pyramid_odesk allows your users to authorize via odesk on your pyramid project.
You can find it on pypi as pyramid_odesk. Also don't forget to check the documentation.
pyramid-redis-sessions is used to store session in Redis database, so you need to install Redis and configure it to listen to port
Other packages are installed automatically:
pyramid python-odesk
Install with pip:
pip install pyramid_odesk
or using easy_install:
easy_install pyramid_odesk
You need to create oDesk API keys of the type Web and set appropriate permissions to the generated API key.
Include following settings in your *.ini file:
[app:main] ... # Redis session settings redis.sessions.secret = FILL ME # oDesk settings odesk.api.key = FILL ME odesk.api.secret = FILL ME
Then in your project's define the following function:
def get_acl_group(user_uid, request): """Here goes your ACL logic.""" # All authenticated users have ``view`` permission return 'view'
This function should return list of ACL group principals or None if user is not allowed to have any access groups. See pyramid documentation for security and tutorial.
Define a RootFactory in your
class RootFactory(object): """This object sets the security for our application.""" __acl__ = [ (Allow, Authenticated, 'view'), (Deny, Authenticated, 'login'), (Allow, Everyone, 'login'), ] def __init__(self, request): pass
Now register get_acl_group() function in the config registry to make authorization work. Put in your main method:
def main(global_config, **settings): """Main app configuration binding.""" config = Configurator(settings=settings, root_factory="myapp.models.RootFactory") # ACL authorization callback for pyramid-odesk config.registry.get_acl_group = get_acl_group # External includes config.include('pyramid_odesk') # Views and routing goes here # ... # config.add_view('myapp.views.MainPage', renderer='templates/main.jinja2', permission='view') return config.make_wsgi_app()
You can provide custom forbidden.jinja2 template using followin setting in your *.ini file:
# Custom template for forbidden view odesk.forbidden_template = templates/my_forbidden.jinja2
See example in pyramid_odesk/templates/forbidden.jinja2.
The project is made by Cyril Panshine (@CyrilPanshine). Bug reports and pull requests are very much welcomed!