The following functions are available through the pynhost/api.py module:


send_string(string_to_send, delay=0)

Type a string of characters. Special keypresses are surrounded by curly braces and combined through addition signs, such as {ctrl+alt+del} or {ctrl+f}apples{enter}. Use a second consecutive curly brace as an escape character to type a literal curly brace.

from pynhost import grammarbase, api

class AdditionGrammar(grammarbase.GrammarBase):
    def __init__(self):
        self.mapping = {
            '<num> plus <num>': self.add,

    def add(self, words):
        sum = int(words[0]) + int(words[2])
        api.send_string('Sum is:{enter}' + sum)


mouse_move(x=None, y=None, relative=True)

Move the mouse to a given x, y cordinate. If relative is true, move the mouse relative to its currently location. Otherwise, move the mouse to an absolute position.

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