pytextseg Changelog
0.2.0 - 2012-04-01
- LineBreak: lbc & eaw allow in-place updates.
0.1.1 - not released
- LineBreak: Bug fix: argument 2 of sizing callback is Float, not Int.
- LineBreak: implemented lacking dictionary methods.
- LineBreak: Improvement: prep attributes may accept tuples with flags.
- Requires sombok >= 2.2.
0.1.0 - 2012-03-20
- License Change:
From now on, pytextseg is distributed under dual license of GPL and
Artistic License.
- Consts: added predefined tailoring constants.
- new.
- GCStr.translate(): removed.
- GCStr.lbcext(): fix: returned -1 when grapheme extender is CM.
- LineBreak: fix: aware of object types to be used in callback functions.
- LineBreak.breakingRule(): new.
- LineBreakException: new.
- unfold(): new.
Pre-Alpha to Alpha
0.0.4 - 2012-03-05
- pkg-config support.
- If appropriate libraries are not found, use bundled sombok sources.
- GCStr: added endswith(), ljust(), rjust(), startswith().
- Added documentation based on Sphinx.
0.0.3 - 2012-02-25
- Added fold().
- Added test cases.
0.0.2 - 2012-02-10
- Switched to CPython 3.3 style Unicode handling (PEP 393).
Python 2.x including “narrow” Unicode implenentation is still supported.
0.0.1 - 2012-02-04
- “Wide” Unicode implementation only.
- Supported Python 3.x.