
Using the flask decorator

import flask
from flask import Flask
from raven.flask_glue import AuthDecorator

# Werkzeug deduces the hostname from the 'Host' or
# 'X-Forwarded-Host' headers, so we need a whitelist
class R(flask.Request):
    trusted_hosts = {'your-domain.com', 'www.your-domain.com'}

app = Flask(__name__)
app.request_class = R
app.secret_key = "a secret key"
auth_decorator = AuthDecorator(desc="My website")

def my_view():
    return "You are " + auth_decorator.principal

if __name__ == '__main__':

Requiring all flask requests be authenticated

import flask
from flask import Flask
from raven.flask_glue import AuthDecorator

# Werkzeug deduces the hostname from the 'Host' or
# 'X-Forwarded-Host' headers, so we need a whitelist
class R(flask.Request):
    trusted_hosts = {'your-domain.com', 'www.your-domain.com'}

app = Flask(__name__)
app.request_class = R
app.secret_key = "a secret key"
auth_decorator = AuthDecorator()


def home():
    return "You are " + auth_decorator.principal

if __name__ == '__main__':

Manual request building and response parsing

To create requests:

>>> from raven import Request, Response
>>> r = Request(url="http://host/response/path", desc="My website")
>>> print str(r)

And parse responses:

>>> r = Response("3!200!!20130705T150000Z!1373000000-00000-00!"
>>> r.success
>>> r.principal
>>> r.ptags


You must check various properties of received responses. See Checking response values

Integrating with existing authentication or session management

import raven
from datetime import datetime
from flask import Flask, session, flash, url_for, redirect, abort, request

app = Flask(__name__)
app.secret_key = "a secret key"

def home():
    return "<a href='{0}'>Log in</a>".format(url_for('login'))

def login():
    u = url_for("response", _external=True)
    r = raven.Request(url=u)
    return redirect(str(r))

def response():
    r = raven.Response(request.args["WLS-Response"])

    # checking url, issue, iact and aauth is very important!
    # Werkzeug deduces the hostname from the 'Host' or
    # 'X-Forwarded-Host' headers, so we need a whitelist
    request.trusted_hosts = {'www.your-domain.com', 'your-domain.com'}
    if r.url != request.base_url:
        print "Bad url"

    issue_delta = (datetime.utcnow() - r.issue).total_seconds()
    if not -5 < issue_delta < 15:
        print "Bad issue"

    if r.success:
        # a no-op here, but important if you set iact or aauth
        if not r.check_iact_aauth(None, None):
            print "check_iact_aauth failed"

        session["user"] = r.principal

        return redirect(url_for("secrets"))
        return redirect(url_for("home"))

def secrets():
    if session.get("user", None) is None:
    return "You are {0}".format(session["user"])

if __name__ == "__main__":


You must check various properties of received responses. See Checking response values

See also

The included simple_demo flask app serves as a far more comprehensive example, including:

  • decorator usage
  • integration with existing authentication (i.e., user is offered to log in via Raven or some other method)
  • full Raven logout
  • message flashing