Source code for virtualbox.library_ext.appliance

Add helper code to the default IAppliance class.

from virtualbox import library
from virtualbox.library import VirtualSystemDescriptionType as DescType
from virtualbox.library import VirtualSystemDescriptionValueType as DescValueType

# Define some default params for create session
[docs]class IAppliance(library.IAppliance): __doc__ = library.IAppliance.__doc__ # Extend read to wait and interpret the values into Description # objects.
[docs] def read(self, ova_path): "Read and interpret ova file into this Appliance object." p = super(IAppliance, self).read(ova_path) p.wait_for_completion() self.interpret() warnings = self.get_warnings() if warnings: warning = Warning("\n".join(warnings)) warning.warnings = warnings raise warning
read.__doc__ =
[docs] def find_description(self, name): "Find a description for the given appliance name." for desc in self.virtual_system_descriptions: values = desc.get_values_by_type(, DescValueType.original) if name in values: break else: raise Exception("Failed to find description for %s" % name) return desc
# Simply this call by setting options to default []
[docs] def import_machines(self, options=None): if options is None: options = [] return super(IAppliance, self).import_machines(options)
import_machines.__doc__ = library.IAppliance.import_machines.__doc__