virtualbox.library_ext – extensions to virtualbox.library

The virtualbox.library_ext is a container package that makes it simple to extend and replace the classes that have been automatically generated in virtualbox.library.

This simplifies the builder code significantly by not having to handle specific edge cases where bugs have been identified in the VirtualBox.xidl file. It also makes it simple to redefine default behaviour, or simply add various sugar to functions in an interface (such as defining defaults for function parameters).

Code reference

The documentation captured in this reference reflects the extensions or fixes applied to the default

class virtualbox.library_ext.IVirtualBox([interface, manager])[source]

The VirtualBox interface object is the primary interface into VirtualBox’s COM API. The default constructor can take a library.Interface object or a virtualbox.Manager object.


The callback function is called with a IMachineStateChangedEvent argument on a machine state changed event.

def callback(event):
    print("Machine %s state changed to %s" % (event.machine_id,

vbox = virtualbox.VirtualBox()

The callback function is called with a IMachineDataChangedEvent argument on a machine state changed event.

def callback(event):
    print("Settings data changed for %s" % event.machine_id)

vbox = virtualbox.VirtualBox()

The callback function is called with a IMachineRegisteredEvent argument on a machine registered event.

def callback(event):
    if event.registered:
        action = 'registered'
        action = 'unregistered'
    print("%s was %s" % (event.machine_id, action))

vbox = virtualbox.VirtualBox()

The callback function is called with a ISnapshotDeletedEvent argument on a snapshot deleted event.

def callback(event):

vbox = virtualbox.VirtualBox()

The callback function is called with a ISnapshotTakenEvent argument on a snapshot taken event.

def callback(event):

vbox = virtualbox.VirtualBox()

The callback function is called with a ISnapshotChangedEvent argument on a snapshot changed event.

def callback(event):

vbox = virtualbox.VirtualBox()

The callback function is called with a IGuestPropertyChangedEvent argument on a guest property changed event.

def callback(event):
    print("%s %s %s" % (, event.value, event.flags))

vbox = virtualbox.VirtualBox()

The callback function is called with a ISessionStateChangedEvent argument on a session state changed event.

def callback(event):
    print("Session on machine %s is %s" % (event.machine_id,

vbox = virtualbox.VirtualBox()

The callback function is called with a IEventSourceChangedEvent on a event source changed event. This occurs when a listener is added or removed.

def callback(event):
    if event.add:
        action = 'added'
        action = 'removed'
    print("A listener was %s from vbox's event_source %s" % \


The callback function is called with a IExtraDataChangedEvent argument on a extra data changed event.

def callback(event):
    print("%s %s=%s" % (event.machine_id, event.key, event.value))

vbox = virtualbox.VirtualBox()

The callback function is called with a IExtraDataCanChangeEvent argument on a extra data can change event.

def callback(event):
    if event.key == 'blah':
        print("Veto served")
        event.add_veto("blah is mine...")
        print("Allow %s %s" % (event.key, event.value))

vbox = virtualbox.VirtualBox()

To see this work simply run the following vboxmanage command:

vboxmanage setextradata global blah winner
class virtualbox.library_ext.ISession[source]

Just like the IVirtualBox interface the ISession can be bootstrapped from a virtualbox.Manager object. This is special in that it represents a client process and allows for locking virtual machines.

To reduce complexity over management of an ISession lock, the base class has been extended to implement the context management protocol.

Using an ISession object:

vbox = virtualbox.VirtualBox()
vm = vbox.find_machine('test_vm')
with vm.create_session() as session:
    #do stuff with the session
class virtualbox.library_ext.IGuest[source]
create_session(user, password[, domain, session_name, timeout_ms])[source]

This method extends the default IGuest.create_session method by adding a polling block operation that waits for the guest session to be ready. It also defaults the values of domain to ” and session_name to ‘pyvbox’.

If timeout_ms is not equal to 0, this method block until the session is ready and active for querying the Guest operating system. This test is performed by polling for the existence of C:autoexec.bat or /bin/sh. If the timeout is exceeded a VBoxError will be raised.

Returns a IGuestSession object on completion.

update_guest_addtions([source, arguments, flags])

BUG FIX: This method fixes the bug in the definition for the updateGuestAdditions method. In the API definition this function is defined to take a list of arguments but the implementation only takes source and flags.

As an extension to this method, source is now an optional arguemnt. If the source path for the update ISO is not provided, this method will attempt to find a copy of the VBoxGuestAdditions.iso file from the VirtualBox install path.

Returns an IProgress object

class virtualbox.library_ext.IGuestSession[source]

When an IGuestSession is created, it requires that the session is explicitly closed after its use. This is done by calling the IGuestSession.close method. To simply this behaviour, the default class has been extended to implement the context management protocol.

Using an IGuestSession ojbect:

guest = session.console.guest
with guest.create_session('user', 'password') as guest_session:
    #do stuff with the guest session
execute(command[, arguments, stdin, environment, flags, priority, affinity, timeout_ms])[source]

Execute a command in the guest

class virtualbox.library_ext.IEventSource[source]
register_callback(callback, event_type)[source]

provide a helper function that wraps the events.register_callback method. callback is the function to be called back when this IEventSource raises event_type.

class virtualbox.library_ext.IKeyboard[source]
put_keys([press_keys, hold_keys, press_delay])[source]

Press the keys listed by the press_keys list into the IKeyboard whilst holding down the hold_keys. Control the press speed by defining the press_delay which is the number of milliseconds between each press.

For a full list of defined keys, refer to:


The callback function is called with a IGuestKeyboardEvent argument when a guest keyboard event occurs.

def callback(event):

class virtualbox.library_ext.IMouse[source]

The callback function is called with a IGuestMouseEvent argument when mouse event occurs.

def callback(event):
    print(("%s %s %s" % (event.x, event.y, event.z))

class virtualbox.library_ext.IProgress[source]

Returns a progress string in a human readable format.

class virtualbox.library_ext.IMachine[source]

Unregister and delete this Machine. If delete is set to False, the machine will only be detached and unregistered from the VBoxSvr.

clone([snapshot_name_or_id, mode, options, name, uuid, groups, basefolder, register])[source]

Clone this Machine. The options for this method have been setup to default create a linked clone. Depending on the mode and the options VirtualBox will require the Machine to have different state.

To clone from a snapshot, the snapshot_name_or_id value needs to be defined. This value can be either an ISnapshot object or a unicode or str value for the name or the id of a snapshot.

If name is not defined, the chosen name will be the name of this Machine concatenated with ” Clone”. When deciding a final name, this method will check if the name already exists. If it exists, it will automatically append ” (N)” to the end of the name string where N is the number that did not exist.

To understand the complexities behind the options of this method, please read through the documentation for the library.IVirtualBox.create_machine and library.IMachine.clone_to methods.


BUG FIX: This method fixes a bug in the interface definition for the default method name ‘deleteConfig’. As it turns out, the actual name implemented is ‘delete’.

create_session([lock_type, session])[source]

A helper function to simplify the creation of a ISession lock over this Machine. lock_type defaults to library.LockType.shared. If session is not passed in, a new ISession object is created and returned.

launch_vm_process([session, type_p, environment])[source]

This method sets the default values for the original IMachine.launch_vm_process. If session is not defined it will be created and on completion of the launch, will be unlocked. type_p is set to default ‘gui’ and environment is set to default ”.

class virtualbox.library_ext.IConsole[source]

snapshot is now an optional argument. If it is not supplied, an attempt to pull the machine.current_snapshot is made, if there is no snapshot available, an Exception is raised.


The callback function is called with a INetworkAdapterChangedEvent argument when a network adapter changed event occurs.

def callback(event):
    adapter = event.network_adapter
    print("Enabled = %s, connected = %s" % (adapter.enabled,


The callback function is called with a ISerialPortChangedEvent argument when a serial port changed event occurs.

def callback(event):
    port = event.serial_port
    print("Enabled = %s, path = %s" % (port.enabled,


The callback function is called with a IParallelPortChangedEvent argument on a parallel port changed event.

def callback(event):
    port = event.parallel_port
    print("Enabled = %s, path = %s" % (port.enabled,


The callback function is called with a IMediumChangedEvent on a medium changed event.

def callback(event):
    medium = event.medimum_attachment


The callback function is called with a IClipboardModeChangedEvent on a clipboard mode changed event.

def callback(event):


The callback function is called with a IDragAndDropModeChangedEvent on a drag and drop mode changed event.

def callback(event):


The callback function is called with a IVRDEServerChangedEvent on a drag and drop mode changed event.

def callback(event):
    print("VirtualBox remote display extension server changed")


The callback function is called with a IAdditionsStateChangedEvent argument on a additions state changed event. To find out what has changed, a probe into the attributes of IGuest is required.

def callback(event):
    print("State changed in IGuest...")


The callback function is called with a ISharedFolderChangedEvent argument on a shared folder changed event.

def callback(event):
    print("Folder changed scope %s" % event.scope)


The callback function is called with a IStateChangedEvent on a machine state changed event.

def callback(event):
    print("State changed to %s" % event.state)


The callback function is called with a IEventSourceChangedEvent on a event source changed event. This occurs when a listener is added or removed.

def callback(event):
    if event.add:
        action = 'added'
        action = 'removed'
    print("A listener was %s from console's event_source %s" % \


The callback function is called with a ICanShowWindowEvent on a show window event. This occurs when the console window is to be activated and brought to the foreground of the desktop of the host PC. If this behaviour is not desired a call to event.add_veto will stop this from happening.

def callback(event):
    print("veto this event")
    event.add_veto("No you shall never do this!")


The callback function is called with a IShowWindowEvent on a show window event. This occurs when the console window is to be activated and brought to the foreground of the desktop of the host PC.

def callback(event):
    print("Window id = %s" % event.win_id)
