Fitting of Experimental Data


These routines / classes provide a method for fitting of data using mostly least squares methods. There are two main methods here. The class provides a class for fitting of data. The subroutine serves as a wrapper around the class. Here the data is taken from the current selected figure. Basically this means that you can fit any set of data which is on the current figure.

The fit Class

Fitting user supplied data

class, y=None, e=None, funcs=None, guess=None, quiet=False, optimizer='mpfit', ifix=None, ilimited=None, ilimits=None, xlimits=None, xlimitstype='world', interactive=False, r2min=0.0, debug=0)

General class to perform non-linear least squares fitting of data.

This class serves as a wrapper around various fit methods, requiring a standard function to allow for easy fitting of data.

x : ndarray
x data
y : ndarray
y data
e : ndarray
y error
funcs : list
A list of functions to be fitted. These functions should be formed like the standard fitting functions in the pyspec.fitfuncs.
guess : array or string
Array of the initial guess, or string for guess type:
‘auto’ : Auto guess of parameters
quiet : bool
If True then don’t print to the console any results.
ifix : ndarray
An array containing a ‘1’ for fixed parameters
xlimits : ndarray
An (n x 2) array of the limits in x to fit.
xlimitstype : string
Either ‘world’ or ‘index’
optimiser : string :
Optimizer to use for fit: ‘mpfit’, ‘leastsq’, ‘ODR’
interactive : bool
True/False launch interactive fitting mode
r2min : float
If r^2 is less than this value, drop into interactive mode
After a sucsesful fit, the class will contain members for the following.
result of fit
errors on results (sigma)
an array of both results and stdev for convinience
covarience matrix of result
correlation matrix of result
R^2 value for fit.
chiSquared(norm=True, dist='poisson')

Return the chi-squared value for the fit

Calculate the chi-squared value for the fit. This is defined as
\chi^2 = \sum_N (x_{d,n} - x_{m,n})
Where d is the data and m is the model. The normalized chi-squared is given by
\chi^2_{norm} = \chi^2 / M

where M = N - P, where P is the number of parameters.

If dist is ‘poisson’ then the data is divided by the model answer. i.e.

\chi^2_{poisson} = \sum_N {(x_{d,n} - x_{m,i})} / {x_{m,i}}
norm : bool
If true calculate the normalized chi-squared.
dist : string
The distribution to use, currently only ‘poisson’

chi-squared value

evalfitfunc(nxpts=None, p=None, x=None)

Evaluate the fit functions with the fesult of a fit

nxpts : int
Number of x data points if using the range of the input data. If none then the x points of the dataset are used.
p : ndarray
Parameters of function. If None, use current fit result.
x : ndarray
Evaluate fit function at each point defined by the ndarray.

returns f(x) : ndarray


Start the fit

interactive : bool
If True, start the fit in interactive mode.

Calculate the sandard deviation of the residuals


Start the fit

interactive : bool
If True, start the fit in interactive mode.

Return a string containing the text results of the fit

Fitting data plotted using matplotlib, ax=None, showguess=False, *args, **kwargs)

Force fitting of a function to graphed data

funcs : list
list of the fit functions
ax : matplotlib axis instance
axis to fit (if none the current axis is used)

All the additional *args and **kwargs are passed onto the fit class (see class for details). instance with result.

Standard Fit Functions

pyspec.fitfuncs.constant(x, p, mode='eval')

Single constant value

f(x) = p_0
pyspec.fitfuncs.gauss(x, p, mode='eval')

Gaussian defined by amplitide

f(x) = p_2 \exp\left(\frac{-(x - p_0)^2}{2p_1^2}\right)
pyspec.fitfuncs.linear(x, p, mode='eval')

Linear (strait line)

f(x) = p_0 x + p_1
pyspec.fitfuncs.lor(x, p, mode='eval')

Lorentzian defined by amplitude

f(x) = p_2\left(\frac{1}{1 + \left(\frac{x - p_0}{p_1}\right)^2}\right)
pyspec.fitfuncs.lor2(x, p, mode='eval')

Lorentzian squared defined by amplitude

f(x) = p_2\left(\frac{1}{1 + \left(\frac{x - p_0}{p_1}\right)^2}\right)^2
The HWHM is related to the parameter \Gamma by the relation:
\kappa = \sqrt{\sqrt{2} - 1}\Gamma
pyspec.fitfuncs.lor2a(x, p, mode='eval')

Lorentzian squared function defined by area

pyspec.fitfuncs.lorr(x, p, mode='eval')

Lorentzian defined by area

f(x) = \frac{p_2}{p_1\pi} \left(\frac{1}{1 + 4\left(\frac{x - p_0}{p_1}\right)^2}\right)
pyspec.fitfuncs.peakguess(x, y)

Guess the “vital statistics” of a peak.

This function guesses the peak’s center width, integral, height and linear background (m, c) from the x and y data passed to it.

pyspec.fitfuncs.power(x, p, mode='eval')

Power function

f(x) = p_0 p_1^x
pyspec.fitfuncs.pvoight(x, p, mode='eval')

Pseudo Voight function

:math:’f(x) = ‘

User Defined Functions

User defined functions can easily be written. An example of a fit function to provide a linear (straight line) is shown below:

def linear(x, p, mode='eval'):
   if mode == 'eval':
      out = (p[0] * x) + p[1]
   elif mode == 'params':
      out = ['grad','offset']
   elif mode == 'name':
      out = "Linear"
   elif mode == 'guess':
      g = peakguess(x, p)
      out = g[4:6]
      out = []
   return out

This function is called by the fitting routine each time the function needs to be evaluated. It is also called other times, to gain information about the function. The mode parameter is used to let the function know what is required. The default value of mode should be set to 'eval'. The possible values of mode are discussed below

Evaluate function. Here the function should return f(x) from x and p, where p is the parameters
List of parameter names. Here the function should return a list of strings describing the fit parameters. This list should have the same length as the number of fit parameters.
Name of the function. Here the function should return a string with a text description of the function.
Parameter guess. Here the function should return a guess of the fit parameters. The function is passed f(x) through the second parameter p. The function should return it’s best guess based on the experimental data, and return those parameters. The peakguess function is provided for convenience which can guess the vital statistics of a peak from the data. This option is not essential but if it is not implemented then the user must provide a numerical guess to the fit class.

Finally, the default response should be to return a null list [].