************************* CCD Image Format Routines ************************* Introduction ------------ This section governs the various routines to read CCD (2D Image file formats) Currently the following formats are implemented. * Princeton Instruments SPE Files (Winview / WinSpec) Princeton SPE Files ------------------- Princeton files can be read using the following example code:: >>> from pyspec.ccd.files import PrincetonSPEFile >>> f = PrincetonSPEFile('myfile.spe') >>> f.getData() array([[[2855, 3125, 3041, ..., 1366, 1371, 1325], [2853, 3074, 3073, ..., 1384, 1362, 1371], [2830, 3098, 3105, ..., 1373, 1386, 1358], ..., [3086, 3376, 3375, ..., 1442, 1424, 1405], [3126, 3422, 3492, ..., 1450, 1409, 1390], [3232, 3592, 3561, ..., 1501, 1486, 1467]]], dtype=uint16) >>> f.getData().shape (1, 1340, 1300) >>> f.getSize() (1, 1340, 1300) The class documentation is provided below for convinience: .. autoclass:: pyspec.ccd.files.PrincetonSPEFile :members: