Using pysubs2 from the Command Line

Do you want to convert subtitle files from one format to another, or do simple retiming? You can use pysubs2 CLI, which is invoked by executing the pysubs2 module: python -m pysubs2.

See python -m pysubs2 --help for usage. Here are some examples:

python -m pysubs2 --to srt *.ass
python -m pysubs2 --to microdvd --fps 23.976 *.ass
python -m pysubs2 --shift 0.3s *.srt
python -m pysubs2 --shift 0.3s < >
python -m pysubs2 --shift-back 0.3s --output-dir retimed *.srt
python -m pysubs2 --transform-framerate 25 23.976 *.srt


By default, the script works in-place; original files are overwritten. You can use the -o/--output-dir option to specify output directory or process files in single-file mode (python -m pysubs2 <infile >outfile).

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