Python bindings to the Storymarket API ====================================== .. module:: storymarket :synopsis: A client library for the Storymarket API. .. currentmodule:: storymarket This is a client for the `Storymarket API `_. You'll need a Storymarket account to use this library, and you'll need to generate an API token by visiting the `Developer API page `_. Usage ----- First create an instance of the API with your creds:: >>> import storymarket >>> api = storymarket.Storymarket(STORYMARKET_API_KEY) Then call on the :class:`Storymarket` object: .. class:: Storymarket .. attribute:: audio An :class:`AudioManager` - get, create, and update audio content. .. attribute:: data A :class:`DataManager` - get, create, and update data content. .. attribute:: photos A :class:`PhotoManager` - get, create, and update photo content. .. attribute:: text A :class:`TextManager` - get, create, and update text content. .. attribute:: video A :class:`VideoManager` - get, create, and update photo content. .. attribute:: packages A :class:`PackageManager` - get, create, and update packages of content. .. attribute:: categories A :class:`CategoryManager` - get categories. .. attribute:: subcategories A :class:`SubcategoryManager` - get subcategories. .. attribute:: sub_type A :class:`SubtypeManager` - get subtypes. .. attribute:: orgs An :class:`OrgManager` - get organizations. .. attribute:: pricing A :class:`PricingSchemeManager` - get pricing schemes. .. attribute:: rights A :class:`RightsSchemeManager` - get rights schemes. For example:: >>> api.orgs.all() [] >>> api.text.create({ ... 'title': 'Man Bite Dog', ... 'content': '...', ... 'tags': ['man', 'dog', 'biting'], ... 'org': api.orgs.all()[0], ... 'category': api.categories.get(123) ... }) >>> For details, see: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 content packages categories orgs schemes .. seealso:: `Storymarket's API documentation `_. Contributing ------------ Run tests with ``python test`` or install `Nose `_ and run ``nosetests``. Development takes place `on GitHub `_; please file bugs/pull requests there. Development on this project was funded by the `Lawrence Journal-World `_ - thanks! Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`