Python bindings to the Rackspace Cloud Servers API ================================================== This is a client for Rackspace's Cloud Servers API. There's :doc:`a Python API ` (the :mod:`ukcloudservers` module), and a :doc:`command-line script ` (installed as :program:`ukcloudservers`). Each implements the entire Rackspace Cloud Servers API. You'll need a `Rackspace Cloud`__ account, and you'll need to make sure to sign up for both Cloud Servers *and* Cloud Files -- Rackspace won't let you get an API key unless you've got a Cloud Files account, too. Once you've got an account, you'll find your API key in the management console under "Your Account". __ .. seealso:: You may want to read `Rackspace's API guide`__ (PDF) -- the first bit, at least -- to get an idea of the concepts. Rackspace is doing the cloud hosting thing a bit differently from Amazon, and if you get the concepts this library should make more sense. __ Contents: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 shell api ref/index releases Contributing ============ Development takes place `on GitHub`__; please file bugs/pull requests there. __ Run tests with ``python test``. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`