Source code for qwt.legend_label

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under the terms of the Qwt License
# Copyright (c) 2002 Uwe Rathmann, for the original C++ code
# Copyright (c) 2015 Pierre Raybaut, for the Python translation/optimization
# (see LICENSE file for more details)


.. autoclass:: QwtLegendLabel

from qwt.text import QwtTextLabel
from qwt.legend_data import QwtLegendData

from qwt.qt.QtGui import (QStyleOption, QStyle, QPixmap, QApplication,
                          QPainter, qDrawWinButton)
from qwt.qt.QtCore import Signal, Qt, QSize, QRect, QPoint


def buttonShift(w):
    option = QStyleOption()
    ph =, option, w)
    pv =, option, w)
    return QSize(ph, pv)

class QwtLegendLabel_PrivateData(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.itemMode = QwtLegendData.ReadOnly
        self.isDown = False
        self.spacing = MARGIN
        self.legendData = QwtLegendData()
        self.icon = QPixmap()

[docs]class QwtLegendLabel(QwtTextLabel): """A widget representing something on a QwtLegend.""" SIG_CLICKED = Signal() SIG_PRESSED = Signal() SIG_RELEASED = Signal() SIG_CHECKED = Signal(bool) def __init__(self, parent=None): QwtTextLabel.__init__(self, parent) self.__data = QwtLegendLabel_PrivateData() self.setMargin(MARGIN) self.setIndent(MARGIN)
[docs] def setData(self, legendData): """ Set the attributes of the legend label :param QwtLegendData legendData: Attributes of the label .. seealso:: :py:meth:`data()` """ self.__data.legendData = legendData doUpdate = self.updatesEnabled() self.setUpdatesEnabled(False) self.setText(legendData.title()) icon = legendData.icon() if icon is not None: self.setIcon(icon.toPixmap()) if legendData.hasRole(QwtLegendData.ModeRole): self.setItemMode(legendData.mode()) if doUpdate: self.setUpdatesEnabled(True) self.update()
[docs] def data(self): """ :return: Attributes of the label .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setData()`, :py:meth:`qwt.plot.QwtPlotItem.legendData()` """ return self.__data.legendData
[docs] def setText(self, text): """ Set the text to the legend item :param qwt.text.QwtText text: Text label .. seealso:: :py:meth:`text()` """ flags = Qt.AlignLeft|Qt.AlignVCenter|Qt.TextExpandTabs|Qt.TextWordWrap txt = text #TODO: WTF? txt.setRenderFlags(flags) QwtTextLabel.setText(self, text)
[docs] def setItemMode(self, mode): """ Set the item mode. The default is `QwtLegendData.ReadOnly`. :param int mode: Item mode .. seealso:: :py:meth:`itemMode()` """ if mode != self.__data.itemMode: self.__data.itemMode = mode self.__data.isDown = False self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.TabFocus if mode != QwtLegendData.ReadOnly else Qt.NoFocus) self.setMargin(BUTTONFRAME+MARGIN) self.updateGeometry()
[docs] def itemMode(self): """ :return: Item mode .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setItemMode()` """ return self.__data.itemMode
[docs] def setIcon(self, icon): """ Assign the icon :param QPixmap icon: Pixmap representing a plot item .. seealso:: :py:meth:`icon()`, :py:meth:`qwt.plot.QwtPlotItem.legendIcon()` """ self.__data.icon = icon indent = self.margin()+self.__data.spacing if icon.width() > 0: indent += icon.width()+self.__data.spacing self.setIndent(indent)
[docs] def icon(self): """ :return: Pixmap representing a plot item .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setIcon()` """ return self.__data.icon
[docs] def setSpacing(self, spacing): """ Change the spacing between icon and text :param int spacing: Spacing .. seealso:: :py:meth:`spacing()`, :py:meth:`qwt.text.QwtTextLabel.margin()` """ spacing = max([spacing, 0]) if spacing != self.__data.spacing: self.__data.spacing = spacing indent = self.margin()+self.__data.spacing if self.__data.icon.width() > 0: indent += self.__data.icon.width()+self.__data.spacing self.setIndent(indent)
[docs] def spacing(self): """ :return: Spacing between icon and text .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setSpacing()` """ return self.__data.spacing
[docs] def setChecked(self, on): """ Check/Uncheck a the item :param bool on: check/uncheck .. seealso:: :py:meth:`isChecked()`, :py:meth:`setItemMode()` """ if self.__data.itemMode == QwtLegendData.Checkable: isBlocked = self.signalsBlocked() self.blockSignals(True) self.setDown(on) self.blockSignals(isBlocked)
[docs] def isChecked(self): """ :return: true, if the item is checked .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setChecked()` """ return self.__data.itemMode == QwtLegendData.Checkable and self.isDown()
[docs] def setDown(self, down): """ Set the item being down :param bool on: true, if the item is down .. seealso:: :py:meth:`isDown()` """ if down == self.__data.isDown: return self.__data.isDown = down self.update() if self.__data.itemMode == QwtLegendData.Clickable: if self.__data.isDown: self.SIG_PRESSED.emit() else: self.SIG_RELEASED.emit() self.SIG_CLICKED.emit() if self.__data.itemMode == QwtLegendData.Checkable: self.SIG_CHECKED.emit(self.__data.isDown)
[docs] def isDown(self): """ :return: true, if the item is down .. seealso:: :py:meth:`setDown()` """ return self.__data.isDown
[docs] def sizeHint(self): """ :return: a size hint """ sz = QwtTextLabel.sizeHint(self) sz.setHeight(max([sz.height(), self.__data.icon.height()+4])) if self.__data.itemMode != QwtLegendData.ReadOnly: sz += buttonShift(self) sz = sz.expandedTo(QApplication.globalStrut()) return sz
def paintEvent(self, e): cr = self.contentsRect() painter = QPainter(self) painter.setClipRegion(e.region()) if self.__data.isDown: qDrawWinButton(painter, 0, 0, self.width(), self.height(), self.palette(), True) if self.__data.isDown: shiftSize = buttonShift(self) painter.translate(shiftSize.width(), shiftSize.height()) painter.setClipRect(cr) self.drawContents(painter) if not self.__data.icon.isNull(): iconRect = QRect(cr) iconRect.setX(iconRect.x()+self.margin()) if self.__data.itemMode != QwtLegendData.ReadOnly: iconRect.setX(iconRect.x()+BUTTONFRAME) iconRect.setSize(self.__data.icon.size()) iconRect.moveCenter(QPoint(, painter.drawPixmap(iconRect, self.__data.icon) painter.restore() def mousePressEvent(self, e): if e.button() == Qt.LeftButton: if self.__data.itemMode == QwtLegendData.Clickable: self.setDown(True) return elif self.__data.itemMode == QwtLegendData.Checkable: self.setDown(not self.isDown()) return QwtTextLabel.mousePressEvent(self, e) def mouseReleaseEvent(self, e): if e.button() == Qt.LeftButton: if self.__data.itemMode == QwtLegendData.Clickable: self.setDown(False) return elif self.__data.itemMode == QwtLegendData.Checkable: return QwtTextLabel.mouseReleaseEvent(self, e) def keyPressEvent(self, e): if e.key() == Qt.Key_Space: if self.__data.itemMode == QwtLegendData.Clickable: if not e.isAutoRepeat(): self.setDown(True) return elif self.__data.itemMode == QwtLegendData.Checkable: if not e.isAutoRepeat(): self.setDown(not self.isDown()) return QwtTextLabel.keyPressEvent(self, e) def keyReleaseEvent(self, e): if e.key() == Qt.Key_Space: if self.__data.itemMode == QwtLegendData.Clickable: if not e.isAutoRepeat(): self.setDown(False) return elif self.__data.itemMode == QwtLegendData.Checkable: return QwtTextLabel.keyReleaseEvent(self, e)