Source code for qubricks.wall.bases

import numpy as np
import math
import re

from ..basis import Basis

[docs]class StandardBasis(Basis): ''' `StandardBasis` is a simple subclass of `Basis` that describes the standard basis; that is, presents a basis that looks like the identity operator. An instance can be created using: >>> StandardBasis(parameters=<Parameters instance>, dim=<dimension of basis>) '''
[docs] def init(self): if self.dim is None: raise ValueError("Dimension must be specified.") self.__operator = self.Operator(np.eye(self.dim))
@property def operator(self): return self.__operator
[docs]class SimpleBasis(Basis): ''' `SimpleBasis` is a subclass of `Basis` that allows a Basis object to be created on the fly from an `Operator`, a numpy array or a list instance. For example: >>> SimpleBasis(parameters=<Parameters intance>, operator=<Operator, numpy.ndarray or list instance>) '''
[docs] def init(self, operator=None): self.__operator = self.Operator(operator) shape = self.__operator.shape if len(shape) != 2 or shape[0] != shape[1]: raise ValueError("Basis operators must be square. Check your input.")
@property def operator(self): return self.__operator
[docs]class SpinBasis(StandardBasis): ''' `SpinBasis` is a subclass of `StandardBasis` that associates each element of the standard basis with a spin configuration. It assumes that there are `n` spin-1/2 particles in the system, and thus requires the dimension to be :math:`2^n`. It also implements conversion to and from string representation of the states. '''
[docs] def init(self): if self.dim is None: raise ValueError("Dimension must be specified.") power = math.log(self.dim,2) if power != round(power): raise ValueError("Dimension must be a power of 2.") super(SpinBasis, self).init()
@property def operator(self): return super(SpinBasis, self).operator
[docs] def state_info(self, state, params={}): ''' Return a dictionary with the total z-spin projection of the state. e.g. |uud> -> {'spin': 0.5} ''' totalSpin = 0 index = state.index(1) for _ in xrange(int(math.log(self.dim, 2))): mod = (index % 2 - 1.0 / 2.0) totalSpin -= mod index = (index - index % 2) / 2 return {'spin': totalSpin}
[docs] def state_fromString(self, state, params={}): ''' Convert strings representing sums of basis states of form: "<complex coefficient>|<state label>>" into a numerical vector. e.g. "|uuu>" -> [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] "0.5|uuu>+0.5|ddd>" -> [0.5,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.5] etc. ''' matches = re.findall("(([\+\-]?(?:[0-9\.]+)?)\|([\,ud]+)\>)", state.replace(",", "")) ostate = [0.] * self.dim for m in matches: coeff = 1. if m[1] != "": if m[1] == "+": coeff = 1. elif m[1] == "-": coeff = -1. else: coeff = float(m[1]) index = 0 for i in xrange(len(m[2])): j = len(m[2]) - i - 1 if m[2][i] == 'd': index += 2 ** j ostate[index] = coeff return np.array(ostate)
[docs] def state_toString(self, state, params={}): """ Applies the inverse map of SpinBasis.state_fromString . """ s = '' for i, v in enumerate(state): if v != 0: if s != "" and v >= 0: s += "+" if v == 1: s += "|%s>" % self.__state_str(i) else: if np.imag(v) != 0: s += "(%.3f + %.3fi)|%s>" % (np.real(v), np.imag(v), self.__state_str(i)) else: s += "%.3f|%s>" % (np.real(v), self.__state_str(i)) return s
[docs] def state_latex(self, state, params={}): """ Returns the latex representation of each of the basis states. Note that this method does not deal with arbitrary states, as does SpinBasis.state_toString and SpinBasis.state_fromString . """ spinString = '' index = state.index(1) for _ in xrange(self.dim / 2): mod = index % 2 if mod == 0: spinString = '\\uparrow' + spinString else: spinString = '\\downarrow' + spinString index = (index - index % 2) / 2 return '\\left|%s\\right>' % (spinString)
def __state_str(self, index): """ A utility function to convert a basis function index to a string. e.g. [1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0] -> "uuu" """ s = "" for _ in xrange(int(math.log(self.dim, 2))): mod = index % 2 if mod == 0: s = 'u' + s else: s = 'd' + s index = (index - index % 2) / 2 return s