################# API: Class Search ################# This class is used to interact with the ``Unsplash`` ``/search/`` REST API. The constructor is invoked through the main ``PyUnsplash`` class as ``PyUnsplash.search(type, page, per_page, query)`` ====================== Methods and properties ====================== Methods and properties exposed by the ``Search`` class. **Search.entries** ------------------ Returns an iterator for the returned objects contained in this ``Search`` instance. Each entry will be an instance of class ``Collection``, ``Photo`` or ``User`` according to the search ``type``. **Parameters** ============ ====== ======================== ==================================== Argument Type Optional/Required Notes ============ ====== ======================== ==================================== N/A ============ ====== ======================== ==================================== **Returns** ========== ======================================= iterator each time an instance of class ``User`` ========== ======================================= **Example** :: import pyunsplash pu = pyunsplash.PyUnsplash(api_key='') search = pu.search(type='photos', query='red,car') for photo in search.entries: print photo.id, photo.link_download