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This library enables you to process linguistic corpora with multiple levels of annotations by:

  1. converting the different annotation formats into separate graphs and
  2. merging these graphs into a single multidigraph (based on the common tokenization of the annotation layers)

So far, the following formats can be imported and merged:

  • TigerXML (a format for representing tree-like syntax graphs with secondary edges)
  • RS3 (a format used by RSTTool to annotate documents with Rhetorical Structure Theory)
  • an ad-hoc plain text format for annotating expletives (you’re probably not interested in)


Install from PyPI

pip install discoursegraphs # prepend 'sudo' if needed

or, if you’re oldschool:

easy_install discoursegraphs # prepend 'sudo' if needed

Install from source

git clone https://github.com/arne-cl/discoursegraphs.git
cd discoursegraphs
python setup.py install # prepend 'sudo' if needed


Right now, there’s only a primitive command line interface that will merge the syntax, RST and expletive annotation layers into one graph and generates a dot file from it.

discoursegraphs syntax/doc.xml rst/doc.rs3 expletives/doc.txt doc.dot
dot -Tpdf doc.dot > discoursegraph.pdf # generates a PDF from the dot file

If you’re interested in working with just one of those layers, you’ll have to call the code directly:

from discoursegraphs import readwrite
tiger_docgraph = readwrite.TigerDocumentGraph('syntax/doc.xml')
rst_docgraph = readwrite.RSTGraph('rst/doc.rs3')
expletives_docgraph = readwrite.AnaphoraDocumentGraph('expletives/doc.txt')

All the document graphs generated in this example are derived from the networkx.MultiDiGraph class, so you should be able to use all of its methods.


If you’d like to visualize your graphs, you will also need:


3-Clause BSD.


Arne Neumann

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