ' '.join(x.value for x in
            d[label + '-taskid'] = task.task_id
            d[label] =
            d[label + '-params'] = ' '.join(
    dataf_provenance = pandas.DataFrame.from_records(ld,)
    return dataf_provenance
In [58]:
tg = TaskGraph(project)
dataf_provenance = provenance_table(tg, task_merge_into_table)
Align Align-params Align-taskid Index Index-params Index-taskid Quantify Quantify-params Quantify-taskid idx
0 bowtie2 3 bowtie2-build 1 htseqcount --type=CDS --idattr=db_xref --stranded=no 10 0
1 bowtie2 4 bowtie2-build 1 htseqcount --type=CDS --idattr=db_xref --stranded=no 11 1
2 bowtie2 5 bowtie2-build 1 htseqcount --type=CDS --idattr=db_xref --stranded=no 12 2

Since the order of sample used from the begining is the one in dataf_fq, making a table with sample data and provenance is straightforward:

In [59]:
Align Align-params Align-taskid Index Index-params Index-taskid Quantify Quantify-params Quantify-taskid idx read1_fn read2_fn sample_n
0 bowtie2 3 bowtie2-build 1 htseqcount --type=CDS --idattr=db_xref --stranded=no 10 0 sample_1_1.fq sample_1_2.fq sample_1
1 bowtie2 4 bowtie2-build 1 htseqcount --type=CDS --idattr=db_xref --stranded=no 11 1 sample_2_1.fq sample_2_2.fq sample_2
2 bowtie2 5 bowtie2-build 1 htseqcount --type=CDS --idattr=db_xref --stranded=no 12 2 sample_3_1.fq sample_3_2.fq sample_3

Handling several alternative results

Extracting results from alternative processing routes integrated into one pipeline is also quite easy.

First we execute the tasks in our second project (in case we have not done it before - executing the tasks will not be attempted if previously successful).

In [60]:

Build a data frame that contains the results from all alternatives is straightforward:

In [61]:
res = list()
for task in project2.get_tasksoftype(rnaseq.ColumnMerger):
    dataf_counts = pandas.read_csv(, engine="python")
	# add the task ID that produced that table. the task ID can be used to recover anything about the
	# task or its provenance.
    dataf_counts['task_id'] = pandas.Series(task.task_id, index=dataf_counts.index)
dataf_counts = pandas.concat(res)

Here we observe the difference on the number of reads not mapping to any feature across the alternative pipelines:

In [62]:
criterion = dataf_counts['ID'].map(lambda x: x == '__no_feature')
ID count count.1 count.2 task_id
4 __no_feature 2 2 4 8
4 __no_feature 300 300 300 12
4 __no_feature 12 11 14 16
4 __no_feature 2 2 4 30
4 __no_feature 300 300 300 34
4 __no_feature 12 11 14 38

Linking a task ID to its provenance seen above in the example with one alternative would be similar in this case.

In [63]:
tg = TaskGraph(project2)
res = list()
for task in project2.get_tasksoftype(rnaseq.ColumnMerger):
    dataf_provenance = provenance_table(tg, task)
    dataf_provenance['task_id'] = pandas.Series(task.task_id, index=dataf_provenance.index)
dataf_provenance = pandas.concat(res)

dataf_provenance = dataf_provenance[['Align', 'Quantify', "Quantify-params", 'task_id']]
dataf_provenance = dataf_provenance.drop_duplicates()
dataf = pandas.merge(dataf_counts.loc[criterion], dataf_provenance, on='task_id', how='inner')
ID count count.1 count.2 task_id Align Quantify Quantify-params
0 __no_feature 2 2 4 8 bwa-align htseqcount --type=CDS --idattr=db_xref --stranded=no -m u...
1 __no_feature 300 300 300 12 bwa-align htseqcount --type=CDS --idattr=db_xref --stranded=no -m i...
2 __no_feature 12 11 14 16 bwa-align htseqcount --type=CDS --idattr=db_xref --stranded=no -m i...
3 __no_feature 2 2 4 30 bowtie2 htseqcount --type=CDS --idattr=db_xref --stranded=no -m u...
4 __no_feature 300 300 300 34 bowtie2 htseqcount --type=CDS --idattr=db_xref --stranded=no -m i...
5 __no_feature 12 11 14 38 bowtie2 htseqcount --type=CDS --idattr=db_xref --stranded=no -m i...