Source code for discoursegraphs.readwrite.rst

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Author: Arne Neumann <>

This module converts an RS3 XML file (used by RSTTool to annotate rhetorical
structure) into a networkx-based directed graph (``DiscourseDocumentGraph``).

from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
from lxml import etree
from networkx import write_gpickle

from discoursegraphs import DiscourseDocumentGraph

[docs]class RSTGraph(DiscourseDocumentGraph): """ A directed graph with multiple edges (based on a networkx MultiDiGraph) that represents the rhetorical structure of a document. """ def __init__(self, rs3_filepath): """ Creates an RSTGraph from a RS3 XML file and adds metadata to it (filename of the RS3 file, names and types of allowed RST relations). Parameters ---------- rs3_filepath : str absolute or relative path to the RS3 file to be parsed Attributes ---------- filename : str filename of the RS3 file that was parsed relations : dict of (str, str) dictionary containing all legal RST relations of that file, with relation names as keys (str) and relation types (either 'rst' or 'multinuc') as values (str). segments : list of str list of segment node IDs (i.e. leaf nodes in a RST tree that represent segments of text). tokenized : bool False, if the segments represent untokenized text (default). True, if the segments have been tokenized (after they were imported from an RS3 file) and have outgoing edges to nodes representing tokens. """ # super calls __init__() of base class DiscourseDocumentGraph super(RSTGraph, self).__init__() utf8_parser = etree.XMLParser(encoding="utf-8") rs3_xml_tree = etree.parse(rs3_filepath, utf8_parser) self.filename = os.path.basename(rs3_filepath) self.relations = extract_relationtypes(rs3_xml_tree) self.segments = [] self.tokenized = False self.__rst2graph(rs3_xml_tree) def __rst2graph(self, rs3_xml_tree): """ Reads an RST tree (from an ElementTree representation of an RS3 XML file) and adds all segments (nodes representing text) and groups (nonterminal nodes in an RST tree) as well as the relationships that hold between them (typed edges) to this RSTGraph. Parameters ---------- rs3_xml_tree : lxml.etree._ElementTree lxml ElementTree representation of an RS3 XML file """ rst_xml_root = rs3_xml_tree.getroot() for segment in rst_xml_root.iterfind('./body/segment'): segment_node_id = int(segment.attrib['id']) self.add_node(segment_node_id, layers={'rst', 'rst:segment'}, attr_dict={'rst:text': sanitize_string(segment.text)}) self.segments.append(segment_node_id) if 'parent' in segment.attrib: # node has an outgoing edge, # i.e. segment is in an RST relation parent_node_id = int(segment.attrib['parent']) if parent_node_id not in self: # node not in graph, yet self.add_node(parent_node_id, layers={'rst', 'rst:segment'}) self.add_edge(segment_node_id, parent_node_id, layers={'rst', 'rst:relation'}, relname=segment.attrib['relname']) for group in rst_xml_root.iterfind('./body/group'): group_node_id = int(group.attrib['id']) node_type = group.attrib['type'] if group_node_id in self: # group node already exists self.node[group_node_id].update({'rst:reltype': node_type}) else: self.add_node(group_node_id, layers={'rst', 'rst:segment'}, attr_dict={'rst:reltype': node_type}) if 'parent' in group.attrib: # node has an outgoing edge, i.e. group is not the # topmost element in an RST tree parent_node_id = int(group.attrib['parent']) if parent_node_id not in self: # node not in graph, yet self.add_node(parent_node_id, layers={'rst', 'rst:segment'}) self.add_edge(group_node_id, parent_node_id, layers={'rst', 'rst:relation'}, attr_dict={'rst:relname': group.attrib['relname']}) else: # group node is the root of an RST tree existing_layers = self.node[group_node_id]['layers'] all_layers = existing_layers.union({'rst:root'}) self.node[group_node_id].update({'layers': all_layers})
[docs] def __str__(self): """ string representation of an RSTGraph (contains filename, allowed relations and tokenization status). """ ret_str = 'filename: {}\n'.format(self.filename) ret_str += 'number of segments: {}\n'.format(len(self.segments)) ret_str += 'is tokenized: {}\n'.format(self.tokenized) ret_str += 'allowed relations: {}\n'.format(self.relations) return ret_str
[docs]def extract_relationtypes(rs3_xml_tree): """ extracts the allowed RST relation names and relation types from an RS3 XML file. Parameters ---------- rs3_xml_tree : lxml.etree._ElementTree lxml ElementTree representation of an RS3 XML file Returns ------- relations : dict of (str, str) Returns a dictionary with RST relation names as keys (str) and relation types (either 'rst' or 'multinuc') as values (str). """ relations = {} for rel in rs3_xml_tree.iterfind('//header/relations/rel'): relations[rel.attrib['name']] = rel.attrib['type'] return relations
[docs]def sanitize_string(string_or_unicode): """ remove leading/trailing whitespace and always return unicode. """ if isinstance(string_or_unicode, unicode): return string_or_unicode.strip() else: return string_or_unicode.decode('utf-8').strip()
[docs]def rst_tokenlist(rst_graph): """ extracts all tokens from an RSTGraph. Parameters ---------- rst_graph : RSTGraph a directed graph representing an RST tree Returns ------- all_rst_tokens : tuple of (unicode, str) a list of (str, str) tuples, where the first element is the token and the second one is the segment node ID it belongs to. """ all_rst_tokens = [] for segment_id in rst_graph.segments: segment_tokens = [(token, segment_id) for token in rst_graph.node[segment_id]['rst:text'].split()] all_rst_tokens.extend(segment_tokens) return all_rst_tokens
if __name__ == '__main__': if len(sys.argv) != 3: sys.stderr.write('Usage: {0} RS3_input_file ' 'GraphML_output_file\n'.format(sys.argv[0])) sys.exit(1) else: INPUT_PATH = sys.argv[1] OUTPUT_PATH = sys.argv[2] assert os.path.isfile(INPUT_PATH) RST_GRAPH = RSTGraph(INPUT_PATH) write_gpickle(RST_GRAPH, OUTPUT_PATH)