Included with the package is a factory for Zope Page Templates (with the file extension ”.pt”). The Chameleon engine is used to render templates.
Page templates registered as skin objects will be called skin templates. Support is provided to locate other skin templates and include them as macros.
This package provides a new expression skin: which will retrieve a skin object by name:
tal:define="inst skin: /main_template"
The pipe operator lets us provide one or more fallback options:
tal:define="inst skin: /images/logo.gif | skin: /images/logo.png"
Whitespace is ignored in any case. Skin lookups are either absolute or relative.
If the name begins with a slash (“/”) character, it’s considered an absolute lookup, e.g.:
/images/logo.png => "images/logo.png"This is a placeless lookup.
If the name does not begin with a slash, it is a placeful lookup.
Descending from the current path (given a skin template context), we attempt to locate the skin object at every parent level.
For example, the name "images/logo.png" is relative. If we are rendering the about page, then it will map to:
/about/images/logo.pnginstead of:
/images/logo.pngThis is similar to acquisition (the object is attempted acquired from the current context and below). It can be used to redefine skin objects for a particular location and below.
>>> from zope.component import getUtility >>> from pyramid_skins.interfaces import ISkinObject >>> about = getUtility(ISkinObject, name="about/index") >>> print about(context=u"Hello world!").body <html> ... <img src="/about/images/logo.png" /> ... </html>
Finally, skins may also be request-specific. In the setup for this test, we have registered an alternative skins directory for the standard IRequest layer. The standard dummy request provides this layer:
>>> from pyramid_skins.tests import IAlternativeRequest
>>> from zope.interface import alsoProvides
>>> alsoProvides(request, IAlternativeRequest)
We can now see that the ‘main_template’ skin object is resolved from the skins path registered for the IRequest layer ("alt_skins"):
>>> print render_template(template % define_main_template)
This applies also to the SkinObject constructor:
>>> from pyramid_skins import SkinObject
>>> bound = SkinObject("main_template").__get__()
>>> response = bound()
>>> print response.body
Hello template!
Remove request again.
>>> from zope.interface import noLongerProvides
>>> noLongerProvides(request, IAlternativeRequest)
The route: expression maps to the pyramid.url.route_url framework function:
<img tal:attributes="src string:${route: static}/images/logo.png" />
In the framework integration section we learn how you can set up a route to serve up skin objects as static resources or even views.
>>> from pyramid.testing import registerRoute
>>> route = registerRoute("/static", "static")
>>> print render_template(source)
<img src="" />
This is a convenient way to compute the URL for static resources. See the Pyramid url documentation for more information on URL generation.
Skin templates may define macros. Use the standard macros attribute to reach them:
<html tal:define="master skin: /main_template"
<body metal:fill-slot="body">
Skin objects can also be used directly as METAL macros. In this case the entire template is rendered:
<html metal:use-macro="skin: /main_template">
<body metal:fill-slot="body">