Source code for rabacus.atomic.verner.photox.verner_photox

""" Handles photo-ionization cross-sections as described in Verner 96 """

import numpy as np
import os.path

from rabacus.constants import physical
from rabacus.constants import units
from rabacus.utils import utils

__all__ = ['PhotoXsections_Verner96']

[docs]class PhotoXsections_Verner96: """ Reads V96 photoionization cross-section table Attributes: `U` (:class:`~rabacus.constants.units.Units`) `PC` (:class:`~rabacus.constants.physical.PhysicalConstants`) """ def __init__( self ): # create physical constants and units #-------------------------------------------------------- self.U = units.Units() self.PC = physical.PhysicalConstants() # read data #----------------------------------------------------- local = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) fname = local + '/photo.dat' dat = np.loadtxt( fname, unpack=True ) self._dat = dat # organize data #----------------------------------------------------- self.Z = dat[0] self.N = dat[1] self.Eth = dat[2] * self.U.eV self.Emax = dat[3] * self.U.eV self.E0 = dat[4] * self.U.eV self.sigma0 = dat[5] * 1.0e-18 ***2 self.ya = dat[6] self.P = dat[7] self.yw = dat[8] self.y0 = dat[9] self.y1 = dat[10]
[docs] def return_Eth( self, Z, N ): """ Returns threshold ionization energy for ions defined by `Z` and `N`. Args: `Z` (int): atomic number (number of protons) `N` (int): electron number (number of electrons) Returns: `Eth` (float): ionization energy """ # Make sure input is OK #-------------------------------------------------------- if utils.isiterable( Z ) or not isinstance(Z,int): raise utils.InputError, '\n Z must be an integer scalar' if utils.isiterable( N ) or not isinstance(N,int): raise utils.InputError, '\n N must be an integer scalar' if Z < 1 or Z > 26: raise utils.InputError, '\n We must have 1 <= Z <= 26' if N < 1 or N > Z: raise utils.InputError, '\n We must have 1 <= N <= Z' # calculate #-------------------------------------------------------- c1 = self.Z == Z c2 = self.N == N indx = np.where( c1 & c2 ) indx = indx[0][0] Eth = self.Eth[indx] Eth.units = 'eV' return Eth
[docs] def return_fit( self, Z, N, E ): """ Returns a photo-ionization cross-section for an ion defined by `Z` and `N` at energies `E`. Args: `Z` (int): atomic number (number of protons) `N` (int): electron number (number of electrons) `E` (array): calculate cross-section at these energies Returns: `sigma` (array): photoionization cross-sections """ # Make sure input is OK #-------------------------------------------------------- if hasattr(E,'units'): E.units = 'eV' else: raise utils.NeedUnitsError, '\n Input variable E must have units \n' if utils.isiterable( Z ) or not isinstance(Z,int): raise utils.InputError, '\n Z must be an integer scalar' if utils.isiterable( N ) or not isinstance(N,int): raise utils.InputError, '\n N must be an integer scalar' if Z < 1 or Z > 26: raise utils.InputError, '\n We must have 1 <= Z <= 26' if N < 1 or N > Z: raise utils.InputError, '\n We must have 1 <= N <= Z' # calculate fit #-------------------------------------------------------- c1 = self.Z == Z c2 = self.N == N indx = np.where( c1 & c2 ) indx = indx[0][0] Z = self.Z[indx] N = self.N[indx] Eth = self.Eth[indx] Emax = self.Emax[indx] E0 = self.E0[indx] sigma0 = self.sigma0[indx] ya = self.ya[indx] P = self.P[indx] yw = self.yw[indx] y0 = self.y0[indx] y1 = self.y1[indx] x = E / E0 - y0 y = np.sqrt( x*x + y1*y1 ) t1 = (x-1)*(x-1) + yw*yw t2 = y**(0.5*P - 5.5) t3 = (1+np.sqrt(y/ya))**(-P) F = t1 * t2 * t3 sigma = sigma0 * F # zero cross-section below threshold #-------------------------------------------------------- if utils.isiterable( E ): indx = np.where( E < Eth ) if indx[0].size > 0: sigma[indx] = 0.0 ***2 else: if E < Eth: sigma = 0.0 ***2 return sigma