Source code for rabacus.f2py.slab_base

""" Slab geometry base class. """ 

import numpy as np
from rabacus.utils import utils
from rabacus.constants import units
from rabacus.atomic import chemistry
from rabacus.hdf5 import h5py_wrap as h5
from rabacus.cosmology import jeans

__all__ = ['SlabBase']

class Averaged:
    """ Averaged Quantities. """ 

class Central:
    """ Quantities at the center of the slab. """ 

class Weighted:
    """ Weighted integrated quantities. """ 

[docs]class SlabBase(object): """ Base class for slabs. """ def __init__( self ): """ Initialization for all slab classes """ # attach units #----------------------------------------------- self.U = units.Units() # check input #----------------------------------------------- assert( self.Edges.size == self.T.size + 1 ) assert( self.T.shape == self.nH.shape == self.nHe.shape ) assert( self.T.shape == (self.T.size,) ) assert( self.rec_meth == 'fixed' or self.rec_meth == 'ray' ) if self.find_Teq and self.z==None: msg = 'need to supply redshift if finding equilibrium temperature' raise utils.InputError(msg) # set units #----------------------------------------------- self.Edges.units = 'cm' self.T.units = 'K' self.nH.units = '1.0/cm^3' self.nHe.units = '1.0/cm^3' # format input #----------------------------------------------- self.format_for_fortran()
[docs] def format_for_fortran(self): # re-form the input for fortran #--------------------------------------------------- self.E_eV = self.rad_src.E self.E_eV.units = 'eV' if self.rad_src.source_type == 'point': if self.rad_src.monochromatic: self.shape = self.rad_src.Lu else: self.shape = self.rad_src.dLu_over_dnu elif self.rad_src.source_type == 'plane': if self.rad_src.monochromatic: self.shape = self.rad_src.Fu else: self.shape = self.rad_src.dFu_over_dnu elif self.rad_src.source_type == 'background': if self.rad_src.monochromatic: self.shape = self.rad_src.Inu else: self.shape = self.rad_src.Inu else: raise ValueError('source type not recognized') if self.rec_meth == 'fixed': self.i_rec_meth = 1 elif self.rec_meth == 'ray': self.i_rec_meth = 2 if self.rad_src.px_fit_type == 'verner': self.i_photo_fit = 1 if self.atomic_fit_name == 'hg97': self.i_rate_fit = 1 if self.find_Teq: self.i_find_Teq = 1 else: self.i_find_Teq = 0 if self.thin: self.i_thin = 1 else: self.i_thin = 0 self.Nl = self.nH.size self.Nnu = self.E_eV.size
[docs] def calc_weighted( self, wa ): """ Calculates all integrals weighted by wa. """ wq = Averaged() xx = self.z_c # <xH1>_w #------------------------------------------------ yy = wa * self.xH1 num = utils.trap( xx, yy ) den = utils.trap( xx, wa ) wq.xH1 = num / den # <xH2>_w #------------------------------------------------ yy = wa * self.xH2 num = utils.trap( xx, yy ) den = utils.trap( xx, wa ) wq.xH2 = num / den # <xHe1>_w #------------------------------------------------ yy = wa * self.xHe1 num = utils.trap( xx, yy ) den = utils.trap( xx, wa ) wq.xHe1 = num / den # <xHe2>_w #------------------------------------------------ yy = wa * self.xHe2 num = utils.trap( xx, yy ) den = utils.trap( xx, wa ) wq.xHe2 = num / den # <xHe3>_w #------------------------------------------------ yy = wa * self.xHe3 num = utils.trap( xx, yy ) den = utils.trap( xx, wa ) wq.xHe3 = num / den # <T>_w #------------------------------------------------ yy = wa * self.T num = utils.trap( xx, yy ) den = utils.trap( xx, wa ) wq.T = num / den # <mu>_w #------------------------------------------------ yy = wa * num = utils.trap( xx, yy ) den = utils.trap( xx, wa ) = num / den # <H1i>_w #------------------------------------------------ yy = wa * self.H1i num = utils.trap( xx, yy ) den = utils.trap( xx, wa ) wq.H1i = num / den yy = wa * self.H1i_src num = utils.trap( xx, yy ) den = utils.trap( xx, wa ) wq.H1i_src = num / den yy = wa * self.H1i_rec num = utils.trap( xx, yy ) den = utils.trap( xx, wa ) wq.H1i_rec = num / den # <He1i>_w #------------------------------------------------ yy = wa * self.He1i num = utils.trap( xx, yy ) den = utils.trap( xx, wa ) wq.He1i = num / den yy = wa * self.He1i_src num = utils.trap( xx, yy ) den = utils.trap( xx, wa ) wq.He1i_src = num / den yy = wa * self.He1i_rec num = utils.trap( xx, yy ) den = utils.trap( xx, wa ) wq.He1i_rec = num / den # <He2i>_w #------------------------------------------------ yy = wa * self.He2i num = utils.trap( xx, yy ) den = utils.trap( xx, wa ) wq.He2i = num / den yy = wa * self.He2i_src num = utils.trap( xx, yy ) den = utils.trap( xx, wa ) wq.He2i_src = num / den yy = wa * self.He2i_rec num = utils.trap( xx, yy ) den = utils.trap( xx, wa ) wq.He2i_rec = num / den # <H1h>_w #------------------------------------------------ yy = wa * self.H1h num = utils.trap( xx, yy ) den = utils.trap( xx, wa ) wq.H1h = num / den yy = wa * self.H1h_src num = utils.trap( xx, yy ) den = utils.trap( xx, wa ) wq.H1h_src = num / den yy = wa * self.H1h_rec num = utils.trap( xx, yy ) den = utils.trap( xx, wa ) wq.H1h_rec = num / den # <He1h>_w #------------------------------------------------ yy = wa * self.He1h num = utils.trap( xx, yy ) den = utils.trap( xx, wa ) wq.He1h = num / den yy = wa * self.He1h_src num = utils.trap( xx, yy ) den = utils.trap( xx, wa ) wq.He1h_src = num / den yy = wa * self.He1h_rec num = utils.trap( xx, yy ) den = utils.trap( xx, wa ) wq.He1h_rec = num / den # <He2h>_w #------------------------------------------------ yy = wa * self.He2h num = utils.trap( xx, yy ) den = utils.trap( xx, wa ) wq.He2h = num / den yy = wa * self.He2h_src num = utils.trap( xx, yy ) den = utils.trap( xx, wa ) wq.He2h_src = num / den yy = wa * self.He2h_rec num = utils.trap( xx, yy ) den = utils.trap( xx, wa ) wq.He2h_rec = num / den return wq
def __post__( self ): """ Post calculation variables """ # make ionization fractions quantities #------------------------------------------------ self.xH1 = self.xH1 * self.U.dimensionless self.xH2 = self.xH2 * self.U.dimensionless self.xHe1 = self.xHe1 * self.U.dimensionless self.xHe2 = self.xHe2 * self.U.dimensionless self.xHe3 = self.xHe3 * self.U.dimensionless # calculate mean molecular weight #------------------------------------------------ J = jeans.Jeans() = self.xH2, self.xHe2, self.xHe3 ) # create averaged values attribute #------------------------------------------------ self.avg = Averaged() # cgs units #------------------------------------------------ = self.Edges[1:] - self.Edges[0:-1] = 'cm' self.z_c = self.Edges[0:-1] + 0.5 * self.z_c.units = 'cm' # electron density #------------------------------------------------ = self.nH * self.xH2 + \ self.nHe * ( self.xHe2 + 2.0 * self.xHe3 ) # calculate effective photoionization rates # (i.e. the photoionization rates that result in # the same ionization fractions if caseA rates # are used). Note, we assume that the recombination # radiation is peaked near the ionization thresholds # and therefore does not alter the temperature. #------------------------------------------------ kchemA = chemistry.ChemistryRates( self.T, fcA_H2 = 1.0, fcA_He2 = 1.0, fcA_He3 = 1.0, H1i = self.H1i, He1i = self.He1i, He2i = self.He2i, fit_name = self.atomic_fit_name ) self.H1i_eff = kchemA.reH2 * * self.xH2 / self.xH1 - \ kchemA.ciH1 * self.He1i_eff = kchemA.reHe2 * * self.xHe2 / self.xHe1 - \ kchemA.ciHe1 * self.He2i_eff = kchemA.reHe3 * * self.xHe3 / self.xHe2 - \ kchemA.ciHe2 * # total column densities #------------------------------------------------ self.NH1_thru = np.sum( * self.nH * self.xH1 ) self.logNH1_thru = np.log10( self.NH1_thru.magnitude ) self.NHe1_thru = np.sum( * self.nHe * self.xHe1 ) self.logNHe1_thru = np.log10( self.NHe1_thru.magnitude ) self.NHe2_thru = np.sum( * self.nHe * self.xHe2 ) self.logNHe2_thru = np.log10( self.NHe2_thru.magnitude ) # differential column densities #------------------------------------------------ self.dNH1 = * self.nH * self.xH1 self.dNHe1 = * self.nHe * self.xHe1 self.dNHe2 = * self.nHe * self.xHe2 # optical depths at threshold #------------------------------------------------ self.dtau_H1_th = self.dNH1 * self.dtau_He1_th = self.dNHe1 * self.dtau_He2_th = self.dNHe2 * # central values #================================================ #================================================ Nl2 = self.Nl / 2 central = Central() central.T = self.T[Nl2] =[Nl2] =[Nl2] central.nH = self.nH[Nl2] central.nHe = self.nHe[Nl2] central.xH1 = self.xH1[Nl2] central.xH2 = self.xH2[Nl2] central.xHe1 = self.xHe1[Nl2] central.xHe2 = self.xHe2[Nl2] central.xHe3 = self.xHe3[Nl2] central.H1i = self.H1i[Nl2] central.He1i = self.He1i[Nl2] central.He2i = self.He2i[Nl2] central.H1i_src = self.H1i_src[Nl2] central.He1i_src = self.He1i_src[Nl2] central.He2i_src = self.He2i_src[Nl2] central.H1i_rec = self.H1i_rec[Nl2] central.He1i_rec = self.He1i_rec[Nl2] central.He2i_rec = self.He2i_rec[Nl2] central.H1h = self.H1h[Nl2] central.He1h = self.He1h[Nl2] central.He2h = self.He2h[Nl2] central.H1h_src = self.H1h_src[Nl2] central.He1h_src = self.He1h_src[Nl2] central.He2h_src = self.He2h_src[Nl2] central.H1h_rec = self.H1h_rec[Nl2] central.He1h_rec = self.He1h_rec[Nl2] central.He2h_rec = self.He2h_rec[Nl2] self.avg.cen = central # weighted quantities #================================================ #================================================ # volume weighted self.avg.v_w = self.calc_weighted( ) # density weighted self.avg.nH_w = self.calc_weighted( self.nH ) self.avg.nHe_w = self.calc_weighted( self.nHe ) # ion weighted self.avg.nH1_w = self.calc_weighted( self.nH * self.xH1 ) self.avg.nHe1_w = self.calc_weighted( self.nHe * self.xHe1 ) self.avg.nHe2_w = self.calc_weighted( self.nHe * self.xHe2 ) # check units #------------------------------------------------ self.z_c.units = 'kpc'