‘PySourceInfo’ - RTTI for Source Code


The features provided by the package ‘pysourceinfo’ are based on the standard package ‘inspect’ with dynamic evaluation of additional sources where rewuired. A flat call interface is provided for simplified application in OO as well as simple scripting.

The provided runtime structure information on Python sources is covered with basically one single type of interface

def getCaller<Interface>(spos=1):
   """ Stack position:
      spos==0 => caller(0==CallInterface)
      spos==1 => caller(1)
      spos==N => caller(N==level N)

def getModule<Interface>(spos=1):

def getPythonPath<Interface>(spos=1):

The interface gathers the information on the defined ‘<Interface>’ from the call stack, loaded modules, or search path ‘PATH’/’PYTHONPATH’/’sys.path’.

The covered structural dynamic elements based on the call stackk are:

  • package
  • module
  • function
  • class/method
  • namespaces - global/local

With additional functions covering mostly static information:

  • loaded module
  • sys.path - actual OID and load path

For code and application examples refer to the souce code of ‘pysourceinfo.UseCases’ [UseCases] and ‘pysourceinfo.tests’ [tests].

Information on Specific Object Categories

Although the standard package ‘inspect’ provides a wide variety of information some are still not available. Therefore the missing is extracted by the combination of multiple sources and rules.

In general the main sources of information are given by the target type.

  • getCaller...

    This type works on the frame stack of ‘inspect’ Some data, which is not directly provided, like the actual used PYTHONPATH item, are calculated by combination of multiple sources.

  • getModule...

    This type works on the module information mainly based on ‘__file__’, and ‘__name__’.

  • getPythonPath...

    This type correlates PYTHONPATH/sys.path with provided path and file names.

The objects for which the information could be requested are mainly categorised as follows.

  • function names and filepathnames

    Provided by inspect and the module object.

  • module names and filepathnames

    Provided by inspect and the module object.

  • package names and filepathnames

    Derived from the module information including the global namespace, and the the current content of ‘sys.path’. Thus this could be unreliable under some circumstances.