Source code for pyrser.grammar

from pyrser import dsl
from pyrser import parsing
from pyrser import meta
from pyrser import error
from collections import ChainMap

[docs]class MetaGrammar(parsing.MetaBasicParser): """Metaclass for all grammars."""
[docs] def __new__(metacls, name, bases, namespace): # for multi heritance we have a simple inheritance relation # from the first class in declaration order. metabp = parsing.MetaBasicParser if len(bases) <= 1: cls = metabp.__new__(metacls, name, bases, namespace) else: b = tuple([bases[0]]) cls = metabp.__new__(metacls, name, b, namespace) # lookup for the metaclass of parsing. # Grammar magically inherit rules&hooks from Parser if 'Parser' in parsing.base._MetaBasicParser: clsbase = parsing.base._MetaBasicParser['Parser'] # link rules&hooks cls._rules = clsbase._rules.new_child() cls._hooks = clsbase._hooks.new_child() # add rules from DSL if 'grammar' in namespace and namespace['grammar'] is not None: sname = None if 'source' in namespace and namespace['source'] is not None: sname = namespace['source'] rules = cls.dsl_parser(namespace['grammar'], sname).get_rules() if not rules: return rules # namespace rules with module/classe name for rule_name, rule_pt in rules.items(): if '.' not in rule_name: rule_name = cls.__module__ \ + '.' + cls.__name__ \ + '.' + rule_name meta.set_one(cls._rules, rule_name, rule_pt) # add localy define rules (and thus overloads) if '_rules' in namespace and namespace['_rules'] is not None: cls._rules.update(namespace['_rules']) # add localy define hooks if '_hooks' in namespace and namespace['_hooks'] is not None: cls._hooks.update(namespace['_hooks']) # Manage Aggregation if len(bases) > 1: aggreg_rules = ChainMap() aggreg_hooks = ChainMap() for subgrammar in bases: if hasattr(subgrammar, '_rules'): aggreg_rules = ChainMap(*(aggreg_rules.maps + subgrammar._rules.maps)) if hasattr(subgrammar, '_hooks'): aggreg_hooks = ChainMap(*(aggreg_hooks.maps + subgrammar._hooks.maps)) # aggregate at toplevel the branch grammar cls._rules = ChainMap(*(cls._rules.maps + aggreg_rules.maps)) cls._hooks = ChainMap(*(cls._hooks.maps + aggreg_hooks.maps)) # clean redondant in chain for rules orderedunique_rules = [] tocpy_rules = set([id(_) for _ in cls._rules.maps]) for ch in cls._rules.maps: idch = id(ch) if idch in tocpy_rules: orderedunique_rules.append(ch) tocpy_rules.remove(idch) cls._rules = ChainMap(*orderedunique_rules) # clean redondant in chain for hooks orderedunique_hooks = [] tocpy_hooks = set([id(_) for _ in cls._hooks.maps]) for ch in cls._hooks.maps: idch = id(ch) if idch in tocpy_hooks: orderedunique_hooks.append(ch) tocpy_hooks.remove(idch) cls._hooks = ChainMap(*orderedunique_hooks) return cls
[docs]class Grammar(parsing.Parser, metaclass=MetaGrammar): """ Base class for all grammars. This class turn any class A that inherit it into a grammar. Taking the description of the grammar in parameter it will add all what is what is needed for A to parse it. """ # Text grammar to generate parsing rules for this class. grammar = None # Name of the default rule to parse the grammar. entry = None # DSL parsing class dsl_parser = dsl.EBNF
[docs] def after_parse(self, node: parsing.Node) -> parsing.Node: """ If you want to do some stuff after parsing, overload this... """ return node
[docs] def _do_parse(self, entry: str) -> parsing.Node: res = None self.diagnostic = error.Diagnostic() try: res = self.eval_rule(entry) except error.Diagnostic as d: # User put an error rule d.notify( error.Severity.ERROR, "Exception during the evaluation of '%s'" % self._lastRule, error.LocationInfo.from_stream( self._stream, is_error=self.from_string ) ) self.diagnostic = d if not res: # we fail to parse, but error is not set on the last rule self.diagnostic.notify( error.Severity.ERROR, "Parse error in '%s'" % self._lastRule, error.LocationInfo.from_maxstream( self._stream, is_error=self.from_string ) ) if self.raise_diagnostic: raise self.diagnostic else: return self # clear contexted variables self.rule_nodes.clear() # create a new Diagnostic object for the node result res.diagnostic = error.Diagnostic() # all is ok return self.after_parse(res)
[docs] def parse(self, source: str=None, entry: str=None) -> parsing.Node: """Parse source using the grammar""" self.from_string = True if source is not None: self.parsed_stream(source) if entry is None: entry = self.entry if entry is None: raise ValueError("No entry rule name defined for {}".format( self.__class__.__name__)) return self._do_parse(entry)
[docs] def parse_file(self, filename: str, entry: str=None) -> parsing.Node: """Parse filename using the grammar""" self.from_string = False import os.path if os.path.exists(filename): f = open(filename, 'r') self.parsed_stream(, os.path.abspath(filename)) f.close() if entry is None: entry = self.entry if entry is None: raise ValueError("No entry rule name defined for {}".format( self.__class__.__name__)) return self._do_parse(entry)
generated_class = 0
[docs]def build_grammar(inherit: tuple, scope: dict) -> Grammar: global generated_class class_name = "gen_class_" + str(generated_class) generated_class += 1 return type(class_name, inherit, scope)
[docs]def from_string(bnf: str, entry=None, *optional_inherit) -> Grammar: """ Create a Grammar from a string """ inherit = [Grammar] + list(optional_inherit) scope = {'grammar': bnf, 'entry': entry} return build_grammar(tuple(inherit), scope)
[docs]def from_file(fn: str, entry=None, *optional_inherit) -> Grammar: """ Create a Grammar from a file """ import os.path if os.path.exists(fn): f = open(fn, 'r') bnf = f.close() inherit = [Grammar] + list(optional_inherit) scope = {'grammar': bnf, 'entry': entry, 'source': fn} return build_grammar(tuple(inherit), scope) raise Exception("File not Found!")