# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under the terms of the Qwt License
# Copyright (c) 2002 Uwe Rathmann, for the original C++ code
# Copyright (c) 2015 Pierre Raybaut, for the Python translation/optimization
# (see LICENSE file for more details)
.. autoclass:: QwtSymbol
from qwt.graphic import QwtGraphic
from qwt.painter import QwtPainter
from qwt.qt.QtGui import (QPainter, QTransform, QPixmap, QPen, QPolygonF,
QPainterPath, QBrush, QPaintEngine)
from qwt.qt.QtCore import QSize, QRect, QPointF, QRectF, QSizeF, Qt, QPoint
from qwt.qt.QtSvg import QSvgRenderer
import numpy as np
class QwtTriangle(object):
# enum Type
Left, Right, Up, Down = list(range(4))
def qwtPathGraphic(path, pen, brush):
graphic = QwtGraphic()
painter = QPainter(graphic)
return graphic
def qwtScaleBoundingRect(graphic, size):
scaledSize = QSize(size)
if scaledSize.isEmpty():
scaledSize = graphic.defaultSize()
sz = graphic.controlPointRect().size()
sx = 1.
if sz.width() > 0.:
sx = scaledSize.width()/sz.width()
sy = 1.
if sz.height() > 0.:
sy = scaledSize.height()/sz.height()
return graphic.scaledBoundingRect(sx, sy)
def qwtDrawPixmapSymbols(painter, points, numPoints, symbol):
size = symbol.size()
if size.isEmpty():
size = symbol.pixmap().size()
transform = QTransform(painter.transform())
if transform.isScaling():
r = QRect(0, 0, size.width(), size.height())
size = transform.mapRect(r).size()
pm = QPixmap(symbol.pixmap())
if pm.size() != size:
pm = pm.scaled(size)
pinPoint = QPointF(.5*size.width(), .5*size.height())
if symbol.isPinPointEnabled():
pinPoint = symbol.pinPoint()
for pos in points:
pos = QPointF(transform.map(pos))-pinPoint
QwtPainter.drawPixmap(painter, QRect(pos.toPoint(), pm.size(), pm))
def qwtDrawSvgSymbols(painter, points, numPoints, renderer, symbol):
if renderer is None or not renderer.isValid():
viewBox = QRectF(renderer.viewBoxF())
if viewBox.isEmpty():
sz = QSizeF(symbol.size())
if not sz.isValid():
sz = viewBox.size()
sx = sz.width()/viewBox.width()
sy = sz.height()/viewBox.height()
pinPoint = QPointF(viewBox.center())
if symbol.isPinPointEnabled():
pinPoint = symbol.pinPoint()
dx = sx*(pinPoint.x()-viewBox.left())
dy = sy*(pinPoint.y()-viewBox.top())
for pos in points:
x = pos.x()-dx
y = pos.y()-dy
renderer.render(painter, QRectF(x, y, sz.width(), sz.height()))
def qwtDrawGraphicSymbols(painter, points, numPoint, graphic, symbol):
pointRect = QRectF(graphic.controlPointRect())
if pointRect.isEmpty():
sx = 1.
sy = 1.
sz = symbol.size()
if sz.isValid():
sx = sz.width()/pointRect.width()
sy = sz.height()/pointRect.height()
pinPoint = QPointF(pointRect.center())
if symbol.isPinPointEnabled():
pinPoint = symbol.pinPoint()
transform = QTransform(painter.transform())
for pos in points:
tr = QTransform(transform)
tr.translate(pos.x(), pos.y())
tr.scale(sx, sy)
tr.translate(-pinPoint.x(), -pinPoint.y())
def qwtDrawEllipseSymbols(painter, points, numPoints, symbol):
size =symbol.size()
if QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter):
sw = size.width()
sh = size.height()
sw2 = size.width()//2
sh2 = size.height()//2
for pos in points:
x = round(pos.x())
y = round(pos.y())
r = QRectF(x-sw2, y-sh2, sw, sh)
QwtPainter.drawEllipse(painter, r)
sw = size.width()
sh = size.height()
sw2 = .5*size.width()
sh2 = .5*size.height()
for pos in points:
x = pos.x()
y = pos.y()
r = QRectF(x-sw2, y-sh2, sw, sh)
QwtPainter.drawEllipse(painter, r)
def qwtDrawRectSymbols(painter, points, numPoints, symbol):
size = symbol.size()
pen = QPen(symbol.pen())
painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, False)
if QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter):
sw = size.width()
sh = size.height()
sw2 = size.width()//2
sh2 = size.height()//2
for pos in points:
x = round(pos.x())
y = round(pos.y())
r = QRectF(x-sw2, y-sh2, sw, sh)
QwtPainter.drawRect(painter, r)
sw = size.width()
sh = size.height()
sw2 = .5*size.width()
sh2 = .5*size.height()
for pos in points:
x = pos.x()
y = pos.y()
r = QRectF(x-sw2, y-sh2, sw, sh)
QwtPainter.drawRect(painter, r)
def qwtDrawDiamondSymbols(painter, points, numPoints, symbol):
size =symbol.size()
pen = QPen(symbol.pen())
if QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter):
for pos in points:
x = round(pos.x())
y = round(pos.y())
x1 = x-size.width()//2
y1 = y-size.height()//2
x2 = x1+size.width()
y2 = y1+size.height()
polygon = QPolygonF()
polygon += QPointF(x, y1)
polygon += QPointF(x1, y)
polygon += QPointF(x, y2)
polygon += QPointF(x2, y)
QwtPainter.drawPolygon(painter, polygon)
for pos in points:
x1 = pos.x()-.5*size.width()
y1 = pos.y()-.5*size.height()
x2 = x1+size.width()
y2 = y1+size.height()
polygon = QPolygonF()
polygon += QPointF(pos.x(), y1)
polygon += QPointF(x1, pos.y())
polygon += QPointF(pos.x(), y2)
polygon += QPointF(x2, pos.y())
QwtPainter.drawPolygon(painter, polygon)
def qwtDrawTriangleSymbols(painter, type, points, numPoint, symbol):
size =symbol.size()
pen = QPen(symbol.pen())
doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
sw2 = .5*size.width()
sh2 = .5*size.height()
if doAlign:
sw2 = np.floor(sw2)
sh2 = np.floor(sh2)
for pos in points:
x = pos.x()
y = pos.y()
if doAlign:
x = round(x)
y = round(y)
x1 = x-sw2
x2 = x1+size.width()
y1 = y-sh2
y2 = y1+size.height()
if type == QwtTriangle.Left:
triangle = [QPointF(x2, y1), QPointF(x1, y), QPointF(x2, y2)]
elif type == QwtTriangle.Right:
triangle = [QPointF(x1, y1), QPointF(x2, y), QPointF(x1, y2)]
elif type == QwtTriangle.Up:
triangle = [QPointF(x1, y2), QPointF(x, y1), QPointF(x2, y2)]
elif type == QwtTriangle.Down:
triangle = [QPointF(x1, y1), QPointF(x, y2), QPointF(x2, y1)]
QwtPainter.drawPolygon(painter, QPolygonF(triangle))
def qwtDrawLineSymbols(painter, orientations, points, numPoints, symbol):
size =symbol.size()
off = 0
pen = QPen(symbol.pen())
if pen.width() > 1:
off = 1
painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing, False)
if QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter):
sw = np.floor(size.width())
sh = np.floor(size.height())
sw2 = size.width()//2
sh2 = size.height()//2
for pos in points:
if orientations & Qt.Horizontal:
x = round(pos.x())-sw2
y = round(pos.y())
QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x, y, x+sw+off, y)
if orientations & Qt.Vertical:
x = round(pos.x())
y = round(pos.y())-sh2
QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x, y, x, y+sh+off)
sw = size.width()
sh = size.height()
sw2 = .5*size.width()
sh2 = .5*size.height()
for pos in points:
if orientations & Qt.Horizontal:
x = round(pos.x())-sw2
y = round(pos.y())
QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x, y, x+sw, y)
if orientations & Qt.Vertical:
x = round(pos.x())
y = round(pos.y())-sh2
QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x, y, x, y+sh)
def qwtDrawXCrossSymbols(painter, points, numPoints, symbol):
size =symbol.size()
off = 0
pen = QPen(symbol.pen())
if pen.width() > 1:
off = 1
if QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter):
sw = np.floor(size.width())
sh = np.floor(size.height())
sw2 = size.width()//2
sh2 = size.height()//2
for pos in points:
x = round(pos.x())
y = round(pos.y())
x1 = x-sw2
x2 = x1+sw+off
y1 = y-sh2
y2 = y1+sh+off
QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x1, y1, x2, y2)
QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x2, y1, x1, y2)
sw = size.width()
sh = size.height()
sw2 = .5*size.width()
sh2 = .5*size.height()
for pos in points:
x1 = pos.x()-sw2
x2 = x1+sw
y1 = pos.y()-sh2
y2 = y1+sh
QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x1, y1, x2, y2)
QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, x2, y1, x1, y2)
def qwtDrawStar1Symbols(painter, points, numPoints, symbol):
size =symbol.size()
sqrt1_2 = np.sqrt(.5)
if QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter):
r = QRect(0, 0, size.width(), size.height())
for pos in points:
d1 = r.width()/2.*(1.-sqrt1_2)
round(r.left()+d1), round(r.top()+d1),
round(r.right()-d1), round(r.bottom()-d1))
round(r.left()+d1), round(r.bottom()-d1),
round(r.right()-d1), round(r.top()+d1))
c = QPoint(r.center())
QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, c.x(), r.top(), c.x(), r.bottom())
QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, r.left(), c.y(), r.right(), c.y())
r = QRectF(0, 0, size.width(), size.height())
for pos in points:
c = QPointF(r.center())
d1 = r.width()/2.*(1.-sqrt1_2)
QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, r.left()+d1, r.top()+d1,
r.right()-d1, r.bottom()-d1)
QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, r.left()+d1, r.bottom()-d1,
r.right()-d1, r.top()+d1)
QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, c.x(), r.top(), c.x(), r.bottom())
QwtPainter.drawLine(painter, r.left(), c.y(), r.right(), c.y())
def qwtDrawStar2Symbols(painter, points, numPoints, symbol):
pen = QPen(symbol.pen())
if pen.width() > 1:
cos30 = np.cos(30*np.pi/180.)
dy = .25*symbol.size().height()
dx = .5*symbol.size().width()*cos30/3.
doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
for pos in points:
if doAlign:
x = round(pos.x())
y = round(pos.y())
x1 = round(x-3*dx)
y1 = round(y-2*dy)
x = pos.x()
y = pos.y()
x1 = x-3*dx
y1 = y-2*dy
x2 = x1+1*dx
x3 = x1+2*dx
x4 = x1+3*dx
x5 = x1+4*dx
x6 = x1+5*dx
x7 = x1+6*dx
y2 = y1+1*dy
y3 = y1+2*dy
y4 = y1+3*dy
y5 = y1+4*dy
star = [QPointF(x4, y1), QPointF(x5, y2), QPointF(x7, y2),
QPointF(x6, y3), QPointF(x7, y4), QPointF(x5, y4),
QPointF(x4, y5), QPointF(x3, y4), QPointF(x1, y4),
QPointF(x2, y3), QPointF(x1, y2), QPointF(x3, y2)]
QwtPainter.drawPolygon(painter, QPolygonF(star))
def qwtDrawHexagonSymbols(painter, points, numPoints, symbol):
cos30 = np.cos(30*np.pi/180.)
dx = .5*(symbol.size().width()-cos30)
dy = .25*symbol.size().height()
doAlign = QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter)
for pos in points:
if doAlign:
x = round(pos.x())
y = round(pos.y())
x1 = np.ceil(x-dx)
y1 = np.ceil(y-2*dy)
x = pos.x()
y = pos.y()
x1 = x-dx
y1 = y-2*dy
x2 = x1+1*dx
x3 = x1+2*dx
y2 = y1+1*dy
y3 = y1+3*dy
y4 = y1+4*dy
hexa = [QPointF(x2, y1), QPointF(x3, y2), QPointF(x3, y3),
QPointF(x2, y4), QPointF(x1, y3), QPointF(x1, y2)]
QwtPainter.drawPolygon(painter, QPolygonF(hexa))
class QwtSymbol_PrivateData(object):
def __init__(self, st, br, pn ,sz):
self.style = st
self.size = sz
self.brush = br
self.pen = pn
self.isPinPointEnabled = False
self.pinPoint = QPointF()
class Path(object):
def __init__(self):
self.path = QPainterPath()
self.graphic = QwtGraphic()
self.path = Path()
class Pixmap(object):
def __init__(self):
self.pixmap = QPixmap()
self.pixmap = None #Pixmap()
class Graphic(object):
def __init__(self):
self.graphic = QwtGraphic()
self.graphic = Graphic()
class SVG(object):
def __init__(self):
self.renderer = QSvgRenderer()
self.svg = SVG()
class PaintCache(object):
def __init__(self):
self.policy = 0
self.pixmap = None #QPixmap()
self.cache = PaintCache()
[docs]class QwtSymbol(object):
A class for drawing symbols
Symbol styles:
* `QwtSymbol.NoSymbol`: No Style. The symbol cannot be drawn.
* `QwtSymbol.Ellipse`: Ellipse or circle
* `QwtSymbol.Rect`: Rectangle
* `QwtSymbol.Diamond`: Diamond
* `QwtSymbol.Triangle`: Triangle pointing upwards
* `QwtSymbol.DTriangle`: Triangle pointing downwards
* `QwtSymbol.UTriangle`: Triangle pointing upwards
* `QwtSymbol.LTriangle`: Triangle pointing left
* `QwtSymbol.RTriangle`: Triangle pointing right
* `QwtSymbol.Cross`: Cross (+)
* `QwtSymbol.XCross`: Diagonal cross (X)
* `QwtSymbol.HLine`: Horizontal line
* `QwtSymbol.VLine`: Vertical line
* `QwtSymbol.Star1`: X combined with +
* `QwtSymbol.Star2`: Six-pointed star
* `QwtSymbol.Hexagon`: Hexagon
* `QwtSymbol.Path`: The symbol is represented by a painter path, where
the origin (0, 0) of the path coordinate system is mapped to the
position of the symbol
:py:meth:`setPath()`, :py:meth:`path()`
* `QwtSymbol.Pixmap`: The symbol is represented by a pixmap.
The pixmap is centered or aligned to its pin point.
* `QwtSymbol.Graphic`: The symbol is represented by a graphic.
The graphic is centered or aligned to its pin point.
* `QwtSymbol.SvgDocument`: The symbol is represented by a SVG graphic.
The graphic is centered or aligned to its pin point.
* `QwtSymbol.UserStyle`: Styles >= `QwtSymbol.UserStyle` are reserved
for derived classes of `QwtSymbol` that overload `drawSymbols()` with
additional application specific symbol types.
Cache policies:
Depending on the render engine and the complexity of the
symbol shape it might be faster to render the symbol
to a pixmap and to paint this pixmap.
F.e. the raster paint engine is a pure software renderer
where in cache mode a draw operation usually ends in
raster operation with the the backing store, that are usually
faster, than the algorithms for rendering polygons.
But the opposite can be expected for graphic pipelines
that can make use of hardware acceleration.
The default setting is AutoCache
:py:meth:`setCachePolicy()`, :py:meth:`cachePolicy()`
.. note::
The policy has no effect, when the symbol is painted
to a vector graphics format (PDF, SVG).
.. warning::
Since Qt 4.8 raster is the default backend on X11
Valid cache policies:
* `QwtSymbol.NoCache`: Don't use a pixmap cache
* `QwtSymbol.Cache`: Always use a pixmap cache
* `QwtSymbol.AutoCache`: Use a cache when the symbol is rendered
with the software renderer (`QPaintEngine.Raster`)
.. py:class:: QwtSymbol([style=QwtSymbol.NoSymbol])
The symbol is constructed with gray interior,
black outline with zero width, no size and style 'NoSymbol'.
:param int style: Symbol Style
.. py:class:: QwtSymbol(style, brush, pen, size)
:param int style: Symbol Style
:param QBrush brush: Brush to fill the interior
:param QPen pen: Outline pen
:param QSize size: Size
.. py:class:: QwtSymbol(path, brush, pen)
:param QPainterPath path: Painter path
:param QBrush brush: Brush to fill the interior
:param QPen pen: Outline pen
.. seealso::
:py:meth:`setPath()`, :py:meth:`setBrush()`,
:py:meth:`setPen()`, :py:meth:`setSize()`
# enum Style
Style = int
NoSymbol = -1
(Ellipse, Rect, Diamond, Triangle, DTriangle, UTriangle, LTriangle,
RTriangle, Cross, XCross, HLine, VLine, Star1, Star2, Hexagon, Path,
Pixmap, Graphic, SvgDocument) = list(range(19))
UserStyle = 1000
# enum CachePolicy
NoCache, Cache, AutoCache = list(range(3))
def __init__(self, *args):
if len(args) in (0, 1):
if args:
style, = args
style = QwtSymbol.NoSymbol
self.__data = QwtSymbol_PrivateData(style, QBrush(Qt.gray),
QPen(Qt.black, 0), QSize())
elif len(args) == 4:
style, brush, pen, size = args
self.__data = QwtSymbol_PrivateData(style, brush, pen, size)
elif len(args) == 3:
path, brush, pen = args
self.__data = QwtSymbol_PrivateData(QwtSymbol.Path, brush, pen,
raise TypeError("%s() takes 1, 3, or 4 argument(s) (%s given)"\
% (self.__class__.__name__, len(args)))
[docs] def setCachePolicy(self, policy):
Change the cache policy
The default policy is AutoCache
:param int policy: Cache policy
.. seealso::
if self.__data.cache.policy != policy:
self.__data.cache.policy = policy
[docs] def cachePolicy(self):
:return: Cache policy
.. seealso::
return self.__data.cache.policy
[docs] def setPath(self, path):
Set a painter path as symbol
The symbol is represented by a painter path, where the
origin (0, 0) of the path coordinate system is mapped to
the position of the symbol.
When the symbol has valid size the painter path gets scaled
to fit into the size. Otherwise the symbol size depends on
the bounding rectangle of the path.
The following code defines a symbol drawing an arrow::
from qwt.qt.QtGui import QApplication, QPen, QPainterPath, QTransform
from qwt.qt.QtCore import Qt, QPointF
from qwt import QwtPlot, QwtPlotCurve, QwtSymbol
import numpy as np
app = QApplication([])
# --- Construct custom symbol ---
path = QPainterPath()
path.moveTo(0, 8)
path.lineTo(0, 5)
path.lineTo(-3, 5)
path.lineTo(0, 0)
path.lineTo(3, 5)
path.lineTo(0, 5)
transform = QTransform()
path = transform.map(path)
pen = QPen(Qt.black, 2 );
symbol = QwtSymbol()
symbol.setPinPoint(QPointF(0., 0.))
symbol.setSize(10, 14)
# --- Test it within a simple plot ---
curve = QwtPlotCurve()
curve_pen = QPen(Qt.blue)
x = np.linspace(0, 10, 10)
curve.setData(x, np.sin(x))
plot = QwtPlot()
plot.resize(600, 300)
.. image:: /images/symbol_path_example.png
:param QPainterPath path: Painter path
.. seealso::
:py:meth:`path()`, :py:meth:`setSize()`
self.__data.style = QwtSymbol.Path
self.__data.path.path = path
[docs] def path(self):
:return: Painter path for displaying the symbol
.. seealso::
return self.__data.path.path
[docs] def setPixmap(self, pixmap):
Set a pixmap as symbol
:param QPixmap pixmap: Pixmap
.. seealso::
:py:meth:`pixmap()`, :py:meth:`setGraphic()`
.. note::
The `style()` is set to `QwtSymbol.Pixmap`
.. note::
`brush()` and `pen()` have no effect
self.__data.style = QwtSymbol.Pixmap
self.__data.pixmap.pixmap = pixmap
[docs] def pixmap(self):
:return: Assigned pixmap
.. seealso::
return self.__data.pixmap.pixmap
[docs] def setGraphic(self, graphic):
Set a graphic as symbol
:param qwt.graphic.QwtGraphic graphic: Graphic
.. seealso::
:py:meth:`graphic()`, :py:meth:`setPixmap()`
.. note::
The `style()` is set to `QwtSymbol.Graphic`
.. note::
`brush()` and `pen()` have no effect
self.__data.style = QwtSymbol.Graphic
self.__data.graphic.graphic = graphic
[docs] def graphic(self):
:return: Assigned graphic
.. seealso::
return self.__data.graphic.graphic
[docs] def setSvgDocument(self, svgDocument):
Set a SVG icon as symbol
:param svgDocument: SVG icon
.. seealso::
:py:meth:`setGraphic()`, :py:meth:`setPixmap()`
.. note::
The `style()` is set to `QwtSymbol.SvgDocument`
.. note::
`brush()` and `pen()` have no effect
self.__data.style = QwtSymbol.SvgDocument
if self.__data.svg.renderer is None:
self.__data.svg.renderer = QSvgRenderer()
[docs] def setSize(self, *args):
Specify the symbol's size
.. py:method:: setSize(width, [height=-1])
:param int width: Width
:param int height: Height
.. py:method:: setSize(size)
:param QSize size: Size
.. seealso::
if len(args) == 2:
width, height = args
if width >= 0 and height < 0:
height = width
self.setSize(QSize(width, height))
elif len(args) == 1:
if isinstance(args[0], QSize):
size, = args
if size.isValid() and size != self.__data.size:
self.__data.size = size
width, = args
self.setSize(width, -1)
raise TypeError("%s().setSize() takes 1 or 2 argument(s) (%s given)"\
% (self.__class__.__name__, len(args)))
[docs] def size(self):
:return: Size
.. seealso::
return self.__data.size
[docs] def setBrush(self, brush):
Assign a brush
The brush is used to draw the interior of the symbol.
:param QBrush brush: Brush
.. seealso::
if brush != self.__data.brush:
self.__data.brush = brush
if self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.Path:
[docs] def brush(self):
:return: Brush
.. seealso::
return self.__data.brush
[docs] def setPen(self, *args):
Build and/or assign a pen, depending on the arguments.
.. py:method:: setPen(color, width, style)
Build and assign a pen
In Qt5 the default pen width is 1.0 ( 0.0 in Qt4 ) what makes it
non cosmetic (see `QPen.isCosmetic()`). This method signature has
been introduced to hide this incompatibility.
:param QColor color: Pen color
:param float width: Pen width
:param Qt.PenStyle style: Pen style
.. py:method:: setPen(pen)
Assign a pen
:param QPen pen: New pen
.. seealso::
:py:meth:`pen()`, :py:meth:`brush()`
if len(args) == 3:
color, width, style = args
self.setPen(QPen(color, width, style))
elif len(args) == 1:
pen, = args
if pen != self.__data.pen:
self.__data.pen = pen
if self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.Path:
raise TypeError("%s().setPen() takes 1 or 3 argument(s) (%s given)"\
% (self.__class__.__name__, len(args)))
[docs] def pen(self):
:return: Pen
.. seealso::
:py:meth:`setPen()`, :py:meth:`brush()`
return self.__data.pen
[docs] def setColor(self, color):
Set the color of the symbol
Change the color of the brush for symbol types with a filled area.
For all other symbol types the color will be assigned to the pen.
:param QColor color: Color
.. seealso::
:py:meth:`setPen()`, :py:meth:`setBrush()`,
:py:meth:`brush()`, :py:meth:`pen()`
if self.__data.style in (QwtSymbol.Ellipse, QwtSymbol.Rect,
QwtSymbol.Diamond, QwtSymbol.Triangle,
QwtSymbol.UTriangle, QwtSymbol.DTriangle,
QwtSymbol.RTriangle, QwtSymbol.LTriangle,
QwtSymbol.Star2, QwtSymbol.Hexagon):
if self.__data.brush.color() != color:
elif self.__data.style in (QwtSymbol.Cross, QwtSymbol.XCross,
QwtSymbol.HLine, QwtSymbol.VLine,
if self.__data.pen.color() != color:
if self.__data.brush.color() != color or\
self.__data.pen.color() != color:
[docs] def setPinPoint(self, pos, enable=True):
Set and enable a pin point
The position of a complex symbol is not always aligned to its center
( f.e an arrow, where the peak points to a position ). The pin point
defines the position inside of a Pixmap, Graphic, SvgDocument
or PainterPath symbol where the represented point has to
be aligned to.
:param QPointF pos: Position
:enable bool enable: En/Disable the pin point alignment
.. seealso::
:py:meth:`pinPoint()`, :py:meth:`setPinPointEnabled()`
if self.__data.pinPoint != pos:
self.__data.pinPoint = pos
if self.__data.isPinPointEnabled:
[docs] def pinPoint(self):
:return: Pin point
.. seealso::
:py:meth:`setPinPoint()`, :py:meth:`setPinPointEnabled()`
return self.__data.pinPoint
[docs] def setPinPointEnabled(self, on):
En/Disable the pin point alignment
:param bool on: Enabled, when on is true
.. seealso::
:py:meth:`setPinPoint()`, :py:meth:`isPinPointEnabled()`
if self.__data.isPinPointEnabled != on:
self.__data.isPinPointEnabled = on
[docs] def isPinPointEnabled(self):
:return: True, when the pin point translation is enabled
.. seealso::
:py:meth:`setPinPoint()`, :py:meth:`setPinPointEnabled()`
return self.__data.isPinPointEnabled
[docs] def drawSymbols(self, painter, points, numPoints=None):
Render an array of symbols
Painting several symbols is more effective than drawing symbols
one by one, as a couple of layout calculations and setting of pen/brush
can be done once for the complete array.
:param QPainter painter: Painter
:param QPolygonF points: Positions of the symbols in screen coordinates
#TODO: remove argument numPoints (not necessary in `python-qwt`)
if numPoints is not None and numPoints <= 0:
useCache = False
if QwtPainter.roundingAlignment(painter) and\
not painter.transform().isScaling():
if self.__data.cache.policy == QwtSymbol.Cache:
useCache = True
elif self.__data.cache.policy == QwtSymbol.AutoCache:
if painter.paintEngine().type() == QPaintEngine.Raster:
useCache = True
if self.__data.style in (QwtSymbol.XCross, QwtSymbol.HLine,
QwtSymbol.VLine, QwtSymbol.Cross):
elif self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.Pixmap:
if not self.__data.size.isEmpty() and\
self.__data.size != self.__data.pixmap.pixmap.size():
useCache = True
useCache = True
if useCache:
br = QRect(self.boundingRect())
rect = QRect(0, 0, br.width(), br.height())
if self.__data.cache.pixmap.isNull():
self.__data.cache.pixmap = QwtPainter.backingStore(None, br.size())
p = QPainter(self.__data.cache.pixmap)
pos = QPointF()
self.renderSymbols(p, pos, 1)
dx = br.left()
dy = br.top()
for point in points:
left = round(point.x())+dx
top = round(point.y())+dy
painter.drawPixmap(left, top, self.__data.cache.pixmap)
self.renderSymbols(painter, points, numPoints)
[docs] def drawSymbol(self, painter, point_or_rect):
Draw the symbol into a rectangle
The symbol is painted centered and scaled into the target rectangle.
It is always painted uncached and the pin point is ignored.
This method is primarily intended for drawing a symbol to the legend.
:param QPainter painter: Painter
:param point_or_rect: Position or target rectangle of the symbol in screen coordinates
:type point_or_rect: QPointF or QPoint or QRectF
if isinstance(point_or_rect, (QPointF, QPoint)):
# drawSymbol( QPainter *, const QPointF & )
self.drawSymbols(painter, [point_or_rect])
# drawSymbol( QPainter *, const QRectF & )
rect = point_or_rect
assert isinstance(rect, QRectF)
if self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.NoSymbol:
if self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.Graphic:
self.__data.graphic.graphic.render(painter, rect,
elif self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.Path:
if self.__data.path.graphic.isNull():
self.__data.path.graphic = qwtPathGraphic(
self.__data.path.path, self.__data.pen, self.__data.brush)
self.__data.path.graphic.render(painter, rect, Qt.KeepAspectRatio)
elif self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.SvgDocument:
if self.__data.svg.renderer is not None:
scaledRect = QRectF()
sz = QSizeF(self.__data.svg.renderer.viewBoxF().size())
if not sz.isEmpty():
sz.scale(rect.size(), Qt.KeepAspectRatio)
scaledRect = rect
self.__data.svg.renderer.render(painter, scaledRect)
br = QRect(self.boundingRect())
ratio = min([rect.width()/br.width(), rect.height()/br.height()])
painter.scale(ratio, ratio)
isPinPointEnabled = self.__data.isPinPointEnabled
self.__data.isPinPointEnabled = False
pos = QPointF()
self.renderSymbols(painter, pos, 1)
self.__data.isPinPointEnabled = isPinPointEnabled
[docs] def renderSymbols(self, painter, points, numPoints=None):
Render the symbol to series of points
:param QPainter painter: Painter
:param point_or_rect: Positions of the symbols
#TODO: remove argument numPoints (not necessary in `python-qwt`)
assert numPoints is None
except AssertionError:
raise RuntimeError("argument numPoints is not implemented "\
"in `python-qwt`")
if self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.Ellipse:
qwtDrawEllipseSymbols(painter, points, numPoints, self)
elif self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.Rect:
qwtDrawRectSymbols(painter, points, numPoints, self)
elif self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.Diamond:
qwtDrawDiamondSymbols(painter, points, numPoints, self)
elif self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.Cross:
qwtDrawLineSymbols(painter, Qt.Horizontal|Qt.Vertical,
points, numPoints, self)
elif self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.XCross:
qwtDrawXCrossSymbols(painter, points, numPoints, self)
elif self.__data.style in (QwtSymbol.Triangle, QwtSymbol.UTriangle):
qwtDrawTriangleSymbols(painter, QwtTriangle.Up,
points, numPoints, self)
elif self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.DTriangle:
qwtDrawTriangleSymbols(painter, QwtTriangle.Down,
points, numPoints, self)
elif self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.RTriangle:
qwtDrawTriangleSymbols(painter, QwtTriangle.Right,
points, numPoints, self)
elif self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.LTriangle:
qwtDrawTriangleSymbols(painter, QwtTriangle.Left,
points, numPoints, self)
elif self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.HLine:
qwtDrawLineSymbols(painter, Qt.Horizontal, points, numPoints, self)
elif self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.VLine:
qwtDrawLineSymbols(painter, Qt.Vertical, points, numPoints, self)
elif self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.Star1:
qwtDrawStar1Symbols(painter, points, numPoints, self)
elif self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.Star2:
qwtDrawStar2Symbols(painter, points, numPoints, self)
elif self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.Hexagon:
qwtDrawHexagonSymbols(painter, points, numPoints, self)
elif self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.Path:
if self.__data.path.graphic.isNull():
self.__data.path.graphic = qwtPathGraphic(
self.__data.path.path, self.__data.pen, self.__data.brush)
qwtDrawGraphicSymbols(painter, points, numPoints,
self.__data.path.graphic, self)
elif self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.Pixmap:
qwtDrawPixmapSymbols(painter, points, numPoints, self)
elif self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.Graphic:
qwtDrawGraphicSymbols(painter, points, numPoints,
self.__data.graphic.graphic, self)
elif self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.SvgDocument:
qwtDrawSvgSymbols(painter, points, numPoints,
self.__data.svg.renderer, self)
[docs] def boundingRect(self):
Calculate the bounding rectangle for a symbol at position (0,0).
:return: Bounding rectangle
rect = QRectF()
pinPointTranslation = False
if self.__data.style in (QwtSymbol.Ellipse, QwtSymbol.Rect,
pw = 0.
if self.__data.pen.style() != Qt.NoPen:
pw = max([self.__data.pen.widthF(), 1.])
rect.setSize(self.__data.size+QSizeF(pw, pw))
rect.moveCenter(QPointF(0., 0.))
elif self.__data.style in (QwtSymbol.XCross, QwtSymbol.Diamond,
QwtSymbol.Triangle, QwtSymbol.UTriangle,
QwtSymbol.DTriangle, QwtSymbol.RTriangle,
QwtSymbol.LTriangle, QwtSymbol.Star1,
pw = 0.
if self.__data.pen.style() != Qt.NoPen:
pw = max([self.__data.pen.widthF(), 1.])
rect.setSize(QSizeF(self.__data.size)+QSizeF(2*pw, 2*pw))
rect.moveCenter(QPointF(0., 0.))
elif self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.Path:
if self.__data.path.graphic.isNull():
self.__data.path.graphic = qwtPathGraphic(
self.__data.path.path, self.__data.pen, self.__data.brush)
rect = qwtScaleBoundingRect(self.__data.path.graphic,
pinPointTranslation = True
elif self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.Pixmap:
if self.__data.size.isEmpty():
pinPointTranslation = True
elif self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.Graphic:
rect = qwtScaleBoundingRect(self.__data.graphic.graphic,
pinPointTranslation = True
elif self.__data.style == QwtSymbol.SvgDocument:
if self.__data.svg.renderer is not None:
rect = self.__data.svg.renderer.viewBoxF()
if self.__data.size.isValid() and not rect.isEmpty():
sz = QSizeF(rect.size())
sx = self.__data.size.width()/sz.width()
sy = self.__data.size.height()/sz.height()
transform = QTransform()
transform.scale(sx, sy)
rect = transform.mapRect(rect)
pinPointTranslation = True
rect.moveCenter(QPointF(0., 0.))
if pinPointTranslation:
pinPoint = QPointF(0., 0.)
if self.__data.isPinPointEnabled:
pinPoint = rect.center()-self.__data.pinPoint
r = QRect()
if self.__data.style != QwtSymbol.Pixmap:
r.adjust(-1, -1, 1, 1)
return r
[docs] def invalidateCache(self):
Invalidate the cached symbol pixmap
The symbol invalidates its cache, whenever an attribute is changed
that has an effect ob how to display a symbol. In case of derived
classes with individual styles (>= `QwtSymbol.UserStyle`) it
might be necessary to call invalidateCache() for attributes
that are relevant for this style.
.. seealso::
:py:meth:`setCachePolicy()`, :py:meth:`drawSymbols()`
if self.__data.cache.pixmap is not None:
self.__data.cache.pixmap = QPixmap()
[docs] def setStyle(self, style):
Specify the symbol style
:param int style: Style
.. seealso::
if self.__data.style != style:
self.__data.style = style
[docs] def style(self):
:return: Current symbol style
.. seealso::
return self.__data.style