############################# PYPIView documentation ############################# .. image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/pypiview.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pypiview .. image:: https://pypip.in/d/pypiview/badge.png :target: https://crate.io/packages/pypiview/ .. image:: https://secure.travis-ci.org/cokelaer/pypiview.png :target: http://travis-ci.org/cokelaer/pypiview .. image:: https://coveralls.io/repos/cokelaer/pypiview/badge.png?branch=master :target: https://coveralls.io/r/cokelaer/pypiview?branch=master .. image:: https://landscape.io/github/cokelaer/pypiview/master/landscape.png :target: https://landscape.io/github/cokelaer/pypiview/master .. image:: https://badge.waffle.io/cokelaer/pypiview.png?label=ready&title=Ready :target: https://waffle.io/cokelaer/pypiview **PYPIView** package provides a simple class to plot the number of downloads of a Pypi package (or several). The download counting is perfomed by the `vanity `_ package. The plotting is performed with the `Pandas `_ package. Installation ################### :: pip install pypiview Quick Start ################## Nothing complicated since there is just one class provided. You can look at a single package or several packages. First, we create an instance telling what package we are instereted in:: from pypiview import PYPIView p = PYPIView("requests") Then, we call the plotting method. Here, we use the a logarithm scale because requests package is a popular one:: p.plot(logy=True) .. plot:: :width: 80% from pypiview import PYPIView p = PYPIView("requests") p.plot(logy=True) Alternatively, you can look at several packages at the same time, which is handy for comparison: .. plot:: :width: 80% from pypiview import PYPIView p = PYPIView(["setuptools", "distribute", "requests"]) p.plot(logy=True, lw=1, fontsize=20) **PYPIview** provides also a command line argument called pypiview. Usage is as follows:: pypiview --verbose --logy --lw 2 --fontsize 16 Example:: pypiview requests --verbose --logy --lw 2 --fontsize 16 pypiview setuptools distribute --verbose --logy --lw 2 --fontsize 16 Reference Guide ################## .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 2 :numbered: references