.. api: config.cache API ======================================== The ``pytest-cache`` plugin adds a ``config.cache`` object during the configure-initialization of pytest. This allows other plugins, including ``conftest.py`` files, to safely and flexibly store and retrieve values across test runs because the ``config`` object is available in many places. Under the hood, the cache plugin uses the simple `dumps/loads`_ API of the cross-interpreter execnet_ communication library. It makes it safe to store values e. g. under Python2 and retrieve it later from a Python3 or PyPy interpreter. .. _`dumps/loads`: http://codespeak.net/execnet/basics.html#dumps-loads .. _`execnet`: http://codespeak.net/execnet/ .. currentmodule:: pytest_cache .. automethod:: Cache.get .. automethod:: Cache.set .. automethod:: Cache.makedir