pysyncml 0.1 documentation



Source code for pysyncml.items.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# file: $Id: 44 2012-08-12 15:59:12Z griff1n $
# lib:  pysyncml.items.base
# auth: griffin <>
# date: 2012/05/13
# copy: (C) CopyLoose 2012 UberDev <>, No Rights Reserved.

The ``pysyncml.items.base`` module defines the abstract interface
:class:`pysyncml.Item <pysyncml.items.base.Item>`, the base class for
all pysyncml synchronized objects.

import StringIO
from .. import constants

[docs]class Item(object): ''' An ``Item`` declares the abstract interface of objects that are synchronized by the pysyncml framework. The only required attributes are the :attr:`id` property, and the :meth:`dump` and :meth:`load` methods. Note that the latter two are currently never invoked directly, and are called via the :class:`pysyncml.Agent <pysyncml.agents.base.Agent>` interface. They are therefore not technically required, but are highly recommended for forward-compatibility. ''' #: The local datastore-unique identifier for this object. Although #: the exact datatype is undefined, it must be convertible to a #: string via a call to ``str(``. id = None #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, id=None, *args, **kw): super(Item, self).__init__(*args, **kw) = id #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def dump(self, stream, contentType=None, version=None): ''' Converts this Item to serialized form (such that it can be transported over the wire) and writes it to the provided file-like `stream` object. For agents that support multiple content-types, the desired `contentType` and `version` will be specified as a parameter. If `contentType` and `version` are None, appropriate default values should be used. For agents that concurrently use multiple content-types, the return value may be a two-element tuple of (contentType, version), thus overriding or enhancing the provided values. ''' raise NotImplementedError() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def dumps(self, contentType=None, version=None): ''' [OPTIONAL] Identical to :meth:`dump`, except the serialized form is returned as a string representation. As documented in :meth:`dump`, the return value can optionally be a three-element tuple of (contentType, version, data) if the provided content-type should be overridden or enhanced. The default implementation just wraps :meth:`dump`. ''' buf = StringIO.StringIO() ret = self.dump(buf, contentType, version) if ret is None: return buf.getvalue() return (ret[0], ret[1], buf.getvalue()) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def load(cls, stream, contentType=None, version=None): ''' Reverses the effects of the :meth:`dump` method, and returns the de-serialized Item from the file-like source `stream`. Note: `version` will typically be ``None``, so it should either be auto-determined, or not used. This is an issue in the SyncML protocol, and is only here for symmetry with :meth:`dump` and as "future-proofing". ''' raise NotImplementedError() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def loads(cls, data, contentType=None, version=None): ''' [OPTIONAL] Identical to :meth:`load`, except the serialized form is provided as a string representation in `data` instead of as a stream. The default implementation just wraps :meth:`load`. ''' buf = StringIO.StringIO(data) return cls.load(buf, contentType, version) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
def __repr__(self): ret = '<%s.%s' % (self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__) for key, val in self.__dict__.items(): if val is None: continue val = repr(val) if len(val) > 40: val = val[:40] + '...' ret += ' %s=%s' % (key, val) return ret + '>' #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class Ext(object): #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(Ext, self).__init__(*args, **kw) # extensions - dict: keys => ( list ( values ) ) self.extensions = dict() #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def addExtension(self, name, value): if name not in self.extensions: self.extensions[name] = [] self.extensions[name].append(value) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # end of $Id: 44 2012-08-12 15:59:12Z griff1n $ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
