

pyramid_restler is a somewhat-opinionated toolkit for building RESTful Web services and applications on top of the Pyramid framework. Essentially, it routes HTTP requests to Pyramid views. These views interact with model entities via a uniform context interface and then respond with appropriate status codes and entity representations.


A Pyramid configuration directive is provided that makes generating the various routes and views for an entity easy:

config.add_restful_routes('thing', ThingModel)

This generates routes similar to those generated by Mapper.resource in the Routes package:

Request method /pattern => route name => view method => context method

GET /{name} => get_{name}_collection => get_collection() => get_collection()
GET /{name}.{renderer} => get_{name}_collection => get_collection() => get_collection()
GET /{name}/{id} => get_{name} => get_member() => get_member(id)
GET /{name}/{id}.{renderer} => get_{name} => get_member() => get_member(id)
POST /{name} => create_{name} =>  create_member() => create_member(**data)
PUT /{name}/{id} => update_{name} => update_member() => update_member(id, **data)
DELETE /{name}/{id} => delete_{name} => delete_member() => delete_member(id)


RESTful views are implemented as a standard set of methods in view classes. The pyramid_restler.interfaces.IView interface describes how such classes should be implemented. A default view class, pyramid_restler.view.RESTfulView, is provided, which should be sufficient for many applications.


Views interact with a context, which is a wrapper around some kind of back end model entity. A common example of such an entity is a SQLAlchemy ORM class; a pyramid_restler.model.SQLAlchemyORMContext class is provided.

The purpose of the context layer is to provide a uniform interface to any kind of back end model. This way, the view layer can be written in a generic manner. This design helps to keep concerns appropriately separated: the view layer should handle parsing HTTP requests and generating HTTP responses; the context layer should handle interacting with and converting data from the model.

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