This chapter gives a short overview about the steps which are provided by CCD package and the brief ideas.
The CCD rountines are broken down into three main classes or objects. Their function is logically defined by the steps which one performs to analyze data, from the raw CCD images to the resulting data. These steps and their corresponding classes are:
These classes and their functions are described below.
The class FileProcessor reads all the images for a given dataset and does both darkimage subtraction and image normalization. The FileProcessor obtains a list of CCD image file names, either supplied by the user, or from a scan object. Upon processing, each sub image is summed and corrected for the dark image then normalized to the monitor. The FileProcessor returns a 3D array, or stack of images.
In order to intelligently handle dark images, the latest dark image in the stack is stored and used to correct the current image being processed. This allows the user to only take periodic dark images at a lesser frequency of data to speed up data collection.
The class ImageProcessor takes a FileProcessor object and further processes the data.
In this class, first the data is transformed into the coordinate system chosen by the user. This coordinate system can be chosen for convenience to be anything from the diffractometer theta coordinates to the HKL reciprocal space coordinates.
Secondly, the data can be gridded onto a regular grid to
allow efficient processing. This grid can be obtained as a 3D array of
average intensities for each voxel along with the corresponding
standard error for each voxel.
Finally, 1D cuts and sums can be performed to obtain line cuts of the data.
In order to easily visualize the data a number of plotter routines are provided to aid in quickly graphically representing the data.