Source code for qubricks.wall.stateoperators

import numpy as np

from ..stateoperator import StateOperator
from ..utility import dot

[docs]class DummyStateOperator(StateOperator): ''' An StateOperator instance that does nothing to the state, but which forces the integrator to work as if it were necessary to evolve ensemble states. ''' def __call__(self, state, t=0, params={}): return state
[docs] def init(self, **kwargs): pass
[docs] def transform(self, transform_op): return self
[docs] def restrict(self, *indices): return self
[docs] def connected(self, *indices, **params): return set(indices)
[docs] def collapse(self, *wrt, **params): return self
@property def for_state(self): return False @property def for_ensemble(self): return True @property def is_linear(self): return True
[docs]class SimpleStateOperator(StateOperator): ''' SimpleStateOperator wraps around an Operator object and when applied to a state, it is equivalent to :math:`O\left|\Psi\right>` if state is a vector; or :math:`O \rho O^{\dagger}` if state is a matrix, were :math:`O` is the operator and :math:`\dagger` represents the conjugate transpose operation. '''
[docs] def init(self, operator): self.operator = self.Operator(operator)
def __call__(self, state, t=0, params={}): if len(state.shape) > 1: op = self.operator(t=t, **params) return pams = {'t':t} pams.update(params) return self.operator.apply(state, params=pams, left=True, symbolic=False)
[docs] def transform(self, transform_op): return SimpleStateOperator(self.p, operator=transform_op(self.operator))
[docs] def restrict(self, *indices): return SimpleStateOperator(self.p, operator=self.operator.restrict(*indices))
[docs] def connected(self, *indices, **params): return self.operator.connected(*indices, **params)
[docs] def collapse(self, *wrt, **params): return SimpleStateOperator(self.p, operator=self.operator.collapse(*wrt, **params), basis=self.basis)
@property def for_state(self): return True @property def for_ensemble(self): return True @property def is_linear(self): return True
[docs]class SchrodingerStateOperator(StateOperator): ''' A StateOperator instance that effects Schroedinger evolution of the (quantum) state. '''
[docs] def init(self, H): self.H = self.Operator(H)
def __call__(self, state, t=0, params={}): if len(state.shape) > 1: H = self.H(t=t, **params) return 1j / self.p.c_hbar * (, H) -, state)) pams = {'t':t} pams.update(params) return -1j / self.p.c_hbar * self.H.apply(state, params=pams, left=True, symbolic=False) # This may provide a speedup over, state)
[docs] def transform(self, transform_op): return SchrodingerStateOperator(self.p, H=transform_op(self.H))
[docs] def restrict(self, *indices): return SchrodingerStateOperator(self.p, H=self.H.restrict(*indices))
[docs] def connected(self, *indices, **params): return self.H.connected(*indices, **params)
[docs] def collapse(self, *wrt, **params): return SchrodingerStateOperator(self.p, H=self.H.collapse(*wrt, **params), basis=self.basis)
@property def for_state(self): return True @property def for_ensemble(self): return True @property def is_linear(self): return True
[docs]class LindbladStateOperator(StateOperator): ''' A StateOperator instance that effects a single-termed Lindblad master equation. This will cause decay in a simple two level system proportional to: exp(-8*coefficient*t) '''
[docs] def init(self, coefficient, operator): self.optimised = False self.coefficient = coefficient self.operator = self.Operator(operator)
[docs] def optimise_coefficient(self): self.coefficient = self.p.optimise(self.coefficient) self.optimised = True
def __call__(self, state, t=0, params={}): if not self.optimised: self.optimise_coefficient() O = self.operator(t=t, **params) Od = O.transpose().conjugate() return self.p(self.coefficient, t=t, **params) / self.p.c_hbar ** 2 * (dot(O, state, Od) - 0.5 * (dot(Od, O, state) + dot(state, Od, O)))
[docs] def transform(self, transform_op): return LindbladStateOperator(self.p, coefficient=self.coefficient, operator=transform_op(self.operator))
[docs] def restrict(self, *indices): return LindbladStateOperator(self.p, coefficient=self.coefficient, operator=self.operator.restrict(*indices))
[docs] def connected(self, *indices, **params): return self.operator.connected(*indices, **params)
[docs] def collapse(self, *wrt, **params): return LindbladStateOperator(self.p, coefficient=self.coefficient, operator=self.operator.collapse(*wrt, **params), basis=self.basis)
@property def for_state(self): return False @property def for_ensemble(self): return True @property def is_linear(self): return True