A module containing all the exceptions raised by pytvdbapi.
pytvdbapi will only raise exceptions that are of type PytvdbapiError or it’s subclasses.
Bases: exceptions.Exception
Base exception for all exceptions raised by pytvdbapi
Bases: pytvdbapi.error.PytvdbapiError
Raised if there are issues parsing the XML data provided by thetvdb.com
Usualy a BadData exception is the result of a malfunctioning backend server. The problem is that the server returns a 200 - OK status code but fails to provide valid data in the response.
Bases: pytvdbapi.error.PytvdbapiError
Raised by the pytvdbapi.Loader when unable to connect to the provided URL.
Bases: pytvdbapi.error.PytvdbapiError, exceptions.AttributeError
A replacement for the standard AttributeError.
Bases: pytvdbapi.error.PytvdbapiError, exceptions.IndexError
A replacement for the standard IndexError.
Bases: pytvdbapi.error.PytvdbapiError
Raised when trying to get a show using an invalid Show ID
Bases: pytvdbapi.error.PytvdbapiError, exceptions.ValueError
A replacement for the standard ValueError exception.
Bases: pytvdbapi.error.PytvdbapiError
Raised when the data can not be found. Represent the 404 http code.