pysyncml 0.1 documentation



Source code for pysyncml.agents.base

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# file: $Id: 57 2012-09-04 00:16:40Z griff1n $
# lib:  pysyncml.agents.base
# auth: griffin <>
# date: 2012/04/21
# copy: (C) CopyLoose 2012 UberDev <>, No Rights Reserved.

This module defines the abstract interface :class:`pysyncml.Agent
<pysyncml.agents.base.Agent>`, the base class for all pysyncml
synchronization agents.

import sys, json, StringIO
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from ..common import ConflictError

[docs]class Agent(object): ''' The ``Agent`` interface is how the pysyncml Adapter interacts with the actual objects being synchronized. The data is expected to be stored by the calling framework, and pysyncml manages the protocol for synchronization. This API defines the core required methods that need to be implemented (:meth:`addItem`, :meth:`getItem`, :meth:`replaceItem`, :meth:`deleteItem`, :meth:`getAllItems`, :meth:`loadItem`, :meth:`dumpItem`), as well as several optional methods that can be implemented for optimization purposes. Hierarchical Item Support To enable hierarchical item support for an Agent, set the attribute (or constructor parameter) `hierarchicalSync` to true. This will then cause pysyncml to process parent/child relationships. Note, however, that pysyncml does NOT enforce any kind of integrity checking. Specifically, pysyncml: * does NOT enforce a single parentless (i.e. root) item. * does NOT enforce that children are deleted before their parents. * does NOT detect or resolve orphaned children. These are all circumstances that are handled differently based on what kind of parent/child relationship exists, and is therefore outside of the scope of pysyncml to enforce. ''' #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- def __init__(self, contentTypes=None, hierarchicalSync=False, *args, **kw): super(Agent, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.contentTypes = contentTypes self.hierarchicalSync = hierarchicalSync #---------------------------------------------------------------------------- # helper methods #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def deleteAllItems(self): ''' [OPTIONAL] Deletes all items stored by this Agent. The default implementation simply iterates over :meth:`getAllItems` and deletes them one at a time. ''' for item in self.getAllItems(): self.deleteItem( #============================================================================ # serialization methods -- these MUST be implemented #============================================================================ # TODO: ideally, both would be implemented to call each other, but a # trap for Recursion depth exception would be set so that i can # warn about that... that would allow the sub-classer to implement # either. the `(dump|load)*s*Item` should probably be the "optimized" # route... ie. the non-string version should do the recursion check. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def dumpItem(self, item, stream, contentType=None, version=None): ''' Converts the specified `item` to serialized form (such that it can transported over the wire) and writes it to the provided file-like `stream` object. For agents that support multiple content-types, the desired `contentType` and `version` will be specified as a parameter. If `contentType` and `version` are None, appropriate default values should be used. For agents that concurrently use multiple content-types, the return value may be a two-element tuple of (contentType, version), thus overriding or enhancing the provided values. ''' raise NotImplementedError() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def dumpsItem(self, item, contentType=None, version=None): ''' [OPTIONAL] Identical to :meth:`dump`, except the serialized form is returned as a string representation. As documented in :meth:`dump`, the return value can optionally be a three-element tuple of (contentType, version, data) if the provided content-type should be overridden or enhanced. The default implementation just wraps :meth:`dump`. ''' buf = StringIO.StringIO() ret = self.dumpItem(item, buf, contentType, version) if ret is None: return buf.getvalue() return (ret[0], ret[1], buf.getvalue()) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def loadItem(self, stream, contentType=None, version=None): ''' Reverses the effects of the :meth:`dumpItem` method, and returns the de-serialized Item from the file-like source `stream`. Note: `version` will typically be ``None``, so it should either be auto-determined, or not used. This is an issue in the SyncML protocol, and is only here for symmetry with :meth:`dumpItem` and as "future-proofing". ''' raise NotImplementedError() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def loadsItem(self, data, contentType=None, version=None): ''' [OPTIONAL] Identical to :meth:`loadItem`, except the serialized form is provided as a string representation in `data` instead of as a stream. The default implementation just wraps :meth:`loadItem`. ''' buf = StringIO.StringIO(data) return self.loadItem(buf, contentType, version) #============================================================================ # core syncing methods -- these MUST be implemented #============================================================================ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def getAllItems(self): ''' Returns an iterable of all the items stored in the local datastore. ''' raise NotImplementedError() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def addItem(self, item): ''' The specified `item`, which will have been created via a prior ``loadItem()``, is added to the local datastore. This method returns either a new :class:`pysyncml.Item <pysyncml.items.base.Item>` instance or the same `item` that was passed --- in either case, the returned item **MUST** have a valid :attr:` <>` attribute. ''' raise NotImplementedError() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def getItem(self, itemID): ''' Returns the :class:`pysyncml.Item <pysyncml.items.base.Item>` instance associated with the specified `itemID`, which may or may not have been converted to a string. ''' raise NotImplementedError() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def replaceItem(self, item, reportChanges): ''' Updates the local datastore item with ID `` to the value provided as `item`, which will have been created via a prior ``loadItem()``. If `reportChanges` is True, then the return value will be used to track the changes that were applied. If `reportChanges` is True but ``None`` is returned, then change tracking will be disabled for this change, which will cascade to any past or future changes that have not yet been synchronized. The return value must be a string (or an object that supports coercion via ``str()``). If multiple changes accumulate for an object, they will be concatenated, in order, and delimited via a semicolon (";"). See :doc:`../merging` for details. ''' raise NotImplementedError() #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def deleteItem(self, itemID): ''' Deletes the local datastore item with ID `itemID`. ''' raise NotImplementedError() #============================================================================ # extended syncing methods -- these SHOULD be implemented #============================================================================ #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def matchItem(self, item): ''' [OPTIONAL] Attempts to find the specified item and returns an item that describes the same object although it's specific properties may be different. For example, a contact whose name is an identical match, but whose telephone number has changed would return the matched item. ``None`` should be returned if no match is found, otherwise the item that `item` matched should be returned. This is used primarily when a slow-sync is invoked and objects that exist in both peers should not be replicated. Note that **NO** merging of the items' properties should be done; that will be initiated via a separate call to :meth:`mergeItems`. This method by default will iterate over all items (by calling :meth:`getAllItems`) and compare them using ``cmp()``. This means that if the items managed by this agent implement the ``__eq__`` or ``__cmp__`` methods, then matching items will be detected and returned. Otherwise, any items that exist in both peers will be duplicated on slow-sync. Sub-classes *should* implement a more efficient method of finding matching items. See :doc:`../merging` for details. ''' for match in self.getAllItems(): if cmp(match, item) == 0: return match return None #----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def mergeItems(self, localItem, remoteItem, changeSpec): ''' [OPTIONAL] Merges the properties of `remoteItem`, which is an item provided by a remote peer during a synchronization, into the `localItem`, which is an item retrieved from this agent either via :meth:`getItem` or :meth:`matchItem`. `changeSpec` will represent the changes applied to `localItem` since `remoteItem` was last synchronized, or will be ``None`` when called as a result of a slow-sync :meth:`matchItem` call. This method should return a new change-spec (see :meth:`replaceItem` for details) that represents the changes applied to `localItem` from `remoteItem`. If the items cannot be merged, then a `pysyncml.ConflictError` should be raised with more descriptive information on what failed during the merge --- in which case pysyncml will revert to the conflict resolution policy defined by `store.conflictPolicy` or `adapter.conflictPolicy`. IMPORTANT: if the merge fails, `localItem` and `remoteItem` must stay untouched by this call; most importantly, if the merge fails with a ConflictError, then `remoteItem` must be in the identical state as when it entered the call. This method by default raises a ConflictError, which means that if any changes are made to the same item simultaneously by two different peers, they will result in a conflict and will not be auto-mergeable. See :doc:`../merging` for details. ''' raise ConflictError('items cannot be merged') # other methods in SyncML spec: # def copyItem(self, item): raise NotImplementedError() # def execItem(self, item): raise NotImplementedError() # def moveItem(self, item): raise NotImplementedError() # def putItem(self, item): raise NotImplementedError() # def searchItem(self, item): raise NotImplementedError() #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # end of $Id: 57 2012-09-04 00:16:40Z griff1n $ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
