.. Persistance documentation master file, created by sphinx-quickstart on Sat Sep 12 14:13:20 2009. You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least contain the root `toctree` directive. Pysistence documentation ======================================= Introduction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Pysistence is a project that seeks to make functional programming in python easier. .. toctree:: pysistence/persistent_list pysistence/expando pysistence/persistent_dict pysistence/func FAQ ~~~~~ **Why the name pysistence?** The project is named pysistence because most of the data structures it implements are *persistent*. This doesn't mean persistent in the sense that they are stored in a database or the file system. Rather, it means the data structures may only be modified by copying. Where possible, these data structures will re-use existing implementations without copying everything. **Where can I learn more about persistent data structures?** Here are some resouces: * `Developing for Developers: Persistent data structures `_ * `Persistent data structures (wikipedia) `_ Or if you're *really* brave: * `Making Data Structures Persistent `_ * `Purely Functional Data Structures `_ Download ========= You may download the current release of Pysistence from our `PyPI page `_. You may also use easy_install to install pysistence:: sudo easy_install pysistence If you have Mercurial installed, you can use the following command to check out Pysistence:: hg clone http://bitbucket.org/jasbaker/pysistence/ Note that you do need `setuptools `_ or `distribute `_ for the next step:: python setup.py install If you're brave, you can try using pysistence's experimental C extension:: python setup.py install --with-cext Developers & Community ======================= Visit `Pysistence's bitbucket page `_ to get more info and view the wiki. You may also visit our `Google Group `_ for more info. Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`