Source code for rabacus.rad_src.source

""" Module for source base class. """ 

import sys
import numpy as np

from rabacus.utils import utils

from rabacus.atomic import hydrogen
from rabacus.atomic import helium
from rabacus.atomic import photo_xsection

from rabacus.constants import physical
from rabacus.constants import units 

__all__ = ['Source']

ValidSpectrumTypes = ['monochromatic', 'thermal', 'powerlaw', 'hm12',

[docs]class Source: r""" Base class for radiation sources. Derive specific radiation source classes from this class. Cannot be directly instantiated. Note that all derived source classes call :func:`initialize` when they are instanciated. .. seealso:: :class:`~rabacus.rad_src.point.PointSource`, :class:`~rabacus.rad_src.plane.PlaneSource`, :class:`~rabacus.rad_src.background.BackgroundSource` """ def __init__( self ): raise utils.BaseClassError
[docs] def initialize( self, q_min, q_max, spectrum_type, Nnu, segmented, px_fit_type, verbose, z, T_eff, alpha, user_E, user_shape ): """ Perform general initialization. Args: `q_min` (float): minimum photon energy / Rydbergs [dimensionless] `q_max` (float): maximum photon energy / Rydbergs [dimensionless] `spectrum_type` (str): the spectral shape {``monochromatic``, ``hm12``, ``thermal``, ``powerlaw``, ``user``} `Nnu` (int): number of spectral samples, log spaced in energy `segmented` (bool): if ``True``, forces spectral samples at H and He ionization thresholds `px_fit_type` (str): source to use for photoionization cross section fits {``verner``} `verbose` (bool): verbose screen output? `z` (float): redshift, need if `spectrum_type` = ``hm12`` `T_eff` (float): effective temperature, need if `spectrum_type` = ``thermal`` `alpha` (float): powerlaw index, need if `spectrum_type` = ``powerlaw`` `user_E` (array): energy samples for user defined spectrum. should have units of energy. `user_shape` (array): shape of user defined spectrum. should be dimensionless """ # attach standard input #-------------------------------------------------------- self.q_min = q_min self.q_max = q_max self.spectrum_type = spectrum_type self.Nnu = Nnu self.segmented = segmented self.px_fit_type = px_fit_type self.verbose = verbose # attach spectrum specific input #------------------------------------------- if spectrum_type == 'hm12': self.z = z elif spectrum_type == 'thermal': self.T_eff = T_eff elif spectrum_type == 'powerlaw': self.alpha = alpha elif spectrum_type == 'user': self.user_E = user_E self.user_shape = user_shape self.segmented = False if spectrum_type == 'monochromatic': self.monochromatic = True self.Nnu = 1 self.segmented = False else: self.monochromatic = False self.validate_spectrum_type() # attach physical constants and units #-------------------------------------------------------- self.U = units.Units() self.PC = physical.PhysicalConstants() self.PX = photo_xsection.PhotoXsections( fit_type = px_fit_type ) # attach hydrogen and helium atom classes #-------------------------------------------------------- self.H = hydrogen.Hydrogen( px_fit_type = self.px_fit_type ) self.He = helium.Helium( px_fit_type = self.px_fit_type ) # set quantities related to photo-ionization thresholds #-------------------------------------------------------- = PhotoIonizationThresholds( self ) # special behaviour for user defined spectra #------------------------------------------- if spectrum_type == 'user': self.E = user_E self.E.units = 'eV' self.E.__doc__ = 'energy samples' self.q_min = self.E.min() / self.PX.Eth_H1 self.q_max = self.E.max() / self.PX.Eth_H1 self.Nnu = self.E.size self.q = self.E / self.PX.Eth_H1 self.q.__doc__ = 'energy samples / Rydbergs' = self.E / self.PC.h = 'Hz' = 'frequency samples' self.lam = self.PC.c / self.lam.units = 'cm' self.lam.__doc__ = 'wavelength samples' # set photon energy arrays #-------------------------------------------------------- else: self.set_photon_arrays( self.q_min, self.q_max, self.Nnu, self.segmented ) # set X-sections #-------------------------------------------------------- self.sigma = PhotoIonizationCrossSections( self ) # store log10 quantities #-------------------------------------------------------- self.log = LogQuantities( self )
[docs] def set_photon_arrays(self, q_min, q_max, Nnu, segmented): """ Creates wavelength, frequency, and energy arrays for the spectrum. Args: `q_min` (float): minimum photon energy / Rydbergs [dimensionless] `q_max` (float): maximum photon energy / Rydbergs [dimensionless] `Nnu` (int): number of spectral samples, log spaced in energy `segmented` (bool): if ``True``, forces spectral samples at H and He ionization thresholds """ # we always start with a uniform spacing in log q #----------------------------------------------------------------- log_q_min = np.log10(q_min) log_q_max = np.log10(q_max) log_q = np.linspace( log_q_min, log_q_max, Nnu ) if hasattr( log_q, 'magnitude' ): q = 10**log_q.magnitude else: q = 10**log_q q = q * self.U.dimensionless log_q = log_q * self.U.dimensionless # if a segmented spectrum is requested, we find the entries in the # energy array closest to the photo-ionization thresholds and change # them to be exactly equal. #----------------------------------------------------------------- if segmented: # for a segmented spectrum, the requested energy range must # cover the H1, He1, and He2 ionization thresholds #--------------------------------------------------------- if q.min() > raise ValueError('q_min must be <= 1 for segmented spectra') if q.max() < th_q_He1 = str( txt = 'q_max must be >= ' + th_q_He1 + ' for segmented spectra' raise ValueError(txt) # find the entry nearest each threshold, change it, and # store the index in the thresholds class #--------------------------------------------------------- log_q_H1 = np.log10( ) i_H1 = np.argmin( np.abs( log_q - log_q_H1 ) ) q[i_H1] = = i_H1 log_q_He1 = np.log10( ) i_He1 = np.argmin( np.abs( log_q - log_q_He1 ) ) q[i_He1] = = i_He1 log_q_He2 = np.log10( ) i_He2 = np.argmin( np.abs( log_q - log_q_He2 ) ) q[i_He2] = = i_He2 # attach the photon arrays to the object #----------------------------------------------------------------- self.q = q * self.U.dimensionless self.q.__doc__ = 'energy samples / Rydbergs' self.E = self.q * self.PX.Eth_H1 self.E.units = 'eV' self.E.__doc__ = 'energy samples' = self.E / self.PC.h = 'Hz' = 'frequency samples' self.lam = self.PC.c / self.lam.units = 'cm' self.lam.__doc__ = 'wavelength samples'
[docs] def validate_spectrum_type( self ): """ Performs check to make sure the input is compatible with the source type. """ if not self.spectrum_type in ValidSpectrumTypes: msg = '\nspectrum_type = ' + self.spectrum_type + ' \n' msg += 'spectrum_type must be one of: ' msg += str(ValidSpectrumTypes) raise utils.InputError( msg ) if self.spectrum_type == 'hm12': if self.z == None: msg = '\nif source type = hm12, must provide z' raise utils.InputError( msg ) if self.spectrum_type == 'thermal': if self.T_eff == None: msg = '\nif source type = thermal, must provide T_eff' raise utils.InputError( msg ) if self.spectrum_type == 'powerlaw': if self.alpha == None: msg = '\nif source type = powerlaw, must provide alpha' raise utils.InputError( msg ) if self.spectrum_type == 'monochromatic': if self.q_min != self.q_max: msg = '\nsource type = monochromatic, but q_min != q_max' raise utils.InputError( msg ) if self.spectrum_type == 'user': if self.user_E is None: msg = '\nif source type = user, must provide user_E' raise utils.InputError( msg ) if self.user_shape is None: msg = '\nif source type = user, must provide user_shape' raise utils.InputError( msg ) if self.user_E.size != self.user_shape.size: msg = '\n E and shape muse be same size for source_type = user' raise utils.InputError( msg )
class PhotoIonizationThresholds: r""" A class that stores quantities related to the photo-ionization thresholds of H1, He1, and He2. """ def __init__( self, rad_src ): self.q_H1 = 1.0 * rad_src.U.dimensionless self.q_H1.__doc__ = 'H1 photo-ionization threshold energy / Ry' self.q_He1 = rad_src.PX.Eth_He1 / rad_src.PX.Eth_H1 self.q_He1.__doc__ = 'He1 photo-ionization threshold energy / Ry' self.q_He2 = rad_src.PX.Eth_He2 / rad_src.PX.Eth_H1 self.q_He2.__doc__ = 'He2 photo-ionization threshold energy / Ry' self.E_H1 = rad_src.PX.Eth_H1 self.E_H1.__doc__ = 'H1 photo-ionization threshold energy' self.E_He1 = rad_src.PX.Eth_He1 self.E_He1.__doc__ = 'He1 photo-ionization threshold energy' self.E_He2 = rad_src.PX.Eth_He2 self.E_He2.__doc__ = 'He2 photo-ionization threshold energy' self.sigma_H1 = rad_src.PX.sigma_H1th self.sigma_H1.__doc__ = \ 'H1 photo-ionization cross section at H1 photo-ionization ' + \ 'threshold energy' self.sigma_He1 = rad_src.PX.sigma_He1th self.sigma_He1.__doc__ = \ 'He1 photo-ionization cross section at He1 photo-ionization ' + \ 'threshold energy' self.sigma_He2 = rad_src.PX.sigma_He2th self.sigma_He2.__doc__ = \ 'He2 photo-ionization cross section at He2 photo-ionization ' + \ 'threshold energy' class PhotoIonizationCrossSections: r""" A class that stores photoionization cross-sections at the energy samples defined by a source. For each of the absorbing ions {H1, He1, He2}, this class stores the photo-ionization cross-sections and the ratio of those cross-sections with the cross-section at the photo-ionization energy thresholds. """ def __init__( self, rad_src ): self.H1 = rad_src.PX.sigma_H1( rad_src.E ) self.H1.__doc__ = \ 'H1 photo-ionization cross section at energy samples' self.H1_ratio = self.H1 / self.H1_ratio.__doc__ = \ 'H1 photo-ionization cross section at energy samples ' + \ 'normalized by the cross section at H1 ionization threshold' self.He1 = rad_src.PX.sigma_He1( rad_src.E ) self.He1.__doc__ = \ 'He1 photo-ionization cross section at energy samples' self.He1_ratio = self.He1 / self.He1_ratio.__doc__ = \ 'He1 photo-ionization cross section at energy samples ' + \ 'normalized by the cross section at He1 ionization threshold' self.He2 = rad_src.PX.sigma_He2( rad_src.E ) self.He2.__doc__ = \ 'He2 photo-ionization cross section at energy samples' self.He2_ratio = self.He2 / self.He2_ratio.__doc__ = \ 'He2 photo-ionization cross section at energy samples ' + \ 'normalized by the cross section at He2 ionization threshold' class LogQuantities: r""" A class that stores log10 quantities (which must be strictly dimensionless). However we define the units the quantity had before the log operation in the variable name. """ def __init__( self, rad_src ): # put the dimensionless "unit" into a local variable #----------------------------------------------------------------- dls = rad_src.U.dimensionless # log of photon arrays #----------------------------------------------------------------- self.q = np.log10( rad_src.q ) self.q.__doc__ = 'log10 of energy samples / Ry' rad_src.E.units = 'eV' self.E_eV = np.log10( rad_src.E.magnitude ) * dls self.E_eV.__doc__ = 'log10 of energy samples / eV' = 'Hz' self.nu_Hz = np.log10( ) * dls self.nu_Hz.__doc__ = 'log10 of frequency samples / Hz' rad_src.lam.units = 'cm' self.lam_cm = np.log10( rad_src.lam.magnitude ) * dls self.lam_cm.__doc__ = 'log10 of wavelength samples / cm' # log of q_min / q_max #----------------------------------------------------------------- self.q_min = np.log10( rad_src.q_min ) * dls self.q_min.__doc__ = 'log10 of minimum energy sample / Ry' self.q_max = np.log10( rad_src.q_max ) * dls self.q_max.__doc__ = 'log10 of maximum energy sample / Ry' # log of q_H1, q_He1, and q_He2 #----------------------------------------------------------------- self.q_H1 = np.log10( ) self.q_H1.__doc__ = 'log10 of H1 photo-ionization threshold / Ry' self.q_He1 = np.log10( ) self.q_He1.__doc__ = 'log10 of He1 photo-ionization threshold / Ry' self.q_He2 = np.log10( ) self.q_He2.__doc__ = 'log10 of He2 photo-ionization threshold / Ry' # log of min/max frequency in Hz #----------------------------------------------------------------- self.nu_min_Hz = np.log10( ) * dls self.nu_min_Hz.__doc__ = 'log10 of minimum frequency sample / Hz' self.nu_max_Hz = np.log10( ) * dls self.nu_max_Hz.__doc__ = 'log10 of maximum frequency sample / Hz' # log of min/max wavelength in cm #----------------------------------------------------------------- self.lam_min_cm = np.log10( rad_src.lam.min().magnitude ) * dls self.lam_min_cm.__doc__ = 'log10 of minimum wavelength sample / cm' self.lam_max_cm = np.log10( rad_src.lam.max().magnitude ) * dls self.lam_max_cm.__doc__ = 'log10 of maximum wavelength sample / cm'