Source code for pynos.versions.ver_7.ver_7_0_0.lldp

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import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from pynos.versions.ver_7.ver_7_0_0.yang.brocade_lldp_ext \
    import brocade_lldp_ext as brcd_lldp
import pynos.utilities
from pynos.versions.base.lldp import LLDP as BaseLLDP

[docs]class LLDP(BaseLLDP): """LLDP class containing LLDP methods and attributes. """ def __init__(self, callback): """LLDP init method. Args: callback (function): Callback function that will be called for each action. Returns: LLDP Object Raises: None """ super(LLDP, self).__init__(callback) self._lldp = brcd_lldp(callback=pynos.utilities.return_xml)
[docs] def neighbors(self, **kwargs): """list[dict]: A list of dictionary items describing the operational state of LLDP. """ urn = "{}" result = [] has_more = '' last_ifindex = '' rbridge_id = None if 'rbridge_id' in kwargs: rbridge_id = kwargs.pop('rbridge_id') while (has_more == '') or (has_more == 'true'): request_lldp = self.get_lldp_neighbors_request(last_ifindex, rbridge_id) lldp_result = self._callback(request_lldp, 'get') has_more = lldp_result.find('%shas-more' % urn).text for item in lldp_result.findall('%slldp-neighbor-detail' % urn): local_int_name = item.find('%slocal-interface-name' % urn).text local_int_mac = item.find('%slocal-interface-mac' % urn).text last_ifindex = item.find( '%slocal-interface-ifindex' % urn).text remote_int_name = item.find( '%sremote-interface-name' % urn).text remote_int_mac = item.find('%sremote-interface-mac' % urn).text remote_chas_id = item.find('%sremote-chassis-id' % urn).text try: remote_sys_name = item.find( '%sremote-system-name' % urn).text except AttributeError: remote_sys_name = '' try: remote_sys_desc = item.find('%sremote-system-description' % urn).text except AttributeError: remote_sys_desc = '' try: remote_mgmt_addr = item.find( '%sremote-management-address' % urn).text except AttributeError: remote_mgmt_addr = '' if 'Fo ' in local_int_name: local_int_name = local_int_name.replace( 'Fo ', 'FortyGigabitEthernet ' ) if 'Te ' in local_int_name: local_int_name = local_int_name.replace( 'Te ', 'TenGigabitEthernet ' ) item_results = {'local-int-name': local_int_name, 'local-int-mac': local_int_mac, 'remote-int-name': remote_int_name, 'remote-int-mac': remote_int_mac, 'remote-chassis-id': remote_chas_id, 'remote-system-name': remote_sys_name, 'remote-system-description': remote_sys_desc, 'remote-management-address': remote_mgmt_addr} result.append(item_results) return result
[docs] def get_lldp_neighbors_request(last_ifindex, rbridge_id): """ Creates a new Netconf request based on the last received or if rbridge_id is specifed ifindex when the hasMore flag is true """ request_lldp = ET.Element( 'get-lldp-neighbor-detail', xmlns="" ) if rbridge_id is not None: rbridge_el = ET.SubElement(request_lldp, "rbridge-id") rbridge_el.text = rbridge_id elif last_ifindex != '': last_received_int = ET.SubElement(request_lldp, "last-rcvd-ifindex") last_received_int.text = last_ifindex return request_lldp