pysyncml 0.1 documentation



Source code for pysyncml.context

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# file: $Id: 53 2012-08-28 06:11:48Z griff1n $
# lib:  pysyncml.context
# auth: griffin <>
# date: 2012/06/23
# copy: (C) CopyLoose 2012 UberDev <>, No Rights Reserved.

The ``pysyncml.context`` package provides the entry point into most
pysyncml operations via the :class:`pysyncml.Context
<pysyncml.context.Context>` class.

import sqlalchemy.ext.declarative
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
from . import model, codec, router, protocol, synchronizer

[docs]class Context(object): ''' The pysyncml Context object creates an environment for an Adapter to be created and evaluated in. The primary object is to provide access to a storage location so that SyncML state information can be stored across multiple synchronization messages, sessions and peers. However, it can also be used to specify operational parameters, such as whether or not to support specific codecs and which to use as the default. ''' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, engine=None, storage=None, prefix='pysyncml', owner=None, autoCommit=None, router=None, protocol=None, synchronizer=None, codec=None, ): ''' The Context constructor accepts the following parameters, of which all are optional: :param owner: an integer owner ID. Necessary primarily when the adapter storage is shared between multiple users/adapter agents (i.e. in server contexts). If it is not shared, `owner` can be left as ``None`` (the default). :param storage: the sqlalchemy storage specification where all the SyncML- related data should be stored. NOTE: can be overridden by parameter `engine`. NOTE: the storage driver **MUST** support cascading deletes; this is done automatically for connections created directly by pysyncml for mySQL and sqlite, but it is up to the calling program to ensure this for other databases or if the database engine is passed in via parameter `engine`. Specifically, when pysyncml creates the sqlalchemy engine (i.e. by calling ``sqlalchemy.create_engine(storage)``), then InnoDB is requested for mySQL tables and ``PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON`` is issued for sqlite databases. pysyncml provides a helper function to ensure that sqlite databases have cascading deletes enabled:: import sqlalchemy, pysyncml db = sqlalchemy.create_engine(...) pysyncml.enableSqliteCascadingDeletes(db) :param engine: the sqlalchemy storage engine where all the SyncML-related data should be stored. NOTE: overrides parameter `storage`. NOTE: see notes under parameter `storage` for details on cascading delete support. TODO: it would be great to add a check to ensure that provided storage engines have cascading deletes enabled. :param prefix: sets a database table name prefix. This is primarily useful when using the `engine` parameter, as multiple pysyncml contexts can then be defined within the same database namespace. Defaults to ``pysyncml``. :param autoCommit: whether or not to execute a storage engine "commit" when syncing is complete. The default behavior is dependent on if `engine` is provided: if not ``None``, then `autoCommit` defaults to ``False``, otherwise, defaults to ``True``. :param router: overrides the default router with an object that must implement the interface specified by :class:`pysyncml.router.Router`. :param protocol: sets the semantic objective to/from protocol evaluation and resolution object, which must implement the :class:`pysyncml.protocol.Protocol` interface. :param synchronizer: this is the engine for handling sync requests and dispatching them to the various agents. If specified, the object must implement the :class:`pysyncml.synchronizer.Synchronizer` interface. :param codec: specify the codec used to encode the SyncML commands - typically either ``\'xml\'`` (the default) or ``\'wbxml\'``. It can also be an object that implements the :class:`pysyncml.codec.Codec` interface. ''' self.autoCommit = autoCommit if autoCommit is not None else engine is None self._model = model.createModel( engine = engine, storage = storage, prefix = prefix, owner_id = owner, context = self, ) self.router = router self.protocol = protocol self.synchronizer = synchronizer self.codec = codec for attr in dir(self._model): if attr in ('DatabaseObject', 'RawDatabaseObject', 'Version', 'Adapter'): continue value = getattr(self._model, attr) if issubclass(value.__class__, sqlalchemy.ext.declarative.DeclarativeMeta) \ and value != self._model.DatabaseObject: setattr(self, attr, value) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # TODO: add a method to delete all entries with a specific owner... #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def Adapter(self, **kw): ''' .. TODO:: move this documentation into model/ The Adapter constructor supports the following parameters: :param devID: sets the local adapter\'s device identifier. For servers, this should be the externally accessible URL that launches the SyncML transaction, and for clients this should be a unique ID, such as the IMEI number (for mobile phones). If not specified, it will be defaulted to the `devID` of the `devinfo` object. If it cannot be loaded from the database or from the `devinfo`, then it must be provided before any synchronization can begin. :param name: sets the local adapter\'s device name - usually a human-friendly description of this SyncML\'s function. :param devinfo: sets the local adapter :class:`pysyncml.devinfo.DeviceInfo`. If not specified, it will be auto-loaded from the database. If it cannot be loaded from the database, then it must be provided before any synchronization can begin. :param peer: TODO: document... :param maxGuidSize: TODO: document... :param maxMsgSize: TODO: document... :param maxObjSize: TODO: document... :param conflictPolicy: sets the default conflict handling policy for this adapter, and can be overriden on a per-store basis (applies only when operating as the server role). ''' try: ret = self._model.Adapter.q(isLocal=True).one() for k, v in kw.items(): setattr(ret, k, v) except NoResultFound: ret = self._model.Adapter(**kw) ret.isLocal = True self._model.session.add(ret) if ret.devID is not None: self._model.session.flush() ret.context = self # todo: is this really the best place to do this?... ret.router = self.router or router.Router(ret) ret.protocol = self.protocol or protocol.Protocol(ret) ret.synchronizer = self.synchronizer or synchronizer.Synchronizer(ret) ret.codec = self.codec or 'xml' if isinstance(ret.codec, basestring): ret.codec = codec.Codec.factory(ret.codec) if ret.devID is not None: peers = ret.getKnownPeers() if len(peers) == 1 and peers[0].url is not None: ret._peer = peers[0] return ret #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def RemoteAdapter(self, **kw): ''' .. TODO:: move this documentation into model/ The RemoteAdapter constructor supports the following parameters: :param url: specifies the URL that this remote SyncML server can be reached at. The URL must be a fully-qualified URL. :param auth: set what kind of authentication scheme to use, which generally is one of the following values: **None**: indicates no authentication is required. **pysyncml.NAMESPACE_AUTH_BASIC**: specifies to use "Basic-Auth" authentication scheme. **pysyncml.NAMESPACE_AUTH_MD5**: specifies to use MD5 "Digest-Auth" authentication scheme. NOTE: this may not be implemented yet... :param username: if the `auth` is not ``None``, then the username to authenticate as must be provided via this parameter. :param password: if the `auth` is not ``None``, then the password to authenticate with must be provided via this parameter. ''' # TODO: is this really the right way?... ret = self._model.Adapter(isLocal=False, **kw) self._model.session.add(ret) if ret.devID is not None: self._model.session.flush() return ret #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@staticmethod def getAuthInfo(request, authorizer): xtree = codec.Codec.autoDecode(request.headers['content-type'], request.body) return protocol.Protocol.getAuthInfo(xtree, None, authorizer) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- @staticmethod def getTargetID(request): xtree = codec.Codec.autoDecode(request.headers['content-type'], request.body) return protocol.Protocol.getTargetID(xtree) #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def save(self): # TODO: is this just here for the test classes?... might this be better # marked as an internal method?... # todo: is the "flush" really necessary?... if self.autoCommit: self._model.session.flush() self._model.session.commit() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # end of $Id: 53 2012-08-28 06:11:48Z griff1n $ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
