Plot Grid Class
This class plots: intensity, occupation of the grid parts (bins), histogram of the occupation of a given 2D or 1D grid
Get the plotting labels for the axes
axesLabels : labels for the axes [xLabel, yLabel, zLabel]
Get the no. of bins for the histograms
hisBin : no. of bins for the histograms of the occupation numbers
Get whether data are plotted on linear (0) or logarithmic (1) scale
flag1D : flag to select scale of 1D plots flag2D : flag to select scale of 2D plots
binary code, flag & 1: intensity, flag & 2: missing grid parts
Get plotting the 1D fits
Get the ploting flags for 1D and 2D plots
flag1D : flag to select 1D plots flag2D : flag to select 2D plots
binary code, flag & 1: intensity, flag & 2: occupation numbers of the grid parts (bins), flag & 4: histogram of occupation of the grid parts (bins)
Get the options for the plotting window
figSize : figure size (width, height) in inches, e.g. (11, 8.5) plotHor : no. of horizontal images per window , e.g. 4 plotVer : no. of vertical images per window , e.g. 3 plotOrd : order of plotting, horizontal-vertical (‘hv’) of vertical-horizontal (‘vh’)
Plots 1D Lines: intensity, occupation, histogram
Plots 1D Lines: maskOccu, maskBack, maskFit
Plots 2D Areas: intensity, occupation, histogram
Plots 2D Areas: maskOccu, maskBack, maskFit
Plots 1D/2D sums and cuts
Select and plots the 1D Lines of the data grid
calcMode : select which calculated values are plotted, ‘sum’, ‘cut’, ‘cutAv’ intenFits : intensity of the 1D fits, do not consider if None
retrurns fig1 : plt.figure object of the plotting window allax1 : list of plt.axes objects which carry the figures allRes : all results of the fits, [[a1, b1, cen1, width1, area1],...], [0, 0, 0, 0, 0] if unsuccessful fit
Select and plots the 2D Areas of the data grid
calcMode : select which calculated values are plotted, ‘sum’, ‘cut’, ‘cutAv’
retrurns fig2 : plt.figure object of the plotting window allax2 : list of plt.axes objects which carry the figures
Select and plots the 1D Lines of the mask grids
calcMode : select which calculated values are plotted, ‘sum’, ‘cut’
retrurns fig1 : plt.figure object of the plotting window allax1 : list of plt.axes objects which carry the figures
Select and plots the 2D Areas of the mask grid
calcMode : select which calculated values are plotted, ‘sum’, ‘cut’
retrurns fig2 : plt.figure object of the plotting window allax2 : list of plt.axes objects which carry the figures
Set the plotting labels for the axes
axesLabels : labels for the axes [xLabel, yLabel, zLabel]
Sets the number of bins for the histograms
Sets whether data are plotted on linear (False) or logarithmic (True) scale binary code, flag & 1: intensity, flag & 2: missing grid parts
Sets the axes for the 1D plots
Sets the intenstiy and occupation of each grid part (bin) for the 1D plots
Set plotting the 1D fits
Sets the background, occupation and combination for the 1D plots
Sets the axes for the 2D plots
Sets the intenstiy and occupation of each grid part (bin) for the 2D plots
Sets the background, occupation and combination for the 2D plots
Sets the ploting flags for 2D and 1D plots binary code, flag & 1: intensity, flag & 2: missing grid parts, flag & 4: histogram of occupation of the grid parts
Set the options for the plotting window
figSize : figure size (width, height) in inches, e.g. (11, 8.5) plotHor : no. of horizontal images per window , e.g. 4 plotVer : no. of vertical images per window , e.g. 3 plotOrd : order of plotting, horizontal-vertical (‘hv’) of vertical-horizontal (‘vh’)
Plot Grid Class
This class plots: intensity, occupation of the grid parts (bins), histogram of the occupation of a given 2D or 1D grid
Get the plotting labels for the axes
axesLabels : labels for the axes [xLabel, yLabel, zLabel]
Get the no. of bins for the histograms
hisBin : no. of bins for the histograms of the occupation numbers, default 50
Get instance of ImageProcessor to handle all data
imProc : instance of the ImageProcessor class
Get whether data are plotted on linear (0) or logarithmic (1) scale
flag1D : flag to select scale of 1D plots, default 0 flag2D : flag to select scale of 2D plots, default 0
binary code, flag & 1: intensity, flag & 2: missing grid parts
Get plotting the 1D fits
plot1DFit : plot 1D fits if True, default False
Get whether 1D data is shown with or without y-errorbars
plotErr : plot 1D y-errorbars if True, default False
Get the ploting flags for 1D and 2D plots
flag1D : flag to select 1D plots, default 7 flag2D : flag to select 2D plots, default 7
binary code, flag & 1: intensity, flag & 2: occupation numbers of the grid parts (bins), flag & 4: histogram of occupation of the grid parts (bins)
Get instance of PlotWindow class for plotting
plotWin : instance of the PlotWindow class, make new if None
Plots 1D/2D sums and cuts
Select and plots the 1D Lines of the data grid
calcMode : select which calculated values are plotted, ‘sum’, ‘cut’, ‘cutAv’
retrurns fig1 : plt.figure object of the plotting window allax1 : list of plt.axes objects which carry the figures
Select and plots the 2D Areas of the data grid
plot data and occupation as (yz), (xz), (xy) = (ax0, ax1) areas and histograms calcMode : select which calculated values are plotted, ‘sum’, ‘cut’, ‘cutAv’
returns fig2 : plt.figure object of the plotting window allax2 : list of plt.axes objects which carry the figures
Select and plots the 1D Lines of the mask grids
calcMode : select which calculated values are plotted, ‘sum’, ‘cut’
retrurns fig1 : plt.figure object of the plotting window allax1 : list of plt.axes objects which carry the figures
Select and plots the 2D Areas of the mask grid
calcMode : select which calculated values are plotted, ‘sum’, ‘cut’
retrurns fig2 : plt.figure object of the plotting window allax2 : list of plt.axes objects which carry the figures
Set the labels of the axes regarding the frame mode
Set the plotting labels for the axes
axesLabels : labels for the axes [xLabel, yLabel, zLabel]
Set the no. of bins for the histograms
hisBin : no. of bins for the histograms of the occupation numbers, default 50
Set instance of ImageProcessor to handle all data
imProc : instance of the ImageProcessor class
Set whether data are plotted on linear (0) or logarithmic (1) scale
flag1D : flag to select scale of 1D plots, default 0 flag2D : flag to select scale of 2D plots, default 0
binary code, flag & 1: intensity, flag & 2: missing grid parts
Set plotting the 1D fits
plot1DFit : plot 1D fits if True, default False
Set whether 1D data is shown with or without y-errorbars
plotErr : plot 1D y-errorbars if True, default False
Set the ploting flags for 1D and 2D plots
flag1D : flag to select 2D plots, default 7 flag2D : flag to select 1D plots, default 7
binary code, flag & 1: intensity, flag & 2: occupation numbers of the grid parts (bins), flag & 4: histogram of occupation of the grid parts (bins)
Set instance of PlotWindow class for plotting
plotWin : instance of the PlotWindow class, make new if None
Plot CCD-images
Get the no. of bins for the histograms
hisBin : no. of bins for the histograms of the occupation numbers
Get whether data are plotted on linear (0) or logarithmic (1) scale
flag : flag to select between linear and logarithmic plotting
binary code, flag & 1: intensity, flag & 2: histogram
Get the image content for the plotting
plotSelect : list with the raw images which will be plotted, all if None plotType : plot raw images (‘raw’), dark image substracted (‘dark’),
normalized (‘norm’), background substracted (‘back’) ‘norm’ if None
Get the ploting flag
flag : flag to select plots
binary code, flag & 1: intensity, flag & 2: histogram
Get the options for the plotting window
figSize : figure size (width, height) in inches, e.g. (11, 8.5) plotHor : no. of horizontal images per window , e.g. 4 plotVer : no. of vertical images per window , e.g. 3 plotOrd : order of plotting, horizontal-vertical (‘hv’) of vertical-horizontal (‘vh’)
Select the plotting of the images
plotSelect : selction of the images for plotting, use object default if None plotType : plot raw images (‘raw’), dark image substracted (‘dark’),
normalized (‘norm’), background substracted (‘back’) object default or ‘norm’ if None
retrurns allfig : list of plt.figure objects of the plotting windows allax : list of plt.axes objects which carry the figures
Set the no. of bins for the histograms
hisBin : no. of bins for the histograms of the occupation numbers
Set whether data are plotted on linear (0) or logarithmic (1) scale
flag : flag to select between linear and logarithmic plotting
binary code, flag & 1: intensity, flag & 2: histogram
Set the image content for the plotting
plotSelect : list with the raw images which will be plotted, all if None plotType : plot raw images (‘raw’), dark image substracted (‘dark’),
normalized (‘norm’), background substracted (‘back’) ‘norm’ if None
Set the ploting flag
flag : flag to select plots
binary code, flag & 1: intensity, flag & 2: histogram
Set the options for the plotting window
figSize : figure size (width, height) in inches, e.g. (11, 8.5) plotHor : no. of horizontal images per window , e.g. 4 plotVer : no. of vertical images per window , e.g. 3 plotOrd : order of plotting, horizontal-vertical (‘hv’) of vertical-horizontal (‘vh’)
Plot window for 1D and 2D data
options e.g. : size, axes order, labels, titles
Get plotting data
Get details of the singel plots
plotType : list of ‘oneD’, ‘twoD’ and ‘hist’, set from plotData if None plotLog : list of boolean, plot on log scale if True plotErr : list of boolean, plot with error bars if True plotOrigins : list of sting: None, ‘upper’ or ‘lower’ (only 2D) plotExtents : list of extents (only 2D), [ax1Min, ax1Max, ax0Min, ax0Max] histBins : list of number of bins for histograms, default 50
Get layout of the singel plots
plotTitles : list of plot titles, e.g. [‘Data’, ‘Occupation’] axesLabels : list of axes labels, e.g. [[xLabel, yLabel], [ax1Label, ax0Label]] plotKinds : list of plot kindes (only 1D), e.g. [‘-bo’, ‘-r’] dataLabels : list of data labels (only 1D), e.g. [‘Data’, ‘fit’] plotLegends : list of boolean, show legend if True (only 1D)
Set layout properties of plot markers
markerSizes : list of marker sizes in pt , default 5 markerEdgeWidths : list of marker edges widths in pt , default 2 errLineWidths : list of error bar line widths in pt, default 2 capSizes : list of error bar cap sizes in pt , default 5
Get the options for the plotting window
fig : plt.figure for plotting, make new if None allax : list of plt.axes for plotting, make new if None figSize : figure size (width, height) in inches, e.g. (11, 8.5) plotHor : no. of horizontal images per window , e.g. 4 plotVer : no. of vertical images per window , e.g. 3 plotOrd : order of plotting, horizontal-vertical (‘hv’) of vertical-horizontal (‘vh’) winTitle : title of the window
Plot all data wiht regarding layout and details
Set plotting data
stores: plotNum : No. of entries to plot
Set details of the singel plots
plotType : list of ‘oneD’, ‘twoD’ and ‘hist’, set from plotData if None plotLog : list of boolean, plot on log scale if True plotErr : list of boolean, plot with error bars if True plotOrigins : list of sting: None, ‘upper’ or ‘lower’ (only 2D) plotExtents : list of extents (only 2D), [ax1Min, ax1Max, ax0Min, ax0Max] histBins : list of number of bins for histograms, default 50
Set layout of the singel plots
plotTitles : list of plot titles, e.g. [‘Data’, ‘Occupation’] axesLabels : list of axes labels, e.g. [[xLabel, yLabel], [ax1Label, ax0Label]] plotKinds : list of plot kindes (only 1D), e.g. [‘-bo’, ‘-r’] dataLabels : list of data labels (only 1D), e.g. [‘Data’, ‘fit’] plotLegends : list of boolean, show legend if True (only 1D)
Set layout properties of plot markers
markerSizes : list of marker sizes in pt , default 5 markerEdgeWidths : list of marker edges widths in pt , default 2 errLineWidths : list of error bar line widths in pt, default 2 capSizes : list of error bar cap sizes in pt , default 5
Set the options for the plotting window
fig : plt.figure for plotting, make new if None allax : list of plt.axes for plotting, make new if None figSize : figure size (width, height) in inches, e.g. (11, 8.5) plotHor : no. of horizontal images per window , e.g. 4 plotVer : no. of vertical images per window , e.g. 3 plotOrd : order of plotting, horizontal-vertical (‘hv’) of vertical-horizontal (‘vh’) winTitle : title of the window