pysyncml 0.1 documentation



Source code for pysyncml.items.note

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# note: $Id: 57 2012-09-04 00:16:40Z griff1n $
# lib:  pysyncml.items.note
# auth: griffin <>
# date: 2012/05/13
# copy: (C) CopyLoose 2012 UberDev <>, No Rights Reserved.

The ``pysyncml.items.note`` module defines the abstract interface to a
Note object via the :class:`pysyncml.NoteItem
<pysyncml.items.note.NoteItem>` class.

.. warning::

  Be aware that this is NOT an object type defined by the SyncML
  specification, but rather is a *de-facto* standard object type.

import os, re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from .base import Item, Ext
from .. import constants, common

[docs]class NoteItem(Item, Ext): ''' The NoteItem is an abstract sub-class of a :class:`pysyncml.Item <pysyncml.items.base.Item>` which primarily defines a "Note" as having a `name` and a `body`. It also provides implementations of the :meth:`dump` and :meth:`load` methods, which support the following content-types: * text/plain * text/x-s4j-sifn, version 1.1 .. warning:: The ``text/plain`` content-type does NOT support the `name` attribute, and therefore does not get synchronized when using that content-type. ''' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, name=None, body=None, *args, **kw): ''' NoteItem constructor which takes attributes `name` and `body`. ''' super(NoteItem, self).__init__(*args, **kw) = name self.body = body #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def dump(self, stream, contentType=None, version=None): ''' Serializes this NoteItem to a byte-stream and writes it to the file-like object `stream`. `contentType` and `version` must be one of the supported content-types, and if not specified, will default to ``text/plain``. ''' if contentType is None or contentType == constants.TYPE_TEXT_PLAIN: stream.write(self.body) return if contentType == constants.TYPE_SIF_NOTE: root = ET.Element('note') # TODO: check `version`... ET.SubElement(root, 'SIFVersion').text = '1.1' if is not None: ET.SubElement(root, 'Subject').text = if self.body is not None: ET.SubElement(root, 'Body').text = self.body for name, values in self.extensions.items(): for value in values: ET.SubElement(root, name).text = value ET.ElementTree(root).write(stream) return raise common.InvalidContentType('cannot serialize NoteItem to "%s"' % (contentType,)) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def load(cls, stream, contentType=None, version=None): ''' Reverses the effects of the :meth:`dump` method, creating a NoteItem from the specified file-like `stream` object. ''' if contentType is None or contentType == constants.TYPE_TEXT_PLAIN: data = name = data.split('\n')[0] # todo: localize?!... name = re.compile(r'^(title|name):\s*', re.IGNORECASE).sub('', name).strip() return NoteItem(name=name, body=data) if contentType == constants.TYPE_SIF_NOTE: data = ET.parse(stream).getroot() ret = NoteItem(name=data.findtext('Subject'), body=data.findtext('Body')) for child in data: if child.tag in ('SIFVersion', 'Subject', 'Body'): continue ret.addExtension(child.tag, child.text) return ret raise common.InvalidContentType('cannot de-serialize NoteItem from "%s"' % (contentType,)) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __eq__(self, other): return == and self.body == other.body #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # end of $Id: 57 2012-09-04 00:16:40Z griff1n $ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
