
To use Python and Vue.js integration in a project:

pip install python-vue

Django quickstart

Assuming you work inside a virtualenv environment:

(env) $ pip install django
(env) $ pip install python-vuejs
(env) $ django-admin startproject djvue
(env) $ cd djvue
(env) $ ./ startapp backend
(env) $ pyvue djstartvueapp frontend

That’s it.

frontend app is a vue project created via vue-cli behind the scene that is converted into a django app.

djstartvueapp script adds the and scritps, then it edits the vue-project build files in order to have the correct django-app directory structure.

Develop process

Working on frontend app:

(env) $ cd frontend
(env) $ npm run dev  # or pyvue vuedev

This is decupled from django, used only for develop.

Build process

The build process is:

(env) $ cd frontend
(env) $ npm run build  # or pyvue vuebuild
(env) $ cd ..
(env) $ ./ collectstatic --noinput

You can add the “frontend” build to your pipeline (eg if you use fabric, ansible or others)

Refer to the `Vue.js`_ documentation for other stuff not related to python-vuejs wrappers.

The cool thing is that you can detach frontend app and deploy it wherever you want. Also, you can move it into another repo. 🦄

Happy coding! 👑