
method class parent truncated documentation
Install ModuleInstall
IsInstalled ModuleInstall checks if a module is installed
__cmp__ ModuleInstall to sort modules
__init__ ModuleInstall constructor
__lt__ ModuleInstall overload operator
__str__ ModuleInstall usual
as_dict ModuleInstall returns the members in a dictionary
copy ModuleInstall copy the module, if version is not None, change the version number
download ModuleInstall download the module without installation
get_exewheel_url_link ModuleInstall for windows, get the url of the setup using a webpage
get_exewheel_url_link_xd ModuleInstall for windows, get the url of the setup using a webpage
get_installated_numeric_version ModuleInstall returns the version as number (not string)
get_installed_version ModuleInstall return the version of the installed package
get_pypi_numeric_version ModuleInstall returns the version of a package in pypi
get_pypi_version ModuleInstall returns the version of a package on pypi
has_update ModuleInstall tells if the package has a newer version on pipy
install ModuleInstall install the package
is_installed ModuleInstall tells if a module is installed
unzipfiles ModuleInstall unzip files from a zip archive
update ModuleInstall update the package if necessary, we use