Source code for

import collections

"""An immutable position in a Stream.

index is the index in the Stream.
lineno is the line number of the position.
col_offset is the column offset of the position on the line.
Position = collections.namedtuple('Position', 'index lineno col_offset')

[docs]class Cursor: """A mutable position in a Stream. It can be initialized or set from an immutable Position. """
[docs] def __init__(self, position: Position=Position(0, 1, 1)): self._maxindex = self._index = position.index self._maxcol = self._col_offset = position.col_offset self._maxline = self._lineno = position.lineno self._eol = []
@property def index(self) -> int: """The current index of the cursor.""" return self._index @property def lineno(self) -> int: """The current line number of the cursor.""" return self._lineno @property def col_offset(self) -> int: """The current column offset of the cursor.""" return self._col_offset @property def position(self) -> Position: """The current position of the cursor.""" return Position(self._index, self._lineno, self._col_offset) @position.setter def position(self, position: Position): self._index = position.index self._lineno = position.lineno self._col_offset = position.col_offset @property def max_readed_position(self) -> Position: """The index of the deepest character readed.""" return Position(self._maxindex, self._maxline, self._maxcol)
[docs] def step_next_char(self): """Puts the cursor on the next character.""" self._index += 1 self._col_offset += 1 if self._index > self._maxindex: self._maxindex = self._index self._maxcol = self._col_offset self._maxline = self._lineno
[docs] def step_prev_char(self): """Puts the cursor on the previous character.""" self._col_offset -= 1 self._index -= 1
[docs] def step_next_line(self): """Sets cursor as beginning of next line.""" self._eol.append(self.position) self._lineno += 1 self._col_offset = 0
[docs] def step_prev_line(self): """Sets cursor as end of previous line.""" #TODO(bps): raise explicit error for unregistered eol #assert self._eol[-1].index == self._index if len(self._eol) > 0: self.position = self._eol.pop()
[docs]class Tag: """Provide capture facilities"""
[docs] def __init__(self, stream: str, begin: int, end=0): self._stream = stream self._begin = begin if end == 0: self._end = begin else: self._end = end
[docs] def set_begin(self, begin: int): self._begin = begin
[docs] def set_end(self, end: int): self._end = end
[docs] def __str__(self) -> str: if self._begin == self._end: return "" return self._stream[self._begin:self._end]
[docs] def __repr__(self) -> str: return "strid:%d %s:%s" % (id(self._stream), self._begin, self._end)
[docs]class Stream: """Helps keep track of stream processing progress."""
[docs] def __init__(self, content: str=None, name: str=None): self._content = content self._len = len(content) self._name = name self._contexts = [] self._cursor = Cursor() # use to store begin:end => value self.value_cache = dict()
[docs] def __len__(self) -> int: return self._len
[docs] def __getitem__(self, key: int or slice) -> str: return self._content.__getitem__(key)
@property def name(self) -> int: """Name of the stream.""" return self._name @property def eos_index(self) -> int: """End Of Stream index.""" return self._len @property def index(self) -> int: """The current position index.""" return self._cursor.position.index @property def lineno(self) -> int: """The current position line number.""" return self._cursor.lineno @property def col_offset(self) -> int: """The current position column offset.""" return self._cursor.col_offset @property def peek_char(self) -> str: """The current position character value.""" return self._content[self._cursor.index] @property def last_readed_line(self) -> str: """Usefull string to compute error message.""" mpos = self._cursor.max_readed_position mindex = mpos.index # search last \n prevline = mindex - 1 if mindex == self.eos_index else mindex while prevline >= 0 and self._content[prevline] != '\n': prevline -= 1 # search next \n nextline = mindex while nextline < self.eos_index and self._content[nextline] != '\n': nextline += 1 last_line = self._content[prevline + 1:nextline] return last_line
[docs] def incpos(self, length: int=1) -> int: """Increment the cursor to the next character.""" if length < 0: raise ValueError("length must be positive") i = 0 while (i < length): if self._cursor.index < self._len: if self.peek_char == '\n': self._cursor.step_next_line() self._cursor.step_next_char() i += 1 return self._cursor.index
[docs] def decpos(self, length: int=1) -> int: if length < 0: raise ValueError("length must be positive") if (self._cursor.index - length) < 0: raise ValueError("can't go before first byte") i = 0 while (i < length): if self.peek_char == '\n': self._cursor.step_prev_line() i += 1 else: self._cursor.step_prev_char() i += 1 return self._cursor.index
[docs] def save_context(self) -> bool: """Save current position.""" self._contexts.append(self._cursor.position) return True
[docs] def restore_context(self) -> bool: """Rollback to previous saved position.""" self._cursor.position = self._contexts.pop() return False
[docs] def validate_context(self) -> bool: """Discard previous saved position.""" del self._contexts[-1] return True