Source code for bioformats.formatwriter

# Python-bioformats is distributed under the GNU General Public
# License, but this file is licensed under the more permissive BSD
# license.  See the accompanying file LICENSE for details.
# Copyright (c) 2009-2014 Broad Institute
# All rights reserved.

''' - mechanism to wrap a bioformats WriterWrapper and ImageWriter

The following file formats can be written using Bio-Formats:

- TIFF (uncompressed or LZW)
- OME-TIFF (uncompressed or LZW)
- AVI (uncompressed)
- QuickTime (uncompressed is supported natively; additional codecs use QTJava)
- Encapsulated PostScript (EPS)

Support for OME-XML in the near future.

The writer API (see loci.formats.IFormatWriter) is very similar to the reader
API, in that files are written one plane at time (rather than all at once).

All writers allow the output file to be changed before the last plane has
been written.  This allows you to write to any number of output files using
the same writer and output settings (compression, frames per second, etc.),
and is especially useful for formats that do not support multiple images per


from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function, unicode_literals

__version__ = "$Revision$"

import numpy as np
import os
import sys

import javabridge as jutil
import bioformats
import javabridge as javabridge
import bioformats.omexml as ome

[docs]def write_image(pathname, pixels, pixel_type, c = 0, z = 0, t = 0, size_c = 1, size_z = 1, size_t = 1, channel_names = None): """Write the image using bioformats. :param filename: save to this filename :param pixels: the image to save :param pixel_type: save using this pixel type :param c: the image's channel index :param z: the image's `z` index :param t: the image's `t` index :param size_c: # of channels in the stack :param size_z: # of z stacks :param size_t: # of timepoints in the stack :param channel_names: names of the channels (make up names if not present). """ omexml = ome.OMEXML() omexml.image(0).Name = os.path.split(pathname)[1] p = omexml.image(0).Pixels assert isinstance(p, ome.OMEXML.Pixels) p.SizeX = pixels.shape[1] p.SizeY = pixels.shape[0] p.SizeC = size_c p.SizeT = size_t p.SizeZ = size_z p.DimensionOrder = ome.DO_XYCZT p.PixelType = pixel_type index = c + size_c * z + size_c * size_z * t if pixels.ndim == 3: p.SizeC = pixels.shape[2] p.Channel(0).SamplesPerPixel = pixels.shape[2] omexml.structured_annotations.add_original_metadata( ome.OM_SAMPLES_PER_PIXEL, str(pixels.shape[2])) elif size_c > 1: p.channel_count = size_c pixel_buffer = convert_pixels_to_buffer(pixels, pixel_type) xml = omexml.to_xml() script = """ importClass(,, Packages.loci.formats.ImageWriter); var service = new ServiceFactory().getInstance(OMEXMLService); var metadata = service.createOMEXMLMetadata(xml); var writer = new ImageWriter(); writer.setMetadataRetrieve(metadata); writer.setId(path); writer.setInterleaved(true); writer.saveBytes(index, buffer); writer.close(); """ jutil.run_script(script, dict(path=pathname, xml=xml, index=index, buffer=pixel_buffer))
def convert_pixels_to_buffer(pixels, pixel_type): '''Convert the pixels in the image into a buffer of the right pixel type pixels - a 2d monochrome or color image pixel_type - one of the OME pixel types returns a 1-d byte array ''' if pixel_type in (ome.PT_UINT8, ome.PT_INT8, ome.PT_BIT): as_dtype = np.uint8 elif pixel_type in (ome.PT_UINT16, ome.PT_INT16): as_dtype = "<u2" elif pixel_type in (ome.PT_UINT32, ome.PT_INT32): as_dtype = "<u4" elif pixel_type == ome.PT_FLOAT: as_dtype = "<f4" elif pixel_type == ome.PT_DOUBLE: as_dtype = "<f8" else: raise NotImplementedError("Unsupported pixel type: %d" % pixel_type) buf = np.frombuffer(np.ascontiguousarray(pixels, as_dtype).data, np.uint8) env = jutil.get_env() return env.make_byte_array(buf) def make_iformat_writer_class(class_name): '''Bind a Java class that implements IFormatWriter to a Python class Returns a class that implements IFormatWriter through calls to the implemented class passed in. The returned class can be subclassed to provide additional bindings. ''' class IFormatWriter(object): '''A wrapper for loci.formats.IFormatWriter See ''' canDoStacks = jutil.make_method('canDoStacks', '()Z', 'Reports whether the writer can save multiple images to a single file.') getColorModel = jutil.make_method('getColorModel', '()Ljava/awt/image/ColorModel;', 'Gets the color model.') getCompression = jutil.make_method('getCompression', '()Ljava/lang/String;', 'Gets the current compression type.') getCompressionTypes = jutil.make_method('getCompressionTypes', '()[Ljava/lang/String;', 'Gets the available compression types.') getFramesPerSecond = jutil.make_method('getFramesPerSecond', '()I', 'Gets the frames per second to use when writing.') getMetadataRetrieve = jutil.make_method('getMetadataRetrieve', '()Lloci/formats/meta/MetadataRetrieve;', 'Retrieves the current metadata retrieval object for this writer.') getPixelTypes = jutil.make_method('getPixelTypes', '()[I', 'Gets the supported pixel types.') # getPixelTypes = jutil.make_method('getPixelTypes', '(Ljava/lang/String;)[I', # 'Gets the supported pixel types for the given codec.') isInterleaved = jutil.make_method('isInterleaved', '()Z', 'Gets whether or not the channels in an image are interleaved.') isSupportedType = jutil.make_method('isSupportedType', '(I)Z', 'Checks if the given pixel type is supported.') saveBytes = jutil.make_method('saveBytes', '([BZ)V', 'Saves the given byte array to the current file.') saveBytesIB = jutil.make_method('saveBytes', '(I[B)V', 'Saves bytes, first arg is image #') # saveBytes = jutil.make_method('saveBytes', '([BIZZ)V', # 'Saves the given byte array to the given series in the current file.') savePlane = jutil.make_method('savePlane', '(Ljava/lang/Object;Z)V', 'Saves the given image plane to the current file.') # savePlane = jutil.make_method('savePlane', '(Ljava/lang/Object;IZZ)V', # 'Saves the given image plane to the given series in the current file.') setColorModel = jutil.make_method('setColorModel', '(Ljava/awt/image/ColorModel;)V', 'Sets the color model.') setCompression = jutil.make_method('setCompression', '(Ljava/lang/String;)V', 'Sets the current compression type.') setFramesPerSecond = jutil.make_method('setFramesPerSecond', '(I)V', 'Sets the frames per second to use when writing.') setInterleaved = jutil.make_method('setInterleaved', '(Z)V', 'Sets whether or not the channels in an image are interleaved.') setMetadataRetrieve = jutil.make_method('setMetadataRetrieve', '(Lloci/formats/meta/MetadataRetrieve;)V', 'Sets the metadata retrieval object from which to retrieve standardized metadata.') setValidBitsPerPixel = jutil.make_method( 'setValidBitsPerPixel', '(I)V', 'Sets the number of valid bits per pixel') setSeries = jutil.make_method( 'setSeries', '(I)V', '''Set the series for the image file series - the zero-based index of the image stack in the file, for instance in a multi-image tif.''') return IFormatWriter def make_image_writer_class(): '''Return an image writer class for the given Java environment''' env = jutil.get_env() class_name = 'loci/formats/ImageWriter' klass = env.find_class(class_name) base_klass = env.find_class('loci/formats/IFormatWriter') IFormatWriter = make_iformat_writer_class(class_name) # # This uses the writers.txt file from inside the loci_tools.jar # class_list = jutil.make_instance("loci/formats/ClassList", "(Ljava/lang/String;" "Ljava/lang/Class;" # base "Ljava/lang/Class;)V", # location in jar "writers.txt", base_klass, klass) class ImageWriter(IFormatWriter): new_fn = jutil.make_new(class_name, '(Lloci/formats/ClassList;)V') def __init__(self): self.new_fn(class_list) setId = jutil.make_method('setId', '(Ljava/lang/String;)V', 'Sets the current file name.') addStatusListener = jutil.make_method('addStatusListener', '()Lloci/formats/StatusListener;', 'Adds a listener for status update events.') close = jutil.make_method('close','()V', 'Closes currently open file(s) and frees allocated memory.') getFormat = jutil.make_method('getFormat', '()Ljava/lang/String;', 'Gets the name of this file format.') getNativeDataType = jutil.make_method('getNativeDataType', '()Ljava/lang/Class;', 'Returns the native data type of image planes for this reader, as returned by IFormatReader.openPlane(int, int, int, int, int) or IFormatWriter#saveData.') getStatusListeners = jutil.make_method('getStatusListeners', '()[Lloci/formats/StatusListener;', 'Gets a list of all registered status update listeners.') getSuffixes = jutil.make_method('getSuffixes', '()Ljava/lang/String;', 'Gets the default file suffixes for this file format.') getWriter = jutil.make_method('getWriter', '()Lloci/formats/IFormatWriter;', 'Gets the writer used to save the current file.') # getWriter = jutil.make_method('getWriter', '(Ljava/lang/Class)Lloci/formats/IFormatWriter;', # 'Gets the file format writer instance matching the given class.') # getWriter = jutil.make_method('getWriter', '(Ljava/lang/String;)Lloci/formats/IFormatWriter;', # 'Gets the writer used to save the given file.') getWriters = jutil.make_method('getWriters', '()[Lloci/formats/IFormatWriter;', 'Gets all constituent file format writers.') isThisType = jutil.make_method('isThisType', '(Ljava/lang/String;)Z', 'Checks if the given string is a valid filename for this file format.') removeStatusListener = jutil.make_method('removeStatusListener', '(Lloci/formats/StatusListener;)V', 'Saves the given byte array to the current file.') return ImageWriter def make_ome_tiff_writer_class(): '''Return a class that wraps loci.formats.out.OMETiffWriter''' class_name = 'loci/formats/out/OMETiffWriter' IFormatWriter = make_iformat_writer_class(class_name) class OMETiffWriter(IFormatWriter): def __init__(self): self.new_fn = jutil.make_new(self.class_name, '()V') self.setId = jutil.make_method('setId', '(Ljava/lang/String;)V', 'Sets the current file name.') self.close = jutil.make_method( 'close','()V', 'Closes currently open file(s) and frees allocated memory.') self.saveBytesIFD = jutil.make_method( 'saveBytes', '(I[BLloci/formats/tiff/IFD;)V', '''save a byte array to an image channel index - image index bytes - byte array to save ifd - a loci.formats.tiff.IFD instance that gives all of the IFD values associated with the channel''') self.new_fn() return OMETiffWriter def make_writer_wrapper_class(class_name): '''Make an ImageWriter wrapper class class_name - the name of the wrapper class You can instantiate an instance of the wrapper class like this: writer = XXX(ImageWriter()) ''' IFormatWriter = make_iformat_writer_class(class_name) class WriterWrapper(IFormatWriter): __doc__ = '''A wrapper for %s See '''%class_name new_fn = jutil.make_new(class_name, '(Lloci/formats/IFormatWriter;)V') def __init__(self, writer): self.new_fn(writer) setId = jutil.make_method('setId', '(Ljava/lang/String;)V', 'Sets the current file name.') return WriterWrapper def make_format_writer_class(class_name): '''Make a FormatWriter wrapper class class_name - the name of a class that implements loci.formats.FormatWriter Known names in the loci.formats.out package: APNGWriter, AVIWriter, EPSWriter, ICSWriter, ImageIOWriter, JPEG2000Writer, JPEGWriter, LegacyQTWriter, OMETiffWriter, OMEXMLWriter, QTWriter, TiffWriter ''' new_fn = jutil.make_new(class_name, '(Ljava/lang/String;Ljava/lang/String;)V') class FormatWriter(object): __doc__ = '''A wrapper for %s implementing loci.formats.FormatWriter See'''%class_name def __init__(self): self.new_fn() canDoStacks = jutil.make_method('canDoStacks','()Z', 'Reports whether the writer can save multiple images to a single file') getColorModel = jutil.make_method('getColorModel', '()Ljava/awt/image/ColorModel;', 'Gets the color model') getCompression = jutil.make_method('getCompression', '()Ljava/lang/String;', 'Gets the current compression type') getCompressionTypes = jutil.make_method('getCompressionTypes', '()[Ljava/lang/String;', 'Gets the available compression types') getFramesPerSecond = jutil.make_method('getFramesPerSecond', '()I', "Gets the frames per second to use when writing") getMetadataRetrieve = jutil.make_method('getMetadataRetrieve', '()Lloci/formats/meta/MetadataRetrieve;', 'Retrieves the current metadata retrieval object for this writer.') getPixelTypes = jutil.make_method('getPixelTypes', '()[I') isInterleaved = jutil.make_method('isInterleaved','()Z', 'Gets whether or not the channels in an image are interleaved') isSupportedType = jutil.make_method('isSupportedType','(I)Z', 'Checks if the given pixel type is supported') saveBytes = jutil.make_method('saveBytes', '([BZ)V', 'Saves the given byte array to the current file') setColorModel = jutil.make_method('setColorModel', '(Ljava/awt/image/ColorModel;)V', 'Sets the color model') setCompression = jutil.make_method('setCompression', '(Ljava/lang/String;)V', 'Sets the current compression type') setFramesPerSecond = jutil.make_method('setFramesPerSecond', '(I)V', 'Sets the frames per second to use when writing') setId = jutil.make_method('setId','(Ljava/lang/String;)V', 'Sets the current file name') setInterleaved = jutil.make_method('setInterleaved', '(Z)V', 'Sets whether or not the channels in an image are interleaved') setMetadataRetrieve = jutil.make_method('setMetadataRetrieve', '(Lloci/formats/meta/MetadataRetrieve;)V', 'Sets the metadata retrieval object from which to retrieve standardized metadata') return FormatWriter def getRGBColorSpace(): '''Get a Java object that represents an RGB color space See java.awt.color.ColorSpace: this returns the linear RGB color space ''' cs_linear_rgb = jutil.get_static_field('java/awt/color/ColorSpace', 'CS_LINEAR_RGB', 'I') return jutil.static_call('java/awt/color/ColorSpace', 'getInstance', '(I)Ljava/awt/color/ColorSpace;', cs_linear_rgb) def getGrayColorSpace(): '''Get a Java object that represents an RGB color space See java.awt.color.ColorSpace: this returns the linear RGB color space ''' cs_gray = jutil.get_static_field('java/awt/color/ColorSpace', 'CS_GRAY', 'I') return jutil.static_call('java/awt/color/ColorSpace', 'getInstance', '(I)Ljava/awt/color/ColorSpace;', cs_gray) '''Constant for color model transparency indicating bitmask transparency''' BITMASK = 'BITMASK' '''Constant for color model transparency indicting an opaque color model''' OPAQUE = 'OPAQUE' '''Constant for color model transparency indicating a transparent color model''' TRANSPARENT = 'TRANSPARENT' '''Constant for color model transfer type indicating byte per pixel''' TYPE_BYTE = 'TYPE_BYTE' '''Constant for color model transfer type indicating unsigned short per pixel''' TYPE_USHORT = 'TYPE_USHORT' '''Constant for color model transfer type indicating integer per pixel''' TYPE_INT = 'TYPE_INT' def getColorModel(color_space, has_alpha=False, is_alpha_premultiplied = False, transparency = OPAQUE, transfer_type = TYPE_BYTE): '''Return a java.awt.image.ColorModel color model color_space - a java.awt.color.ColorSpace such as returned by getGrayColorSpace or getRGBColorSpace has_alpha - True if alpha channel is specified is_alpha_premultiplied - True if other channel values have already been reduced by the alpha multiplier, False if the channel values are independent of the multiplier. transparency - one of BITMASK, OPAQUE or TRANSPARENT. transfer_type - one of TYPE_BYTE, TYPE_USHORT, TYPE_INT ''' jtransparency = jutil.get_static_field('java/awt/Transparency', transparency, 'I') jtransfer_type = jutil.get_static_field('java/awt/image/DataBuffer', transfer_type, 'I') return jutil.make_instance('java/awt/image/ComponentColorModel', '(Ljava/awt/color/ColorSpace;ZZII)V', color_space, has_alpha, is_alpha_premultiplied, jtransparency, jtransfer_type) if __name__ == "__main__": import wx import matplotlib.backends.backend_wxagg as mmmm import bioformats from .formatreader import * from .metadatatools import * app = wx.PySimpleApp() # dlg = wx.FileDialog(None) # if dlg.ShowModal()==wx.ID_OK: # filename = dlg.Path # else: # app.Exit() # sys.exit() filename = '/Users/afraser/Desktop/cpa_example/images/AS_09125_050116000001_A01f00d0.png' filename = '/Users/afraser/Desktop/wedding/header.jpg' out_file = '/Users/afraser/Desktop/test_output.avi' try: os.remove(out_file) print('previous output file deleted') except: print('no output file to delete') env = jutil.attach() ImageReader = make_image_reader_class() ChannelSeparator = make_reader_wrapper_class("loci/formats/ChannelSeparator") FormatTools = make_format_tools_class() # writer testing ImageWriter = make_image_writer_class() writer = ImageWriter() w = 400 h = 400 c = 3 z = 1 t = 4 images = [] for tt in range(t): images += [(np.random.rand(w, h, c) * 255).astype('uint8')] imeta = createOMEXMLMetadata() meta = wrap_imetadata_object(imeta) meta.createRoot() meta.setPixelsBigEndian(True, 0, 0) meta.setPixelsDimensionOrder('XYCZT', 0, 0) meta.setPixelsPixelType(FormatTools.getPixelTypeString(FormatTools.UINT8), 0, 0) meta.setPixelsSizeX(w, 0, 0) meta.setPixelsSizeY(h, 0, 0) meta.setPixelsSizeC(c, 0, 0) meta.setPixelsSizeZ(z, 0, 0) meta.setPixelsSizeT(t, 0, 0) meta.setLogicalChannelSamplesPerPixel(c, 0, 0) print('big endian:', meta.getPixelsBigEndian(0, 0)) print('dim order:', meta.getPixelsDimensionOrder(0, 0)) print('pixel type:', meta.getPixelsPixelType(0, 0)) print('size x:', meta.getPixelsSizeX(0, 0)) print('size y:', meta.getPixelsSizeY(0, 0)) print('size c:', meta.getPixelsSizeC(0, 0)) print('size z:', meta.getPixelsSizeZ(0, 0)) print('size t:', meta.getPixelsSizeT(0, 0)) print('samples per pixel:', meta.getLogicalChannelSamplesPerPixel(0, 0)) writer.setMetadataRetrieve(meta) writer.setId(out_file) for image in images: if len(image.shape)==3 and image.shape[2] == 3: save_im = np.array([image[:,:,0], image[:,:,1], image[:,:,2]]).astype(np.uint8).flatten() else: save_im = image.astype(np.uint8).flatten() writer.saveBytes(env.make_byte_array(save_im), (image is images[-1])) writer.close() print('Done writing image :)') # import PIL.Image as Image # im =, 'r') # jutil.detach() app.MainLoop()