Source code for pyrser.type_system.inference

# inference mechanisms
from pyrser.error import *
from pyrser.type_system.scope import Scope
from pyrser.type_system.evalctx import EvalCtx
from pyrser.type_system.val import Val
from pyrser.passes.to_yml import *

[docs]class InferNode: """ An instance of this class is automatically attach on each AST Nodes by the inference algorithm during the inference process into the '.infer_node' attribute. The aim is to keep track of the correct Scope and the final EvalCtx for each AST Nodes. """
[docs] def __init__(self, init_scope: Scope=None, parent: Scope=None): if init_scope is not None: self.scope_node = init_scope else: self.scope_node = Scope(is_namespace=False) if parent is not None: self.scope_node.set_parent(parent.scope_node) self.type_node = None self.need_feedback = False
[docs]class Inference: # TO REDEFINE IN AST
[docs] def type_algos(self) -> ('self.infer_algo', 'self.feedback_algo', ['args']): """ Sub class must return a Tuple of 3 elements: - the method to use to infer type. - the list of params to used when infer a type. - the method to use when feedback a type. This is useful to connect AST members to generic algo or to overload some specific semantic for your language. """ raise Exception(("%s must inherit from Inference and define" + " type_algos(self) method to support" + " Pyrser Type Systems.") % type(self).__name__)
[docs] def infer_type(self, init_scope: Scope=None, diagnostic=None): """ Do inference. Write infos into diagnostic object, if this parameter is not provide and self is a AST (has is own diagnostic object), use the diagnostic of self. """ # create the first .infer_node if not hasattr(self, 'infer_node'): self.infer_node = InferNode(init_scope) elif init_scope is not None: # only change the root scope self.infer_node.scope_node = init_scope # get algo type_algo = self.type_algos() if diagnostic is None and hasattr(self, 'diagnostic'): diagnostic = self.diagnostic type_algo[0](type_algo[1], diagnostic)
[docs] def feedback(self, diagnostic=None): """ Do feedback. Write infos into diagnostic object, if this parameter is not provide and self is a AST (has is own diagnostic object), use the diagnostic of self. """ # get algo type_algo = self.type_algos() if diagnostic is None and hasattr(self, 'diagnostic'): diagnostic = self.diagnostic type_algo[2](diagnostic) ## INFER ALGOS
[docs] def infer_block(self, body, diagnostic=None): """ Infer type on block is to type each of is sub-element """ # RootBlockStmt has his own .infer_node (created via infer_type) for e in body: e.infer_node = InferNode(parent=self.infer_node) e.infer_type(diagnostic=diagnostic) # TODO: result in .infer_node.type_node
[docs] def infer_subexpr(self, expr, diagnostic=None): """ Infer type on the subexpr """ expr.infer_node = InferNode(parent=self.infer_node) expr.infer_type(diagnostic=diagnostic) # TODO: result in .infer_node.type_node
[docs] def infer_fun(self, args, diagnostic=None): # 0 - get function call_expr, arguments = args diagnostic.notify( Severity.INFO, "Infer Function call '%s'" % call_expr.value, ) # 1 - fetch all possible types for the call expr call_expr.infer_node = InferNode(parent=self.infer_node) call_expr.infer_type(diagnostic=diagnostic) f = call_expr.infer_node.scope_node # 2 - fetch all possible types for each parameters tparams = [] i = 0 for p in arguments: p.infer_node = InferNode(parent=self.infer_node) p.infer_type(diagnostic=diagnostic) i += 1 tparams.append(p.infer_node.scope_node) # 3 - select overloads (final_call_expr, final_tparams) = f.get_by_params(tparams) # 4 - record overloads self.infer_node.scope_node.clear() self.infer_node.scope_node.update(final_call_expr) nversion = len(final_call_expr) if nversion > 1: # too many choice self.infer_node.need_feedback = True return elif nversion == 0: # TODO: Try type reconstruction # if final_tparams[x][0].is_polymorphic # ... # type error details = "\ndetails:\n" details += "overloads:\n" for fun in f.values(): details += str(fun.get_compute_sig()) + "\n" details += "parameters:\n" i = 0 # TODO: change by final_tparams for p in tparams: details += "- param[%d] type " % i ptypes = [] for alt in p.values(): ptypes.append(alt.tret) details += '|'.join(ptypes) + "\n" i += 1 # TODO: when f are empty diagnostic.notify( Severity.ERROR, ("can't match overloads " + "with parameters for function '%s'") % str(f.first().name),, details ) return # here len(self.type_node) == 1 && len(final_tparams) == 1 # 5 - handle polymorphism # TODO: INSIDE A CLASS? my_map = dict() my_type = self.infer_node.scope_node.first() if my_type.tret.is_polymorphic: diagnostic.notify( Severity.INFO, "polymorphic return type %s" % str(my_type.get_compute_sig()), ) # if tret is polymorphic, take type from call_expr if unique, # else type come from parameter resolution sig = call_expr.infer_node.scope_node.first() if (len(call_expr.infer_node.scope_node) == 1 and not sig.tret.is_polymorphic ): diagnostic.notify( Severity.INFO, "call_expr have real type '%s'" % sig.tret, ) my_map.update(sig.resolution) my_type.set_resolved_name( sig.resolution, my_type.tret, sig.tret ) arity = len(my_type.tparams) for i in range(arity): p = my_type.tparams[i] # use AST Injector if final_tparams[0][i].first()._translate_to is not None: t = final_tparams[0][i].first()._translate_to old = arguments[i] n = t.notify diagnostic.notify( n.severity, n.msg,, details=n.details ) arguments[i] = self.infer_node.scope_node.callInjector(old, t) infer_node = InferNode(parent=self.infer_node) infer_node.scope_node.add( old.infer_node.scope_node.set_parent(infer_node.scope_node) arguments[i].infer_node = infer_node if p.is_polymorphic: # take type in final_tparams diagnostic.notify( Severity.INFO, "- param[%d] polymorphic type" % i, arguments[i].info ) # here len(final_tparams) == 1, only one set for parameters sig = final_tparams[0][i].first() if not sig.tret.is_polymorphic: diagnostic.notify( Severity.INFO, "- argument[%d] real type '%s'" % (i, sig.tret), arguments[i].info ) my_map[p.value] = sig.resolution[sig.tret.value] my_type.set_resolved_name(sig.resolution, p, sig.tret) diagnostic.notify( Severity.INFO, "after resolution %s" % str(my_type.get_compute_sig()), ) # 6 - feedback self.map_type = my_map self.final_type = my_type.tret # 7 - Are we finish? Global type reconstruction # TODO: result in .infer_node.type_node
[docs] def infer_id(self, ident, diagnostic=None): """ Infer type from an ID! - check if ID is declarated in the scope - if no ID is polymorphic type """ # check if ID is declared #defined = self.type_node.get_by_symbol_name(ident) defined = self.infer_node.scope_node.get_by_symbol_name(ident) if len(defined) > 0: # set from matchings declarations #self.type_node.update(defined) self.infer_node.scope_node.update(defined) else: diagnostic.notify( Severity.ERROR, "%s never declared" % self.value, ) # TODO: uncomment/fix when finish #def infer_id_self_type(self, ident, diagnostic=None): # """ # Infer type from an ID! # - check if ID is declarated in the scope # - if no ID is polymorphic type # """ # # check if ID is declared # defined = self.type_node.get_by_symbol_name(ident) # if len(defined) > 0: # # set from matchings declarations # self.type_node.update(defined) # else: # # TODO: est de type polymorphique local ... pas tout le temps ?1 # # a faire dans une declaration ... ou a l'affectation # # mais pas la # self.type_node.add(Var(ident, '?1')) # self.type_node.need_feedback = True
[docs] def infer_literal(self, args, diagnostic=None): """ Infer type from an LITERAL! Type of literal depend of language. We adopt a basic convention """ literal, t = args #self.type_node.add(EvalCtx.from_sig(Val(literal, t))) self.infer_node.scope_node.add(EvalCtx.from_sig(Val(literal, t))) ## FEEDBACK ALGOS
[docs] def feedback_block(self, diagnostic=None): # normally nothing to do!?!?! type_algo = self.type_algos() # body in type_algo[1] for e in type_algo[1]: if e.infer_node.need_feedback:
[docs] def feedback_subexpr(self, diagnostic=None): final_scn = self.infer_node.scope_node final_scn = final_scn.get_by_return_type(self.final_type) self.infer_node.scope_node = final_scn self.infer_node.need_feedback = False if self.expr.infer_node.need_feedback:
[docs] def feedback_leaf(self, diagnostic=None): final_scn = self.infer_node.scope_node final_scn = final_scn.get_by_return_type(self.final_type) self.infer_node.scope_node = final_scn self.infer_node.need_feedback = False
[docs] def feedback_fun(self, diagnostic=None): final_scn = self.infer_node.scope_node final_scn = final_scn.get_by_return_type(self.final_type) self.infer_node.scope_node = final_scn self.infer_node.need_feedback = False arguments = self.infer_node.scope_node.first().tparams nargs = len(arguments) type_algo = self.type_algos() call_expr, args = type_algo[1] if call_expr.infer_node.need_feedback: diagnostic.notify( Severity.INFO, "feed back call_expr = %s" % self.final_type, ) call_expr.map_type = self.map_type # TODO: could be infer_node.type_node call_expr.final_type = self.final_type for i in range(nargs): p = arguments[i] if args[i].infer_node.need_feedback: diagnostic.notify( Severity.INFO, "feed back p[%d] = %s" % (i, p), args[i].info ) diagnostic.notify( Severity.INFO, "feed map %s" % self.map_type, args[i].info ) args[i].map_type = self.map_type args[i].final_type = p args[i].feedback(diagnostic)
[docs] def feedback_id(self, diagnostic=None): # instancie META!!! if len(self.infer_node.scope_node) > 1: final_scn = self.infer_node.scope_node final_scn = final_scn.get_by_return_type(self.final_type) self.infer_node.scope_node = final_scn if len(self.infer_node.scope_node) != 1: # ERROR TYPE !!!?!? diagnostic.notify( Severity.ERROR, ("Type error: too many candidates %s" % str(self.infer_node.scope_node)), ) else: the_sig = list(self.infer_node.scope_node.values())[0] if the_sig.tret.is_polymorphic: # self.final_type) self.infer_node.type_node = EvalCtx.from_sig(the_sig) final_tn = self.infer_node.type_node final_tn.set_resolved_name( self.map_type, the_sig.tret, self.final_type )