Base of all parser

When you inherit from pyrser.grammar.Grammar, you get namespace in your grammar called Base that provide a lot of default rules. This namespace follows the grammars aggregation principle of pyrser.

Grammar composition

rules of thumb:

  • You could inherit from N grammar to create a new one, but the first base class must be grammar.Grammar:

    from pyrser import grammar
    from other import A, B, C
    class MyGrammar(grammar.Grammar, A, B, C):
  • Each inherited rules from a base class is prefixed by the base class name. This is the namespace.

  • Each inherited rules exists with and without the namespace prefix in your child class:

    class A(grammar.Grammar):
        grammar="rule = [ id eof ]"
    class B(grammar.Grammar, A):
        # here exist ``A.rule`` and ``rule``.
  • A rule name in a child class could clash with the raw rule name from a base class (without namespace prefix).

  • So the prefixed rule name always exists:

    class A(grammar.Grammar):
        grammar="rule = [ id eof ]"
    class B(grammar.Grammar, A):
        grammar="rule = [ A.rule | string eof ]"

Default rules

So the namespace Base provide a lot of basic rules.

Read a End-of-File.
Read a portable End-of-Line.
Read an identifier [‘a’..’z’|’A’..’Z’|’_’][‘a’..’z’|’A’..’Z’|‘0’..‘9’|’_’]*
Read a [‘0’..‘9’]+
Read a something surrounded by ‘ like in C programming language for char.
Read a something surrounded by ” like in C programming language for string.
Read one arbitrary char.

Python API: class parserBase

class pyrser.parsing.base.MetaBasicParser[source]

Bases: type

Metaclass for all parser.

static __new__(metacls, name, bases, namespace)[source]
class pyrser.parsing.base.BasicParser(content: str='', stream_name: str=None, raise_diagnostic=True)[source]

Bases: object

Empty basic parser, contains no rule nor hook.

Unless you know what you are doing, use Parser instead of this class.

__init__(self, content: str= '', stream_name: str= None, raise_diagnostic= True)[source]

The current Stream.


Return the grammar dict

push_rule_nodes(self) → bool[source]

Push context variable to store rule nodes.

pop_rule_nodes(self) → bool[source]

Pop context variable that store rule nodes

value(self, n: Node) → str[source]

Return the text value of the node

parsed_stream(self, content: str, name: str= None)[source]

Push a new Stream into the parser. All subsequent called functions will parse this new stream, until the ‘popStream’ function is called.


Pop the last Stream pushed on to the parser stack.

begin_tag(self, name: str) → Node[source]

Save the current index under the given name.

end_tag(self, name: str) → Node[source]

Extract the string between saved and current index.

get_tag(self, name: str) → Tag[source]

Extract the string previously saved.

tag_node(self, name: str, node: Node)[source]
classmethod set_rules(rules: dict) → bool[source]

Merge internal rules set with the given rules

classmethod set_hooks(hooks: dict) → bool[source]

Merge internal hooks set with the given hooks

classmethod set_directives(directives: dict) → bool[source]

Merge internal directives set with the given directives. For working directives, attach it only in the dsl.Parser class

eval_rule(self, name: str) → Node[source]

Evaluate a rule by name.

eval_hook(self, name: str, ctx: list) → Node[source]

Evaluate the hook by its name

peek_char(self, c: str) → bool[source]
peek_text(self, text: str) → bool[source]

Same as readText but doesn’t consume the stream.

read_char(self, c: str) → bool[source]

Consume the c head byte, increment current index and return True else return False. It use peekchar and it’s the same as ‘’ in BNF.

read_until(self, c: str, inhibitor= '\') → bool[source]

Consume the stream while the c byte is not read, else return false ex : if stream is ” abcdef ”, read_until(“d”); consume “abcd”.

read_until_eof(self) → bool[source]

Consume all the stream. Same as EOF in BNF.

read_text(self, text: str) → bool[source]

Consume a strlen(text) text at current position in the stream else return False. Same as “” in BNF ex : read_text(“ls”);.

read_range(self, begin: str, end: str) → int[source]

Consume head byte if it is >= begin and <= end else return false Same as ‘a’..’z’ in BNF

ignore_null(self) → bool[source]

Empty ignore convention for notignore

ignore_blanks(self) → bool[source]

Consume whitespace characters.

push_ignore(self, ignoreConvention) → bool[source]

Set the ignore convention

pop_ignore(self) → bool[source]

Remove the last ignore convention

skip_ignore(self) → bool[source]
undo_last_ignore(self) → bool[source]
bind(self, dst: str, src: Node) → bool

Allow to alias a node to another name.

Useful to bind a node to _ as return of Rule:

R = [
    __scope__:L [item:I #add_item(L, I]* #bind('_', L)

It’s also the default behaviour of ‘:>’


Dump tag,rule,id and value cache. For debug.


R = [
echo_nodes(self, rest)

Print nodes.


R = [
    In : node #echo("coucou", 12, node)
get_subnode(self, dst, ast, expr)

get the value of subnode


R = [
    __scope__:big  getsomethingbig:>big
    #get(_, big, '.val') // copy big.val into _
pred_eq(self, n, val)

Test if a node set with setint or setstr equal a certain value


R = [
    ['a' #setint(n, 12) | 'b' #setint(n, 14)]
    [#eq(n, 12) D]

False in parser. Go to alternative...


R = [
    #false | R2
pred_neq(self, n, val)

Test if a node set with setint or setstr not equal a certain value


R = [
    ['a' #setint(n, 12) | 'b' #setint(n, 14)]
    [#neq(n, 12) D]

True in parser. Do nothing


R = [
    R2 | #true
read_eof(self) → bool

Returns true if reached end of the stream.

read_one_char(self) → bool

Read one byte in stream

set_node(self, dst, src)

Basically copy one node to another. usefull to transmit a node from a terminal rule as result of the current rule.


R = [
    In : node #set(_, node)

here the node return by the rule In is also the node return by the rule R

set_node_as_int(self, dst, src)

Set a int literal to a node


R = [
    In : node #setint(node, 12)
set_node_as_str(self, dst, src)

Set a str literal to a node


R = [
    In : node #setstr(node, "toto")
vars_nodes(self, rest)

Vars one node instance.


R = [
    In : node #vars(node)
class pyrser.parsing.base.Parser(content: str='', stream_name: str=None, raise_diagnostic=True)[source]

Bases: pyrser.parsing.base.BasicParser

An ascii parsing primitive library.

ignore_cxx(self) → bool

Consume comments and whitespace characters.

read_cchar(self) → bool

Read following BNF rule else return False:

"'" -> ['\' #char | ~'\'] "'"
read_cstring(self) → bool

Read following BNF rule else return False:

'"' -> ['\' #char | ~'\'] '"'
read_eol(self) → bool

Return True if the parser can consume an EOL byte sequence.

read_identifier(self) → bool

Read following BNF rule else return False:

readIdentifier = [
read_integer(self) → bool

Read following BNF rule else return False:

readInteger = [
scope_nodes(self) → bool

Used for create scoped nodes

pyrser.parsing.base.bind(self, dst: str, src: Node) → bool[source]

Allow to alias a node to another name.

Useful to bind a node to _ as return of Rule:

R = [
    __scope__:L [item:I #add_item(L, I]* #bind('_', L)

It’s also the default behaviour of ‘:>’

pyrser.parsing.base.read_one_char(self) → bool[source]

Read one byte in stream

pyrser.parsing.base.read_eof(self) → bool[source]

Returns true if reached end of the stream.

pyrser.parsing.base.read_eol(self) → bool[source]

Return True if the parser can consume an EOL byte sequence.

pyrser.parsing.base.read_integer(self) → bool[source]

Read following BNF rule else return False:

readInteger = [
pyrser.parsing.base.read_identifier(self) → bool[source]

Read following BNF rule else return False:

readIdentifier = [
pyrser.parsing.base.read_cstring(self) → bool[source]

Read following BNF rule else return False:

'"' -> ['\' #char | ~'\'] '"'
pyrser.parsing.base.read_cchar(self) → bool[source]

Read following BNF rule else return False:

"'" -> ['\' #char | ~'\'] "'"
pyrser.parsing.base.scope_nodes(self) → bool[source]

Used for create scoped nodes