pysyncml 0.1 documentation



Source code for pysyncml.ctype

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# file: $Id: 47 2012-08-13 03:04:52Z griff1n $
# lib:  pysyncml.ctype
# auth: griffin <>
# date: 2012/06/23
# copy: (C) CopyLoose 2012 UberDev <>, No Rights Reserved.

The ``pysyncml.ctype`` module exposes the
:class:`pysyncml.ContentTypeInfo <pysyncml.ctype.ContentTypeInfo>`
class, which abstracts content-type handling with respect to
transmission, reception and preferred status within SyncML handling.

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from .common import adict

__all__ = 'ContentTypeInfo',

def getBaseType(contentType):
  if '+' not in contentType:
    return contentType
  return contentType.split('+', 1)[0]

class ContentTypeInfoMixIn:

  def merge(self, other):
    if self.ctype != other.ctype \
       or self.versions != other.versions \
       or self.preferred != self.preferred:
      return False
    self.transmit = self.transmit or other.transmit
    self.receive = self.receive or other.receive
    return True

  def __str__(self):
    ret = '%s@%s:' % (self.ctype, ','.join(self.versions))
    if self.preferred:
      ret += 'Pref'
    if self.transmit:
      ret += 'Tx'
    if self.receive:
      ret += 'Rx'
    return ret

  def __repr__(self):
    return self.__str__()

  def describe(self, s1):
    s1.write(' versions: ')
    flags = []
    if self.preferred:
    if self.transmit:
    if self.receive:
    if len(flags) > 0:
      s1.write(' (')
      s1.write(', '.join(flags))

  def toSyncML(self, nodeName=None):
    ret = ET.Element(nodeName or 'ContentType')
    ET.SubElement(ret, 'CTType').text = self.ctype
    for v in self.versions:
      ET.SubElement(ret, 'VerCT').text = v
    return ret

  def fromSyncML(klass, xnode):
    return klass(
      ctype     = xnode.findtext('CTType'),
      versions  = [x.text for x in xnode.findall('VerCT')],
      preferred = xnode.tag.endswith('-Pref'),
      transmit  = 'Tx' in xnode.tag,
      receive   = 'Rx' in xnode.tag,

[docs]class ContentTypeInfo(adict, ContentTypeInfoMixIn): ''' The ContentTypeInfo class defines a content-type handling capability of a pysyncml Agent. ''' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, ctype=None, versions=None, preferred=False, transmit=True, receive=True, *args, **kw): ''' The ContentTypeInfo constructor supports the following parameters: :param ctype: specifies the content-type string, for example ``\'text/plain\'``. :param versions: a version string (or list thereof) of the specified `ctype` that are supported, for example ``[\'1.0\', \'1.1\']``. :param preferred: boolean specifying whether or not this is the preferred content-type. Note that only one ContentTypeInfo can be marked as being preferred. :param transmit: boolean specifying whether or not the Agent can `transmit` this content-type, i.e. a call to :meth:`pysyncml.Agent.dumpItem <pysyncml.agents.base.Agent.dumpItem>` with this content-type will succeed. :param receive: boolean specifying whether or not the Agent can `receive` this content-type, i.e. a call to :meth:`pysyncml.Agent.loadItem <pysyncml.agents.base.Agent.loadItem>` with this content-type will succeed. ''' super(ContentTypeInfo, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.ctype = ctype if isinstance(versions, basestring): versions = [versions] self.versions = versions self.preferred = preferred self.transmit = transmit self.receive = receive def __str__(self): return ContentTypeInfoMixIn.__str__(self) def __repr__(self): return ContentTypeInfoMixIn.__repr__(self) #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # end of $Id: 47 2012-08-13 03:04:52Z griff1n $ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
