Please refer to the installation documentation if problems are encountered.
The following base Debian packages are required.
- python3
- python3-pip
The following Debian packages provide the core virtualization technologies.
- qemu
- qemu-tools
- dnsmasq
- virt-viewer
- virtinst
- python3-libvirt
These Debian packages are required in the Tutorial’s last chapters.
- tshark
- volatility
- virt-manager
- python3-guestfs
- python3-requests
This Python package is required in the Tutorial’s last chapters.
Set up¶
SEE can be installed using pip.
# pip3 install python-see
For correct operation, the user which will run the analysis platform will need to be part of the following groups.
- kvm
- libvirt
- libvirt-qemu
The following command allows to add a user to a group.
# adduser <username> <group>
Make sure hardware acceleration is supported.
To verify that KVM is available it is enough to run:
# modprobe kvm
# modprobe kvm_intel
for Intel processors or:
# modprobe kvm
# modprobe kvm_amd
for AMD ones.