Source code for pyquchk.arbitraries.arbitrary

"""Contains :class:`Arbitrary` class and the machinery it needs to work.
You shouldn't need anything other than this class from here.
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import re
import inspect
import six
from itertools import islice, count
from warnings import warn
from .utils import until_possible, filter_possible

registry = {}

[docs]class Arbitrary(six.with_metaclass(ABCMeta)): """Base class for all arbitraries, both built-in and custom. To create a custom arbitrary, you need to subclass from :class:`Arbitrary` and override (some or all) instance methods listed below.""" @abstractmethod
[docs] def next_random(self): """Get next random value.""" raise StopIteration
[docs] def gen_serial(self): """Generate or return a sequence (finite or infinite) of serial values. """ return []
[docs] def could_generate(self, x): """Check if x could've been generated by self. Required iff you use decorators like :func:`.filter_possible` or :func:`.until_possible`.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def shrink(self, x): """Get possible shrinkings of ``x``. :param x: Value previously generated by this arbitrary. """ return []
def gen_random(self): while True: yield self.next_random() @classmethod def samples_docstring_part(cls): try: args_formatted = cls.__init__.args_for_sample['def'] except AttributeError: args_formatted = '' def append(line, indent=' ' * 4): res.append(indent + line) res = [] append('', indent='') append('', indent='') append('.. rst-class:: html-toggle', indent='') append('', indent='') append('**Sample values**', indent='') append('', indent='') append('.. ipython::', indent='') append('') append('>>> arb = %s(%s)' % (cls.__name__, args_formatted)) append('') append('@notest') append('>>> list(islice(arb.gen_random(), 20))') append('') append('@notest') append('>>> list(islice(arb.gen_serial(), 50))') append('') return '\n'.join(res) @staticmethod def args_for_sample(*args, **kwargs): def wrapper(method): method_src = inspect.getsource(method) m = re.match(r'\s*@Arbitrary.args_for_sample\((.*)\)', method_src) argsdef = method.args_for_sample = { 'args': args, 'kwargs': kwargs, 'def': argsdef } return method return wrapper @staticmethod def set_for(type, arb=None): def wrapper(arb): if type in registry: warn('Arbitrary class already set for %s' % type) registry[type] = arb return arb if arb is None: return wrapper else: return wrapper(arb) @staticmethod def get_all(): return registry[None]
def with_samples(arb_cls): arb_cls.__doc__ += arb_cls.samples_docstring_part() return arb_cls spec_processors = [] def get_arbitrary(spec): if isinstance(spec, Arbitrary): return spec elif isinstance(spec, type): if issubclass(spec, Arbitrary): return spec() try: return registry[spec]() except KeyError: raise LookupError('No Arbitrary class is set for %s' % spec) spec_processed = [proc(spec) for proc in spec_processors] spec_processed = [pr for pr in spec_processed if pr is not None] if not spec_processed: raise LookupError('No match found for specification: %r' % spec) elif len(spec_processed) > 1: raise LookupError('Ambigous specification: %r' % spec) else: return spec_processed[0] def add_spec_processor(processor): spec_processors.append(processor) return processor class MappedArbitrary(Arbitrary): @abstractmethod def pack(self, x): pass @abstractmethod def unpack(self, x): pass def next_random(self): return self.pack(self.inner_arb.next_random()) def gen_serial(self): for el in self.inner_arb.gen_serial(): yield self.pack(el) def could_generate(self, x): return self.inner_arb.could_generate(self.unpack(x)) def shrink(self, x): return map(self.pack, self.inner_arb.shrink(self.unpack(x))) class FilteredArbitrary(Arbitrary): @abstractmethod def predicate(self, x): pass def could_generate(self, x): return self.inner_arb.could_generate(x) and \ self.predicate(x) @until_possible def next_random(self): return self.inner_arb.next_random() @filter_possible def gen_serial(self): return self.inner_arb.gen_serial() @filter_possible def shrink(self, x): return self.inner_arb.shrink(x)