Source code for qwt.scale_div

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under the terms of the Qwt License
# Copyright (c) 2002 Uwe Rathmann, for the original C++ code
# Copyright (c) 2015 Pierre Raybaut, for the Python translation/optimization
# (see LICENSE file for more details)


.. autoclass:: QwtScaleDiv

from qwt.interval import QwtInterval

import copy

[docs]class QwtScaleDiv(object): """ A class representing a scale division A Qwt scale is defined by its boundaries and 3 list for the positions of the major, medium and minor ticks. The `upperLimit()` might be smaller than the `lowerLimit()` to indicate inverted scales. Scale divisions can be calculated from a `QwtScaleEngine`. .. seealso:: :py:meth:`qwt.scale_engine.QwtScaleEngine.divideScale()`, :py:meth:`qwt.plot.QwtPlot.setAxisScaleDiv()` Scale tick types: * `QwtScaleDiv.NoTick`: No ticks * `QwtScaleDiv.MinorTick`: Minor ticks * `QwtScaleDiv.MediumTick`: Medium ticks * `QwtScaleDiv.MajorTick`: Major ticks * `QwtScaleDiv.NTickTypes`: Number of valid tick types .. py:class:: QwtScaleDiv() Basic constructor. Lower bound = Upper bound = 0. .. py:class:: QwtScaleDiv(interval, ticks) :param qwt.interval.QwtInterval interval: Interval :param list ticks: list of major, medium and minor ticks .. py:class:: QwtScaleDiv(lowerBound, upperBound) :param float lowerBound: First boundary :param float upperBound: Second boundary .. py:class:: QwtScaleDiv(lowerBound, upperBound, ticks) :param float lowerBound: First boundary :param float upperBound: Second boundary :param list ticks: list of major, medium and minor ticks .. py:class:: QwtScaleDiv(lowerBound, upperBound, minorTicks, mediumTicks, majorTicks) :param float lowerBound: First boundary :param float upperBound: Second boundary :param list minorTicks: list of minor ticks :param list mediumTicks: list of medium ticks :param list majorTicks: list of major ticks .. note:: lowerBound might be greater than upperBound for inverted scales """ # enum TickType NoTick = -1 MinorTick, MediumTick, MajorTick, NTickTypes = list(range(4)) def __init__(self, *args): self.__ticks = None if len(args) == 2 and isinstance(args[1], (tuple, list)): interval, ticks = args self.__lowerBound = interval.minValue() self.__upperBound = interval.maxValue() self.__ticks = ticks[:] elif len(args) == 2: self.__lowerBound, self.__upperBound = args elif len(args) == 3: self.__lowerBound, self.__upperBound, ticks = args self.__ticks = ticks[:] elif len(args) == 5: (self.__lowerBound, self.__upperBound, minorTicks, mediumTicks, majorTicks) = args self.__ticks[self.MinorTick] = minorTicks self.__ticks[self.MediumTick] = mediumTicks self.__ticks[self.MajorTick] = majorTicks elif len(args) == 0: self.__lowerBound, self.__upperBound = 0., 0. else: raise TypeError("%s() takes 0, 2, 3 or 5 argument(s) (%s given)"\ % (self.__class__.__name__, len(args)))
[docs] def setInterval(self, *args): """ Change the interval .. py:method:: setInterval(lowerBound, upperBound) :param float lowerBound: First boundary :param float upperBound: Second boundary .. py:method:: setInterval(interval) :param qwt.interval.QwtInterval interval: Interval .. note:: lowerBound might be greater than upperBound for inverted scales """ if len(args) == 2: self.__lowerBound, self.__upperBound = args elif len(args) == 1: interval, = args self.__lowerBound = interval.minValue() self.__upperBound = interval.maxValue() else: raise TypeError("%s().setInterval() takes 1 or 2 argument(s) (%s "\ "given)" % (self.__class__.__name__, len(args)))
[docs] def interval(self): """ :return: Interval """ return QwtInterval(self.__lowerBound, self.__upperBound)
[docs] def setLowerBound(self, lowerBound): """ Set the first boundary :param float lowerBound: First boundary .. seealso:: :py:meth:`lowerBound()`, :py:meth:`setUpperBound()` """ self.__lowerBound = lowerBound
[docs] def lowerBound(self): """ :return: the first boundary .. seealso:: :py:meth:`upperBound()` """ return self.__lowerBound
[docs] def setUpperBound(self, upperBound): """ Set the second boundary :param float lowerBound: Second boundary .. seealso:: :py:meth:`upperBound()`, :py:meth:`setLowerBound()` """ self.__upperBound = upperBound
[docs] def upperBound(self): """ :return: the second boundary .. seealso:: :py:meth:`lowerBound()` """ return self.__upperBound
[docs] def range(self): """ :return: upperBound() - lowerBound() """ return self.__upperBound - self.__lowerBound
def __eq__(self, other): if self.__ticks is None: return False if self.__lowerBound != other.__lowerBound or\ self.__upperBound != other.__upperBound: return False return self.__ticks == other.__ticks def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other)
[docs] def isEmpty(self): """ Check if the scale division is empty( lowerBound() == upperBound() ) """ return self.__lowerBound == self.__upperBound
[docs] def isIncreasing(self): """ Check if the scale division is increasing( lowerBound() <= upperBound() ) """ return self.__lowerBound <= self.__upperBound
[docs] def contains(self, value): """ Return if a value is between lowerBound() and upperBound() :param float value: Value :return: True/False """ min_ = min([self.__lowerBound, self.__upperBound]) max_ = max([self.__lowerBound, self.__upperBound]) return value >= min_ and value <= max_
[docs] def invert(self): """ Invert the scale division .. seealso:: :py:meth:`inverted()` """ (self.__lowerBound, self.__upperBound) = self.__upperBound, self.__lowerBound for index in range(self.NTickTypes): self.__ticks[index].reverse()
[docs] def inverted(self): """ :return: A scale division with inverted boundaries and ticks .. seealso:: :py:meth:`invert()` """ other = copy.deepcopy(self) other.invert() return other
[docs] def bounded(self, lowerBound, upperBound): """ Return a scale division with an interval [lowerBound, upperBound] where all ticks outside this interval are removed :param float lowerBound: First boundary :param float lowerBound: Second boundary :return: Scale division with all ticks inside of the given interval .. note:: lowerBound might be greater than upperBound for inverted scales """ min_ = min([self.__lowerBound, self.__upperBound]) max_ = max([self.__lowerBound, self.__upperBound]) sd = QwtScaleDiv() sd.setInterval(lowerBound, upperBound) for tickType in range(self.NTickTypes): sd.setTicks(tickType, [tick for tick in self.__ticks[tickType] if tick >= min_ and tick <= max_]) return sd
[docs] def setTicks(self, tickType, ticks): """ Assign ticks :param int type: MinorTick, MediumTick or MajorTick :param list ticks: Values of the tick positions """ if tickType in range(self.NTickTypes): self.__ticks[tickType] = ticks
[docs] def ticks(self, tickType): """ Return a list of ticks :param int type: MinorTick, MediumTick or MajorTick :return: Tick list """ if self.__ticks is not None and tickType in range(self.NTickTypes): return self.__ticks[tickType] else: return []