Source code for pynoddy

"""Package initialization file for pynoddy"""
import os.path
import subprocess

# save this module path for relative paths
package_directory = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

# paths to noddy & topology executables
# noddyPath = os.path.join(package_directory,'../noddy/noddy')
# topologyPath = os.path.join(package_directory,'../topology/topology')
noddyPath = os.path.join(package_directory, 'noddy/noddy')
topologyPath = os.path.join(package_directory, 'topology/topology')

# global variables
ensure_discrete_volumes = True  # if True, spatially separated but otherwise
# identical volumes are given separate codes.
null_volume_threshold = 20  # volumes smaller than this are ignored
# completely (as they represent pixelation artefacts).

# ensure correct noddy & topology builds are present
if not os.path.exists(noddyPath) and not os.path.exists(noddyPath + ".exe"):
    print("Error: could not find a compiled version of noddy at %s. \
    Please ensure the source has been compiled (using GCC and compile.bat \
    (windows) or (unix))." % noddyPath)
if not os.path.exists(topologyPath) and not os.path.exists(topologyPath + ".exe"):
    print("Warning: could not find a compiled version of topology at %s. \
    Please ensure the source has been compiled (using GCC and compile.bat\
     (windows) or (unix))." % topologyPath)

# Some helper functions are defined directly here:

[docs]def compute_model(history, output_name, **kwds): """Call Noddy and compute the history file **Arguments**: - *history* = string : filename of history file - *output_name* = string : basename for output files **Optional Keywords**: - *sim_type* = 'BLOCK', 'GEOPHYSICS', 'SURFACES', 'BLOCK_GEOPHYS', 'TOPOLOGY', 'BLOCK_SURFACES', 'ALL': type of Noddy simulation (default: 'BLOCK') - *program_name* = string : name of program (default: noddy.exe or noddy, both checked) - *verbose* = bool: verbose mode, print out information for debugging (default = False) **Returns**: -Returns any text outputted by the noddy executable. """ sim_type = kwds.get("sim_type", 'BLOCK') if kwds.has_key("verbose") and kwds['verbose']: out = "Running noddy exectuable at %s(.exe)\n" % noddyPath else: out = "" try: # try running .exe file (windows only) out += subprocess.Popen([noddyPath + ".exe", history, output_name, sim_type], shell=False, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError: # obviously not running windows - try just the binary out += subprocess.Popen([noddyPath, history, output_name, sim_type], shell=False, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) # Thought: Is there any reason compute_topology should not be called here if sim_type == "TOPOLOGY"??? # It could simplify things a lot.... return out
[docs]def compute_topology(rootname, **kwds): """Call the topology executable to compute a models topology. **Arguments**: - *rootname* = string : rootname of the noddy model to calculate topology for **Optional Keywords**: - *ensure_discrete_volumes* = True if topological units are broken down into separate, spatially continuous volumes. Otherwise some topological units may represent two separate rock volumes (eg. if a folded unit has been truncated by an unconformity). Default is True, though this is a global variable (pynoddy.ensure_discrete_volumes) so it can be changed during runtime. - *null_volume_threshold* = The smallest non-null volume. volumes smaller than this are ignored by the topology algorithm (as they represent pixelation artefacts). The default is 20 voxels, though this is a global variable and can be changed with pynoddy.null_volume_threshold. **Returns** -Returns any text outputted by the topology executable, including errors. """ dvol = kwds.get('ensure_discrete_volumes', ensure_discrete_volumes) nvt = kwds.get('null_volume_threshold', null_volume_threshold) # convert to string if dvol: dvol = "1" else: dvol = "0" out = "Running topology exectuable at %s(.exe)\n" % topologyPath try: # try running .exe file (windows only) out = subprocess.Popen([topologyPath + ".exe", rootname, dvol, str(nvt)], shell=False, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) except OSError: # obviously not running windows - try just the binary out = subprocess.Popen([topologyPath, rootname, dvol, str(nvt)], shell=False, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE) return out