Source code for rabacus.uv_bgnd.hm12

""" Handles IO and standard spectra creation for files related to the Haardt 
and Madau 2012 UV Background
Default units are ``eV`` and ``s`` for ease of comparison between this code 
and the results in the paper. """

import os.path
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d

from rabacus.constants import physical
from rabacus.constants import units

__all__ = ['HM12_Photorates_Table', 'HM12_UVB_Table']

[docs]class HM12_Photorates_Table: """ Handles the tabulated HM12 photoionization and heating data from Table 3 in Attributes: `u` (:class:`~rabacus.constants.units.Units`) `pc` (:class:`~rabacus.constants.physical.PhysicalConstants`) """ def __init__( self ): # create physical constants and units #-------------------------------------------------------- self.pc = physical.PhysicalConstants() self.u = units.Units() # read data #----------------------------------------------------- local = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) fname = local + '/hm12_dat/photorates.out' dat = np.loadtxt( fname ) self._dat = dat # organize data #----------------------------------------------------- self._z = dat[:,0] self._H1i = dat[:,1] # H1 photoionization self._H1h = dat[:,2] # H1 photoheating self._He1i = dat[:,3] # He1 photoionization self._He1h = dat[:,4] # He1 photoheating self._He2i = dat[:,5] # He2 photoionization self._He2h = dat[:,6] # He2 photoheating self._comptonh = dat[:,7] # compton heating # create interpolating functions #----------------------------------------------------- self.z = self._z.copy() self.l1pz = np.log10( 1.0 + self.z ) self._H1i_fit = interp1d( self.l1pz, np.log10(self._H1i) ) self._H1h_fit = interp1d( self.l1pz, np.log10(self._H1h) ) self._He1i_fit = interp1d( self.l1pz, np.log10(self._He1i) ) self._He1h_fit = interp1d( self.l1pz, np.log10(self._He1h) ) self._He2i_fit = interp1d( self.l1pz, np.log10(self._He2i) ) self._He2h_fit = interp1d( self.l1pz, np.log10(self._He2h) ) self._comptonh_fit = interp1d( self.l1pz, np.log10(self._comptonh) )
[docs] def H1i(self,z): """ H1 photoionization rate as a function of `z`. Args: `z` (float): redshift Returns: `H1i` (float): H1 photoionization rate """ l1pz = np.log10( 1.0 + z ) H1i = self._H1i_fit(l1pz) H1i = 10**H1i / self.u.s return H1i
[docs] def H1h(self,z): """ H1 photoheating rate as a function of `z`. Args: `z` (float): redshift Returns: `H1h` (float): H1 photoheating rate """ l1pz = np.log10( 1.0 + z ) H1h = self._H1h_fit(l1pz) H1h = 10**H1h * self.u.eV / self.u.s return H1h
[docs] def He1i(self,z): """ He1 photoionization rate as a function of `z`. Args: `z` (float): redshift Returns: `He1i` (float): He1 photoionization rate """ l1pz = np.log10( 1.0 + z ) He1i = self._He1i_fit(l1pz) He1i = 10**He1i / self.u.s return He1i
[docs] def He1h(self,z): """ He1 photoheating rate as a function of `z`. Args: `z` (float): redshift Returns: `He1h` (float): He1 photoheating rate """ l1pz = np.log10( 1.0 + z ) He1h = self._He1h_fit(l1pz) He1h = 10**He1h * self.u.eV / self.u.s return He1h
[docs] def He2i(self,z): """ He2 photoionization rate as a function of `z`. Args: `z` (float): redshift Returns: `He2i` (float): He2 photoionization rate """ l1pz = np.log10( 1.0 + z ) He2i = self._He2i_fit(l1pz) He2i = 10**He2i / self.u.s return He2i
[docs] def He2h(self,z): """ He2 photoheating rate as a function of `z`. Args: `z` (float): redshift Returns: `He2h` (float): He2 photoheating rate """ l1pz = np.log10( 1.0 + z ) He2h = self._He2h_fit(l1pz) He2h = 10**He2h * self.u.eV / self.u.s return He2h
[docs] def comptonh(self,z): """ Compton heating rate as a function of `z`. Args: `z` (float): redshift Returns: `comptonh` (flaot): Compton heating rate """ l1pz = np.log10( 1.0 + z ) comptonh = self._comptonh_fit(l1pz) comptonh = 10**comptonh * self.u.eV / self.u.s return comptonh
[docs]class HM12_UVB_Table: """ Handles the tabulated HM12 spectrum. Attributes: `U` (:class:`~rabacus.constants.units.Units`) `PC` (:class:`~rabacus.constants.physical.PhysicalConstants`) `z` (array): 1-D array [Nz] redshift `Inu` (array): 2-D array [Nnu, Nz] specific intensity [erg/(cm**2 s sr Hz)] `nu` (array): 1-D array [Nnu] photon frequency `lam` (array): 1-D array [Nnu] photon wavelength `E` (array): 1-D array [Nnu] photon energy """ def __init__( self ): # create physical constants and units #-------------------------------------------------------- self.pc = physical.PhysicalConstants() self.u = units.Units() # read data #----------------------------------------------------- local = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) fname = local + '/hm12_dat/UVB.out' with open(fname, 'r') as f: dum = f.readlines() dum = dum[20].split() self.z = np.array( [float(i) for i in dum] ) dat = np.loadtxt( fname, skiprows=21 ) self._dat = dat Iunit = self.u.erg / (self.u.s ***2 * self.u.Hz * self.Inu = dat[:,1:] * Iunit Inu_mag = self.Inu.magnitude isfinite = Inu_mag > 0 Imin = Inu_mag[isfinite].min() self.logInu = Inu_mag.copy() self.logInu[isfinite] = np.log10( Inu_mag[isfinite] ) self.logInu[~isfinite] = np.log10( Imin ) self.lam = dat[:,0] * self.u.angstrom = self.pc.c / self.lam self.E = * self.pc.h self.lam.units = 'cm' = 'Hz' self.E.units = 'eV'
[docs] def return_Inu_intrp( self, z ): """ Generates an interpolating function giving log Inu for a given log lamda at the requested redshift. Args: `z` (float): requested redshift Returns: `intrpf` (function): interpolating function giving log Inu for a given log lambda """ assert isinstance( z, float ) # find redshift indices #----------------------------------------------------------------- i_lo = np.argmin( np.abs( self.z - z ) ) if self.z[i_lo] < z: i_hi = i_lo + 1 else: i_hi = i_lo i_lo = i_lo - 1 z_frac = (z - self.z[i_lo]) / (self.z[i_hi] - self.z[i_lo]) # create interpolating function #----------------------------------------------------------------- dlog_Inu = self.logInu[:,i_hi] - self.logInu[:,i_lo] log_Inu = self.logInu[:,i_lo] + z_frac * dlog_Inu self.lam.units = 'cm' log_lam_cm = np.log10( self.lam.magnitude ) intrpf = interp1d( log_lam_cm, log_Inu ) return intrpf
[docs] def return_spectrum_lam( self, z, lam ): """ Interpolates the HM12 tabulated spectrum in redshift at the requested wavelengths. Args: `z` (float): requested redshift `lam` (array): requested wavelengths Returns: `Inu` (array): specific intensity at requested wavelengths """ # get interpolating function #----------------------------------------------------------------- intrpf = self.return_Inu_intrp( z ) # evaluate at requested wavelengths #----------------------------------------------------------------- lam.units = 'cm' log_lam_cm = np.log10( lam.magnitude ) log_Inu = intrpf( log_lam_cm ) Inu = 10**log_Inu * self.Inu.units return Inu
[docs] def return_spectrum_nu( self, z, nu ): """ Interpolates the HM12 tabulated spectrum in redshift at the requested frequencies. Args: `z` (float): requested redshift `nu` (array): requested frequencies Returns: `Inu` (array): specific intensity at requested frequencies """ # get interpolating function #----------------------------------------------------------------- intrpf = self.return_Inu_intrp( z ) # evaluate at requested wavelengths #----------------------------------------------------------------- nu.units = 'Hz' # just to make sure we have an frequency lam = self.pc.c / nu lam.units = 'cm' log_lam_cm = np.log10( lam.magnitude ) log_Inu = intrpf( log_lam_cm ) Inu = 10**log_Inu * self.Inu.units return Inu
[docs] def return_spectrum_E( self, z, E ): """ Interpolates the HM12 tabulated spectrum in redshift at the requested energies. Args: `z` (float): requested redshift `E` (array): requested energies Returns: `Inu` (array): specific intensity at requested energies """ # get interpolating function #----------------------------------------------------------------- intrpf = self.return_Inu_intrp( z ) # evaluate at requested energies #----------------------------------------------------------------- E.units = 'eV' # just to make sure we have an energy lam = self.pc.c / ( E / self.pc.h ) lam.units = 'cm' log_lam_cm = np.log10( lam.magnitude ) log_Inu = intrpf( log_lam_cm ) Inu = 10**log_Inu * self.Inu.units return Inu